During which phase of the cardiac cycle do the coronary arteries fill quizlet?

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Terms in this set (57)

Oxygen-poor blood enters which chamber of the heart?

Right atrium

The right atrioventricular valve is also called the

tricuspid valve

The only arteries in the body that carry oxygen-poor blood are the coronary arteries.


Left ventricular contraction propels blood through which valve?

Aortic valve

How many pulmonary veins are there?


Which of the following is not true for ventricular systole?

The ventricles relax

The ventricles begin to fill during ventricular diastole.


The semilunar valves close during

ventricular diastole

The atrioventricular valves open during

ventricular diastole

The ventricles begin to fill during ventricular diastole.


Atrial contraction accounts for most of the ventricular filling.


During which event of the cardiac cycle does aortic pressure reach its maximum?

Ventricular ejection

During which event of the cardiac cycle do the atria both relax and contract?

Ventricular filling

During which event of the cardiac cycle do both the atria and ventricles relax?

Isovolumetric relaxation

The audible heart sounds are caused by the contraction of the atria and ventricles.


The P wave of the ECG coincides with ventricular filling.


Put the pattern of circulation into the correct order, beginning with the pulmonary circulation.

1. Blood leaves the right side of the heart.

2. Blood enters the pulmonary arteries and travels to the lungs.

3. Blood enters the pulmonary veins.

4. Blood enters the left side of the heart.

5. Blood enters the systemic arteries.

6. Blood delivers oxygen to the tissues, and then enters systemic veins.

Unidirectional flow in the heart is ensured because the heart contains __________ that prevent backflow.


Which of the following is the region of the thoracic cavity where the heart is located?


Label the structures of the pericardium in the figure.

Check all that are a function of the pericardium.

Prevent the heart from bouncing in the thoracic cavity.

Prevent the heart from overfilling with blood.

Create a near-frictionless environment through the production of serous fluid.

The sulcus that separates the atria from the ventricles is the ____________ sulcus.


Label the internal anatomy of the heart.

In the right atrium, the auricle and anterior wall exhibit obvious muscular ridges called

pectinate muscles

The specific valve that prevents backflow of blood into the right ventricle when the ventricles relax is the ______________ valve.


Match the heart valve with its description.

1. Tricuspid valve.
2. Bicuspid valve
3. Aortic semilunar valve
4. Pulmonary semilunar valve.

Label the coronary arteries in an anterior view of the heart.

Check all that are characteristics of cardiac muscle.

Cells are short and branching.

Cells have one or two nuclei in the center of the cell.

They are composed of thick and thin filaments.

The functional contractile unit is the sarcomere.

Place the locations of the heart's conducting system in order, beginning with the location where the heartbeat is initiated.

1. Sinoatrial (SA) node.
2. Atrioventricular (AV) node.
3. Atrioventricular (AV) bundle.
4. Left and right bundle branches.
5. Purkinje fibers

Put the steps of the cardiac cycle into the correct order, starting with the beginning of the cardiac cycle.

1. Atrial contraction and ventricular filling.
2. Isovolumetric contraction.
3. Ventricular ejection.
4. Isovolumetric relaxation.
5. Atrial relaxation and ventricular filling.

Check all that occur during ventricular systole.

The semilunar valves open to allow blood to flow into the large arteries.

The AV valves close to prevent backflow of blood into the atria.

Check all of the ways in which the heart chambers are involved in pulmonary circulation.

Oxygenated blood enters the left atrium.

The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

Pulmonary veins pass blood into the left atrium whereas pulmonary arteries carry blood away from the right ventricle.

Correctly label the following external anatomy of the anterior heart.

Correctly label the following external anatomy of the anterior heart.

Correctly label the following external anatomy of the posterior heart.

Correctly label the following external anatomy of the posterior heart.

Correctly label the pathway of blood flow through the heart, beginning with the right atrium.

Correctly label the pathway for the cardiac conduction system.

Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct. Not all terms will be used.

The SA node SPONTANEOUSLY fires at regular intervals.

This is because the cells of the SA node do not have a stable RESTING membrane potential like skeletal muscles or neurons.

Their membrane potential starts at about -60 mV and drifts upward.

This upward drift towards a gradual DEPOLARIZATION is called the pacemaker potential.

This results from a slow inflow of Na+ without a compensating outflow of K+

Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct. Not all terms will be used.

When atrial pressure is greater than ventricular pressure, the AV valves open.

When ventricular pressure rises above atrial pressure, the blood in the ventricle pushes the AV valves CLOSED.

In the SL valves, when the pressure in the VENTRICLES is greater than the pressure in the arteries, the SL valves are forced open.

When ventricular pressure is lower than ATREIAL pressure, arterial blood holds the SL valves closed.

Classify the following images into the phase of the cardiac cycle they represent.


Drag each statement to the appropriate position to identify the valve being described.

Indicate whether each structure is part of the systemic or pulmonary circuit.

Indicate the heart chamber responsible for the given function.

Drag each label into the appropriate position to characterize the events of a single heart cycle as seen on an EKG tracing.

Complete each sentence by dragging the labels to the appropriate blanks. Then place each sentence in a logical order beginning with blood entering the right side of the heart.

1. The contraction of the heart begins with autorhythmic depolarization of the SINOATRIAL node located in the superior portion of the posterior atrial wall.

2. From the PACEMAKER, the wave of depolarization disperses through the myocardium of the atria.

3. Depolarization then arrives at the ATRIOVENTRICULAR node located in the inferior interatrial septum.

4. The AV node fires causing the signal to travel into the AV BUNDLE BRANCHES as it passes through the INTERVENTRICULAR SEPTUM.

5. Making a U-turn at the apex of the heart, the signals are then carried by the PURKINJE FIBERS through the exterior walls of the ventricles.

Place the heart wall structures in the order you would find them, beginning with the most superficial one first.

1. Fibrous layer of the pericardial sac.

2. Serous layer of the pericardial sac.

3. Pericardial cavity.

4. Epicardium

5. Myocardium

6. Endocardium

The wall of the __________ is much thicker than any other chamber in the heart which allows for stronger contractions to pump blood through the systemic circulation.

left ventricle

Match the vessel with its associated chamber.

1. Inferior and superior vena cava -- Right atrium

2. Pulmonary trunk -- Right ventricle

3. Pulmonary veins -- Left atrium

4. Aorta -- Left ventricle

Match the component of the electrocardiogram to the correct definition.

1. P wave -- Atrial depolarization

2. QRS complex -- Ventricular depolarization

3. T wave -- Ventricular repolarization

4. PQ segment -- Atrial contraction or atrial systole

5. ST segment -- Ventricular contraction or ventricular systole

Action potentials are carried by the Purkinje fibers from the bundle branches to the ventricular walls.


The action potential travels along the interventricular septum to the apex of the heart, where it then spreads superiorly along the ventricular walls.


The sequence of travel by an action potential through the heart is

sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, atrioventricular bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers.

In the heart, an action potential originates in the

sinoatrial node

Which of the following is true concerning the heart conduction system?

Action potentials pass slowly through the atrioventricular node.

What are the primary blood vessel types and their functions? Check all that apply.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart.

Veins carry blood back to the heart.

Capillaries are the sites of exchange between the blood and the lungs or body cells.

Match the specific area of the heart on the left side supplied by the coronary artery branch on the right.

1. Anterior interventricular
2. Posterior interventricular
3. Marginal
4. Circumflex

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At what stage of the cardiac cycle does blood flow into the coronary arteries?

Thus, coronary blood flow occurs mostly during diastole, and the driving pressure gradient is the difference between mean diastolic pressure in the aortic root and mean right atrial pressure, which—during diastole, when the atrioventricular valves are open—is more or less equal to right and left ventricular pressure.

What is the filling phase of the heart called?

The period of relaxation is called diastole in which the ventricle fills with blood and the period of ventricle contraction is called systole. Fig. 4.4 shows the cardiac cycle events for the left pump of the heart for two complete cycles.

Where does coronary circulation begin and end quizlet?

Terms in this set (37) The heart is supplied by two coronary arteries: Right and Left which arise from the root of the ascending aorta. It tranverses the AV sulcus to the back of the heart and gives out several descending branches to both the ventricles. It terminates by anastamosing with the left coronary artery.

During which phase of the heartbeat does the heart fill with blood quizlet?

Diastole: The phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscles relax and allows the chambers to fill with blood.