C+ was ist der unterschied von qapplication und qcoreapplication

Only one object of this class can be instantiated in a single app. This instance is always accessible via the 'KApplication.kApplication()' global variable.

This class provides the following services to all KDE applications.

  • It controls the event queue (see QApplication ).
  • It provides the application with KDE resources such as
  • accelerators, common menu entries, a KConfig object. session management events, help invocation etc.
  • Installs an empty signal handler for the SIGPIPE signal.
  • If you want to catch this signal yourself, you have set a new signal handler after KApplication's constructor has run.
  • It can start new services
  • Controls and provides information to all KDE applications.

    Method Documentation

    __init__( self,bool GUIenabled=1)

    This constructor is the one you should use. It takes aboutData and command line arguments from KCmdLineArgs.

    Parameters:GUIenabled Set to false to disable all GUI stuff. Note that for a non-GUI daemon, you might want to use QCoreApplication and a KComponentData instance instead. The main difference will be that you'll have to register to DBus yourself, but there is no point in a kdeui dependency in a non-GUI daemon.

    Constructor. Parses command-line arguments. Use this constructor when you you need to use a non-default visual or colormap.

    Parameters:display Will be passed to Qt as the X display. The display must be valid and already opened.visual A pointer to the X11 visual that should be used by the application. Note that only TrueColor visuals are supported on depths greater than 8 bpp. If this parameter is NULL, the default visual will be used instead.colormap The colormap that should be used by the application. If this parameter is 0, the default colormap will be used instead.

    __init__( self,Display display,SIP_PYLIST list,QByteArray rAppName,bool GUIenabled=1)

    Constructor. Parses command-line arguments. Use this constructor to use KApplication in a Motif or Xt program.

    Parameters:display Will be passed to Qt as the X display. The display must be valid and already opened.argc command line argument countargv command line argument value(s)rAppName application name. Will be used for finding the associated message files and icon files, and as the default registration name for DCOP. This is a mandatory parameter.GUIenabled Set to false to disable all GUI stuff.

    Internal:Used by KUniqueApplication

    Internal:Used by KUniqueApplication

    __init__( self,bool a0,bool a1)

    Check whether an auto-save file exists for the document you want to open.

    Parameters:pFilename The full path to the document you want to open.bRecover This gets set to true if there was a recover file.Returns:The full path of the file to open.

    Internal:Used only by KStartupId.

    Reimplemented for internal purposes, mainly the highlevel handling of session management with KSessionManager.


    disableSessionManagement(self )

    Disables session management for this application.

    Useful in case your application is started by the initial "startkde" script.

    enableSessionManagement(self )

    Enables session management for this application, formerly disabled by calling disableSessionManagement(). You usually shouldn't call this function, as session management is enabled by default.

    Get the X11 display

    Returns:the X11 Display

    iceIOErrorHandler( self,_IceConn conn)

    installX11EventFilter( self,QWidget filter)

    Installs widget filter as global X11 event filter.

    The widget filter receives XEvents in its standard QWidget.x11Event() function.

    Warning: Only do this when absolutely necessary. An installed X11 filter can slow things down.

    Returns the current application object.

    This is similar to the global QApplication pointer qApp. It allows access to the single global KApplication object, since more than one cannot be created in the same application. It saves you the trouble of having to pass the pointer explicitly to every function that may require it.

    Returns:the current application object

    removeX11EventFilter( self,QWidget filter)

    Removes global X11 event filter previously installed by installX11EventFilter().

    reparseConfiguration(self )

    Reimplemented for internal purposes, mainly the highlevel handling of session management with KSessionManager.


    Session management asks you to save the state of your application.

    This signal is provided for compatibility only. For new applications, simply use KMainWindow. By reimplementing KMainWindow.queryClose(), KMainWindow.saveProperties() and KMainWindow.readProperties() you can simply handle session management for applications with multiple toplevel windows.

    For purposes without KMainWindow, create an instance of KSessionManager and reimplement the functions KSessionManager.commitData() and/or KSessionManager.saveState()

    If you still want to use this signal, here is what you should do:

    Connect to this signal in order to save your data. Do NOT manipulate the UI in that slot, it is blocked by the session manager.

    Use the sessionConfig() KConfig object to store all your instance specific data.

    Do not do any closing at this point! The user may still select Cancel wanting to continue working with your application. Cleanups could be done after aboutToQuit().

    Signal syntax:QObject.connect(source, SIGNAL("saveYourself()"), target_slot)

    Returns the application session config object.

    Returns:A pointer to the application's instance specific KConfig object.See also:KConfig

    Returns true if the application is currently saving its session data (most probably before KDE logout). This is intended for use mainly in KMainWindow.queryClose() and KMainWindow.queryExit().

    See also:KMainWindow.queryCloseSee also:KMainWindow.queryExit

    Internal:Sets a new value for the application startup notification window property for newly created toplevel windows.Parameters:startup_id the startup notification identifierSee also:KStartupInfo.setNewStartupId

    setSynchronizeClipboard( self,bool synchronize)

    Sets how the primary and clipboard selections are synchronized in an X11 environment

    setTopWidget( self,QWidget topWidget)

    Sets the top widget of the application. This means basically applying the right window caption. An application may have several top widgets. You don't need to call this function manually when using KMainWindow.

    Parameters:topWidget A top widget of the application.See also:icon(), caption()

    Returns the app startup notification identifier for this running application.

    Returns:the startup notification identifier

    Get a file name in order to make a temporary copy of your document.

    Parameters:pFilename The full path to the current file of your document.Returns:A new filename for auto-saving.

    updateRemoteUserTimestamp( self,QString service,int time=0)

    Updates the last user action timestamp to the given time, or to the current time, if 0 is given. Do not use unless you're really sure what you're doing. Consult focus stealing prevention section in kdebase/kwin/README.