For a manager, which should take priority- the job task or the employees performing the job?

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which term best describes the process of obtaining, deploying, and utilizing a variety of essential resources to contribute to an organization’s success?

A) planning B) organizing C) staffing D) management

2. Which title is given to an individual who is in charge of and coordinates the activities of a group of employees engaged in related activities within a unit of an organization?

A) manager B) employee C) vender D) contractor

3. Which management function involves setting goals and objectives and creating specific plans for completing them?

A) planning B) organizing C) controlling D) leading

4. Which level of management is responsible for establishing a vision for the organization, developing broad plans and strategies, and directing subordinate managers?

A) first level managers B) middle managers C) executive managers D) second level managers

9. The ability of a manager to interface and work effectively with individuals and groups is descriptive of what type of managerial skill?

A) technical B) administrative C) interpersonal D) organizational

10. By exceeding the monthly marketing budget set for a company, a manager would fail to meet which type of performance measure?

A) quantity B) quality and workmanship C) cost and budget control D) customer satisfaction

11. If a manager leads a team to exceed their monthly goal of new clients, which type of performance results have they attained?

A) quantity B) quality and workmanship C) cost and budget control D) customer satisfaction

12. For a manager, which should take priority- the job task or the employees performing the job?

A) The job task always takes priority over employees. B) Employees always take priority over the job task. C) Neither, a manager should balance interest in the job task with the needs of the employees performing the job. D) Neither, administration of the business takes priority over the job task and the employees.

13. Economic uncertainty, regulatory requirements, and new competitors are examples of what type of factors that affect managers?

A) int rapersonal factors B) internal factors C) interpersonal factors D) external factors

14. Which management function involves measuring results, comparing results to expectations, and taking corrective action?

A) planning B) organizing C) leading D) controlling

15. Which type of issues are first level managers routinely influenced by?

A) long range issues B) short range issues C) strategic issues D) shareholder issues

16. Which of the following characterize a manager as being effective?

A) They use a minimum amount of resources for the amount of outputs produced. B) They devote a large amount of time to planning. C) They achieve their goals. D) They interview, select, and train people who are most suitable to fill open jobs.

17. Which of the following characterize a manager as being efficient?

A) They use a minimum amount of resources for the amount of outputs produced. B) The devote a large amount of time to planning C) They achieve their goals. D) They interview, select, and train people who are most suitable to fill open jobs.

22. Which part of the management process includes measuring results, comparing results to expectations, and taking corrective action to bring results in to line?

A) planning B) organizing C) leading D) controlling

23. Which influential thought leader is known for his common sense approach to self- improvement as demonstrated through the book he authored, How to Win Friends and Influence People?

A) Dale Carnegie B) Frederick W. Taylor C) W. Edwards Deming D) Steven Covey

24. Which influential thought leader is known as the father of scientific management?

A) Dale Carnegie B) Frederick W. Taylor C) W. Edwards Deming D) Peter F. Drucker

25. The term “core competency,” was coined by which of the following influential business thinkers?

A) W. Edwards Deming B) C. Prahalad C) Ken Blanchard D) Frederick W. Taylor

26. Which influential thought leader is known for his theory on organizational forms?

A) John Maxwell B) Tom J. Peters C) Henry Mintzberg D) John P. Kotter

21 B

22 D

23 A

24 B

24 B

26 C

What are the responsibilities of a manager?

The manager's functions are many and varied, including:.
Hiring and staffing..
Training new employees..
Coaching and developing existing employees..
Dealing with performance problems and terminations..
Supporting problem resolution and decision-making..
Conducting timely performance evaluations..

What is the one thing your manager should focus on to be more effective?

One of the most important parts of being an effective manager is successfully creating goals and communicating expectations to team members. Managers should focus on creating SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound) goals for their teams.

What should my manager start doing to be more effective?

Identify the most important behaviors for great managers at your organization. ... .
Build trust. ... .
Be a true collaborator. ... .
Make employee recognition your ritual. ... .
Rethink how you promote your people. ... .
Flip the traditional performance process..

What do you think are the most important things a manager does is how a manager does these things also important Why or why not?

The most important thing a manager does is motivate employees towards completion of company goals and higher efficiency. How a manager goes about this is also key because there could be room for improvement.