Being honest, truthful, and grateful in doing the review of related literature is practicing

Top 10 Questions for a Complete Literature Review

Literature review tipsManuscript drafting tipsThesis & dissertation


Table of Contents

  • Top 10 Questions for a Complete Literature Review
  • 20 Multiple Choice Questions on Literature Review
  • 1. A literature review is best described as a) a list of relevant articles and other published materialyou have read about your topic, describing the content ofeach sourceb) an internet search for articles describing researchrelevant to your topic criticizing the methodology andreliability of the findingsc) an evaluative overview of what is known about a topic,based on published research and theoretical accounts.which serves as a basis for future research or policydecisionsd) an essay looking at the theoretical background to yourresearch study2. A literature review isa) conducted after you have decided upon your researchquestionb) helps in the formulation of your research aim andresearch questionc) is the last thing to be written in your research reportd) is not part of a research proposal3. Choose the best answer. Which is the most reliablesource of information for your literature review?Aa) TV documentaryb) newspaper articlec) peer reviewed research articled) relevant chapter from a textbook4. Which is not a reason for accurate referencing inyour literature review?a) Accurate referencing is needed so that tutors can followup your sources and check that you have reported themaccuratelyb) Accurate referencing is needed so that researchers whoread your work are alerted to source that might be helpfulfor themc) Referencing shows that you go to the library when notin lecturesd) Accurate referencing is required because it is anacademic convention5. The review of related literature allows us toidentify the questions that are still needed to be answeredregarding a research topic. Which of the following rolesof RRL does this refer to? Thea) RRL leads to definitions of problems, selection ofmethods, and interpretation of findings.b) RRL reports contribution of others to the study,c) RRL states the stand of the researcher on conflictingviews relative to the studyd) RRL provides sources of significant problems.​
  • C _1. A literature review is best described as: A. A list of relevant articles and other published material you have read about your topic, describing thecontent of each sourceB. An internet search for articles describing research relevant to your topic criticizing the methodology andreliability of the findingsC. An evaluative overview of what is known about a topic, based on published research and theoreticalaccounts, which serves as a basis for future research or policy decisionsD. An essay looking at the theoretical background to your research study2. Choose the best answer. A literature review isA. Conducted after you have decided upon your research questionB. Helps in the formulation of your research aim and the research questionC. Is the last thing to be written in your research reportD. Is not part of a research proposal3. One important factor while doing a research when avoiding plagiarism.A. Research SamplingC. Establishing ReliabilityB. Citing SourcesD. Establishing Validity4. It is more commonly used when writing research topics in Arts and Humanities.A. MLAB. APAC. Chicago manual StyleD. All of these5. It is a way of telling readers that certain material in your work came from another source.A. Introduction B. DiscussionC. CitationD. Conclusion6. What do you call the combining of two or more sources of information to form a new information?A. AnalyzingB. Synthesizing C. EvaluatingD. Applying7. What information should be gathered in doing synthesis?A. The SummaryC. Each and every informationB. The most relevantD. Part of the information8. What referencing style that is also called "author date"?A. American Psychological Association (APA)B. Modern Language Association of America (MLA)C. Chicago Manual StyleD. All of the above9. Why is it important for a researcher to review the literature?A. Because it is part of the research contentB. Because it identifies like-minded researchersC. Because it will find anyone has done the work beforeD. None of these10.Being honest, truthful and grateful in doing the review of related literature is practicing:A. EthicsB. Cut and paste C. IndividualismD. Smartness11. It is a form of research misconduct.A. Discrimination B. Insubordination C. Plagiarism D. Theft12. You were given the task to keep the survey questionnaires answered by senior high studentsof Dauin National High School. You must;A. Show the answered questionnaires to your parentsB. Tell your friends about itC. Ensure confidentialityD. Let your teachers know about it13. She identified the styles or approaches of RRL (Review of Related Literature) to be applied inconducting research study.A. JeanB. Ridley C. RaileyD. Remy14. What does "systemic" means?A. Methodological B. MethodicalC. Technical D. Practical​

Reading time

4 minutes

By Dr. Shweta Murudkar

published on

Feb 7, 2022

Views 54,860

An excellent literature review integrates information in such a way that it provides a new framework to build upon. It is a way of contextualizing your work and showcasing a bigger picture before you pin down to your research problem. It not only highlights principle issues in your field but also provides new perspectives on the research topic. Careful skimming of literature introduces the readers to relevant terminologies frequently used in context of their work. Literature review assists in recognizing related research findings and relevant theories. Furthermore, it aids in pinpointing the methodologies that one may adopt for research.

20 Multiple Choice Questions on Literature Review

1. Literature is a

Written Record

Published Record

Unpublished Record

All of these

2. Which method of literature review involves a non-statistical method to present data having the feature of systematic Method too?

Narrative Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review

3. Comparisons of non-statistical variables are performed under which method of literature review?

Narrative Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review

4. Literature review is not similar to

Annotated Bibliography



All of these

5. APA Style, MLA Style, Chicago Manual, Blue Book, OSCOLA are famously known as

Citation Manuals


Abbreviation Manuals


6. Literature collected is reviewed and preferably arranged




None of these

7. Literature collected for review includes

Primary and Secondary Sources

Secondary and Tertiary Sources

Primary and Tertiary Sources

None of these

8. Literature includes

Previous Studies

Scholarly publications

Research Findings

All of these

9. No time frame is set to collect literature in which of the following method of compiling reviews?

Traditional Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review

10. Which method of the literature review is more reliable for drawing conclusions of each individual researcher for new conceptualizations and interpretations?

Narrative Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review

11. The main purpose of finalization of research topics and sub-topics is

Collection of Literature

Collection of Questions

Collection of Statistics

Collection of Responses

12. Literature review is basically to bridge the gap between

Newly established facts

Previously established facts

Facts established time to time

Previous to current established facts

13. The last step in writing the literature review is

Developing a Final Essay

Developing a Coherent Essay

Developing a Collaborated Essay

Developing a Coordinated Essay

14. The primary purpose of literature review is to facilitate detailed background of

Present Studies

Previous studies

Future Studies

None of these

15. Narrative Literature Review method is also known as

Advanced Method

Scientific Method

Traditional Method

Systematic Method

16. Which method of literature review starts with formulating research questions?

Narrative Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review

17. Which method of literature review involves application of clinical approach based on a specific subject.

Narrative Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review

18. Which literature review involves timeline based collection of literature for review

Narrative Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review

19. Which method of literature review involves application of statistical approach?

Narrative Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review

20. Which literature review method involves conclusions in numeric/statistical form?

Narrative Method

Systematic Method

Meta-Analysis Method of Literature Review

Meta-Synthesis Method of Literature Review


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