At which stage of the organizational buying decision process would a firm select a supplier negotiate terms and award a contract?

The decision process by which business buyers determine which products and services their organizations need to purchase and then find, evaluate, and choose among alternative suppliers and brands is: a) situational analysis b) business buying process c) business diversification d) business process automation

b) business buying process

Business buyer behavior refers to the: A) buying behavior of consumers who buy goods & services for personal consumption B) buying behavior of the organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of other products & services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others

B) buying behavior of the organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of other products & services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others

Which is NOT part of the business market? A) Kruger Group sells interior security systems to resorts. B) A country club buys safety equipment for its swimming pool. C) Sue shops for her family's groceries at the local Whole Foods store.

C) Sue shops for her family's groceries at the local Whole Foods store.

Business markets are similar to consumer markets-how?: . A) the nature of the buying unit is the same for both B) the decision processes involved in both the markets are same C) both involve people who assume buying roles & make purchase decisions to satisfy needs

C) both involve people who assume buying roles & make purchase decisions to satisfy needs

The business marketer normally deals with ________ than the consumer marketer does. A) far fewer but far larger buyers B) far more but far smaller buyers C) negligible customer complaints D) far less fluctuations in demands

a) far fewer but far larger buyers

Company produces insulin, a product with/very stable demand. Despite price change several times past 2 years, the demand has remained relatively unaffected. In this instance, the demand for insulin reps x demand. A) latent B) negative C) inelastic D) derived

In business markets with inelastic demand ________. A) the total demand for products is not much affected by short-term price changes B) buyers are highly sensitive to price changes C) derived demand is absent

a) the total demand for products is not much affected by short-term price changes

A university enrolled 200 graduate students last fall However, the enrollment rate was only slightly affected following a 12-percent hike in tuition the following fall. This illustrates ________ demand. A) derived B) negative C) highly elastic D) composite E) inelastic

Business demand that ultimately comes from the demand for consumer goods is known as ________ demand. A) derived B) negative C) primary D) consumer

Green Bees, will perform in Berlin in XMAS. There is high demand for tickets among fans. In this instance, the high demand for tickets for the Green Bees concert is representative of x demand. A) primary B) negative C) derived

Demand for outboard motors depends on consumers purchasing fishing boats. This is an example of ________ demand. A) primary B) composite C) derived D) elastic

Jeremy's, a handbag manufacturer in Lower Manhattan, procures a large stock of leather in anticipation of brisk sales of handbags during December. This is an example of a(n) ________ demand. A) composite B) derived C) primary

Which is true about business purchases? A) Business purchases involve more professional purchasing effort than consumer purchases. B) Business purchases involve fewer participants in decision-making compared to consumer purchases.

A) Business purchases involve more professional purchasing effort than consumer purchases

________ involves systematically developing networks of supplier-partners to ensure a dependable supply of products and materials for use in making products or reselling them to others. A) Supplier development B) Business buying C) Supplier quality assurance

The owners of a manufacturing firm have developed a core network of suppliers to ensure an uninterrupted supply of products. This is an example of ________. A) capability management B) a supply bottleneck C) asset management D) backsourcing E) supplier development

The demand for Alpha Stampings' products is ultimately based on the demand for new automobiles in the consumer market. This is an example of ________ demand. A) negative B) latent C) primary D) derived E) composite

A ________ creates a long-term relationship in which the supplier promises to resupply the buyer as needed at agreed prices for a set time period. A) blanket contract B) request for proposal C) supplier proposal D) change order

In which stage of the business buying process does a buyer ask users to rate their satisfaction with the supplied materials? A) problem recognition B) performance review C) supplier search D) supplier selection

A manager at factory, wanted his subordinates to rate their satisfaction about the new pistons that arrived last month based on strength/ease of handling. Which of the following is evident here? A) order-routine specifications B) supplier selection C) performance review

Under x, buyers share sales and inventory information directly with key suppliers who monitor and replenish the buyer's stock automatically as needed. A) supplier selection B) proposal solicitation C) general need specification D) vendor-managed inventory

d) vendor-managed inventory

________ refers to purchasing through electronic connections between buyers and sellers—usually online. A) E-procurement B) General need specification C) Strategic sourcing D) Proposal solicitation

SkyWalk Aeronautics Limited received orders for 25 cargo air carriers through its Web site in 2013. This is an example of ________. A) order-routine specification B) supplier selection C) e-procurement D) proposal solicitation

In ________, companies put their purchasing requests online and invite suppliers to bid for the business. A) product specification B) supplier search C) reverse auctions D) procurement

Which of the following is LEAST likely a characteristic of business-to-business e-procurement? A) greater access to new suppliers B) lower purchasing costs C) quick order processing and delivery D) an increase in the derived demand

D) an increase in derived demand

Which is true w/regard to e-procurement? A) E-procurement has significantly declined in recent years. B) Typically, business marketers do not favor e-procurement as it offers them little benefit. C) E-procurement hastens order processing and delivery.

C) E-procurement hastens (quickly moves) order processing and delivery.

Which can help a company create direct procurement accounts with suppliers, through which company buyers can purchase equipment, materials, and supplies directly? A) backsourcing B) extranet C) company blog D) reverse auction

Which is true about b-b e-procurement? A) E-procurement increases transaction costs for suppliers. B) Many buyers now use the power of the Internet to pit suppliers against each other & search out better deals, products, etc.

B) Many buyers now use the power of the Internet to pit suppliers against each other & search out better deals, products, etc. 

web --improve sales force effectiveness/facilitate sharing of expertise. allows retailers to connect & seek managerial/marketing advice. allows Pace retailers to ask suppliers about product usage, deliveries, warranties, + send new-product info directly to the retailers. They are facilitating communication thru

Sail Metalworks Inc. is currently looking for the best vendors of metal sheets. In other words, Sail Metalworks is ________. A) preparing a general needs description B) deciding on product specification C) conducting a supplier search D) preparing an order-routing specification

C) conducting a supplier search

Buying Center @ Kid's World, are drawing up a list of desired supplier attributes/relative importance. Next, intend to compare proposals to attributes. which step of the business buying process ? A) general needs description B) proposal solicitation C) supplier selection

Sage Hospitals, a nonprofit, provides healthcare to the people in the Midwest. Management at Sage is involved in the ________ market. A) government B) consumer C) wholesale D) institutional E) resell

A(n) ________ controls the flow of information to others in the buying center. A) user B) influencer C) buyer D) decider E) gatekeeper

The management's directive to reduce the number of steel suppliers refers to the influence of ________ factors affecting the business buying behavior of Alpha. A) political B) organizational C) interpersonal D) individual E) cultural

t or f- In the business buying process, business buyers determine which products and services their organizations need to purchase.

t or f- The main differences between business and consumer markets are in market structure and demand, the nature of the buying unit, and the types of decisions and the decision process involved.

T or F- The business marketer normally deals with far fewer but far larger buyers than the consumer marketer does.

t or f- The demand for many business goods tends to change more slowly than the demand for consumer goods. 

t or f- Derived demand refers to the business demand that ultimately comes from the demand for consumer goods.

t or f- Business demand ultimately derives from the demand for consumer goods

t or f- In the business buying process, the buyer and seller are relatively less dependent on each other.

t or f- Within the organization, buying activity consists of two major parts: the buying center and the buying decision process.

Company has standardized the size of paper bags so that each bag can be used in 5-7 diff store depts. In the bb process, this approach to cost reduction most likely took place in the x stage. A) problem recognition B) general needs description C) product specification

The ________ market consists of schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and the like that provide goods and services to people in their care. A) government B) consumer C) wholesale D) for-profit E) institutional

All of the following organizations are likely part of the institutional market EXCEPT ________. A) LaGrange Community Hospital B) Worthampshire Prison C) Lancaster Real Estate Company D) Nursing Home E) Community College

C) Lancaster Real Estate Company

Which of the following plays the most important role in government buying? A) price B) product differentiation C) advertising D) personal selling

Total government spending is determined by ________. A) legal treatises B) marketing efforts C) elected officials D) court rulings E) technology needs

________ refers to a business buying situation in which the buyer purchases a product or service for the first time. A) Modified rebuy B) Straight rebuy C) New task D) Reverse auction E) Derived demand

In a(n) ________ situation, the buyer wants to revise product specifications, prices, terms, or suppliers. A) reverse auction B) straight rebuy C) new task D) modified rebuy

In which of the following would the buyer reorder a product without any modifications? A) reverse auction B) solution selling C) new task D) straight rebuy E) modified rebuy

x refers to buying a packaged solution to a problem from a single seller, thus avoiding all the separate decisions involved in a complex buying situation. A) Systems selling B) Performance review C) Problem recognition D) Proposal solicitation

The decision-making unit of a purchasing organization is called its ________. A) value chain B) buying center C) customer support system D) quality center E) innovation center

________ refer to members of the buying organization who help define specifications and provide information for evaluating alternatives. A) Gatekeepers B) Influencers C) Users D) Deciders E) Buyers

In routine buying situations, which of the following members of the buying center has formal or informal power to select or approve the final suppliers? A) users B) influencers C) gatekeepers D) deciders E) buyers

________ have formal authority to select the supplier and arrange the terms of purchase. A) Users B) Influencers C) Buyers D) Gatekeepers E) Deciders

________ may help shape product specifications, but their major role is to select vendors and to negotiate. A) Gatekeepers B) Deciders C) Buyers D) Influencers E) Users

t or f- A company buying a product or service for the first time faces a new task situation

t or f - In a straight rebuy, the buyer wants to alter product specifications, prices, terms, or suppliers.

ll of the following are difficulties associated with selling to government buyers EXCEPT ________. A) excessive paperwork B) bureaucracy C) strict regulations D) high advertising costs E) decision-making delays

D) high advertising costs

x refer to people in an organization's buying center who affect the buying decision; often help define specifications & provide info for evaluating alternatives. A) Users B) Influencers C) Buyers D) Gatekeepers E) Deciders

Paul, a purchasing agent for Kiel Inc., has the authority to prevent salespersons from seeing the decision makers in his organization. Which best describes Paul's position? A) influencer B) decider C) gatekeeper D) buyer E) user

Dora has formal authority to select the suppliers and arrange terms of purchase for many of the items her firm uses. Her role in the buying center is that of a(n) ________. A) user B) influencer C) buyer D) decider E) gatekeeper

In routine buying, buyers are often the ________, or at least the approvers. A) monitors B) influencers C) gatekeepers D) deciders E) primary advertisers

Which most likely occurs- supplier stage? A) Buyer calls for detailed written proposals/ formal presentations from each potential supplier. B) Buying center draws up list of desired supplier attributes/relative importance

B) Buying center draws up list of desired supplier attributes/relative importance

In several big cities in U.S, the x operates business service centers w/ staffs to provide 100% education on way gov. agencies buy, steps that suppliers should follow, & procurement opportunities available a) Defense Logistics Agency B) General Services Adminstration

B) General Services Adminstration

X Web site provides a single point of entry thru which commercial vendors & gov. buyers can post, search, monitor, & retrieve opportunities solicited by the entire federal contracting community. a. U.S. small business administration b) federal business opportunities

b) federal business opportunities

In a x, the "in" suppliers may become nervous & feel pressured to protect an account & the "out" suppliers may see the present situation as an opportunity to make a better offer/get new bus.. A) straight rebuy B) modified rebuy

Gina Parker owns an ad agency in Baton Rouge. She regularly purchases cleaning supplies for her custodial staff, using the same vendor and ordering relatively consistent amounts of the same products on each purchase. This is ex of: a) new task b) straight rebuy c) modified rebuy

Which of the following is most likely true about a straight rebuy?. A) Is far more complex than a new-task situation. B) Is handled on a routine basis by the purchase department.

B) Is handled on a routine basis by the purchase department.

In a straight rebuy, ________. A) the "in" suppliers try to maintain product and service quality to keep the business B) the "in" suppliers feel pressured to protect an account C) the "out" suppliers view the situation as an opportunity to gain new business

. A) the "in" suppliers try to maintain product and service quality to keep the business

Sigma Inc., a software firm based in California, reordered 50 printers from the designated provider without any modifications. This is an example of : A) derived demand B) inelastic demand C) a straight rebuy D) a new task E) a modified rebuy

The ________ refer(s) to all the individuals and units that play a role in the purchase decision-making process. A) users B) influencers C) buying center D) gatekeepers E) systems sellers

Jason Perkins has the informal power to approve the final suppliers in his organization. In other words, Jason plays the role of a(n) ________ in his organization's buying center. A) gatekeeper B) decider C) buyer D) influencer E) user

Marissa Hopkins, a nurse, notices that the gurneys used in the hospital are not durable enough. She informed the hospital authorities about Grace Care Inc., a new company selling lightweight & durable gurneys. In this instance, Marissa played the role of a(n) x:. A) strategist B) buyer C) gatekeeper D) influencer 

Phoi Nguyen, a manu. mechanic, determines that molds for manufacturing plastic jar lids are wearing out sooner than expected. Phoi contacts her manager to request that the parts be reordered. In this instance, Phoi played the role of a(n) x: . A) user B) buyer C) gatekeeper

In new product buying, the users are often the ________. A) monitors B) influencers C) gatekeepers D) deciders E) primary advertisers

In this instance, Richard plays the role of a(n) ________. A) decider B) gatekeeper C) influencer D) proposal solicitor E) product designer

Which of the following factors influencing the business buying process do marketers typically find most difficult to assess? A) economic B) technological C) interpersonal D) organizational E) environmental

t or f- gatekeepers have formal or informal power to select or approve the final suppliers.

t or f- Product value analysis is an approach to enhancing productivity.

t or f- In the general needs description of the buying process, the buyer describes the characteristics and quantity of the needed item.

t or f- In the proposal solicitation stage of the business buying process, the buyer invites qualified suppliers to submit proposals.

t or f- The newer the buying task, and the more complex and costly the item, the lesser the amount of time the buyer will spend searching for suppliers.

t or f- The order-routine specification includes the final order with the chosen supplier or suppliers and lists items such as technical specifications, quantity needed, expected delivery time, return policies, and warranties.

t or f- The benefits of e-procurement include access to new suppliers, lower purchasing costs, and more time-efficient order processing and delivery.

T or F- E-procurement has caused the time between order and delivery to increase significantly.

T or F- Government organizations typically require suppliers to submit bids, and normally they award the contract to the lowest bidder.

T or F- The government market consists of schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and other institutions that provide goods and services to people in their care

x development refers to systematic development of networks of supplier-partners to ensure an appropriate and dependable supply of products and materials for use in making products or reselling them to others.

In this scenario, which of the following had the greatest influence on the business buying behavior at Alpha Stampings? A) individual preferences B) organizational structure C) interpersonal influences D) technological changes 

Worthington's Farm is considering buying plastic coops that are slightly more expensive than wooden ones but much easier to clean after use. Consequently, the owner of Worthington's Farm ordered 100 customized coops from its regular supplier. This exemplifies a:

Ralph called in a department manager to assist in the purchase of some heavy machinery. After consulting the department manager, Ralph is considering a change in product specifications & characteristics & expects suppliers to meet his requirements. Which of the following is evident here?

Cargo serves both consumer & business markets, Most revenue comes from business customers. lately the business customers have demanded a change in the packaging of heavy cargo. They are under pressure to offer better products & services or risk losing a huge portion of its customers. Ex?:  

Peter decided to start a tech project As he needed servers/computers, he decided to order from vendor who had discounts. In this, He A) faces a new task situation B) faces a modified rebuy situation C) is most likely to benefit the most from reverse auction

A) faces a new task situation 

Solutions selling ________. A) is often a key business marketing strategy for winning and holding accounts B) refers to a business buying situation in which the buyer purchases a product or service for the first time C) is equivalent to cold calling

A) is often a key business marketing strategy for winning and holding accounts

Rudolf Technologies Inc. decided to enter the automobile service market. Consequently, the company decided to procure the tools and machines needed from a reputable supplier. Rudolf Technologies is facing ________. 

The U.S (EPA) has mandated that, in order to reduce local pollution, all printing plants have to switch from oil-based inks to water-based inks. Will require entirely new printing presses/ the procurement of a completely different printing plate technology. In this instance, the buying center is most likely to face

A marketer wanting to determine business buyer behavior is most likely to ask which of the following questions? A) Are buyers sensitive toward price changes in consumer markets? B) What are the major influences on buyers?

B) what are the major influences on buyers?

If a buying center is most influenced by authority in the business buying process, it can be safely concluded that x factors have a major influence on its buying behavior. A) systemic B) interpersonal C) economic

What is the first step of the business buying process?

x occurs when someone in the company identifies a need that can be met by acquiring a specific product or service

In the ________ stage of the buying process, the alert business marketer can help the buyers define their needs and provide information about the value of different product characteristics.

General needs description

x refers to the stage of the business buying process in which the buying organization decides on and specifies the best technical product characteristics for a needed item a) performance review b) product specification

Which of the following is an organizational factor that influences business buyers? A) technology B) company procedures C) employee attitudes D) employee motives E) group dynamics

x demand refers to business demand that ultimately comes from—or derives from—the demand for consumer goods.

in a x rebuy, the buyer wants to modify product specifications, prices, terms, or suppliers. The "in" suppliers may become nervous and feel pressured to put their best foot forward to protect an account. "Out" suppliers may see the modified rebuy situation as an opportunity to make a better offer and gain new business.

"an approach to cost reduction in which components are studied carefully to determine if they can be redesigned, standardized, or made by less costly methods of production."

in a x rebuy, the buyer reorders something w/o any modifications. It is usually handled on a routine basis by the purchasing department. To keep business, "in" suppliers try to maintain product & service quality. "Out" suppliers try to find new ways to add value or exploit dissatisfaction for consideration

a company buying a product or service for the first time faces a x situation

Eric, whose opinions affect the buying decisions of his organization to a great extent, is most likely a(n) A) user B) influencer C) decider D) gatekeeper E) buyer

After talking to salespeople, Dr. Albrecht finally placed his order for the machine. In this instance, Dr. Albrecht played the role of a(n) ________. A) monitor B) decider C) agent D) influencer E) gatekeeper

Factors such as a firm's objectives, procedures, and systems are examples of x influences on the business buyer behavior. A) political B) interpersonal C) technological D) organizational E) cultural

________ is an approach to cost reduction in which components are studied carefully to determine if they can be redesigned, standardized, or made by less costly methods of production. a) proposal solicitation b) product value analysis c) cost-benefit analysis

b) product value analysis

Business buyers are heavily influenced by factors in the current and expected economic environment, such as ________. A) level of primary demand B) organizational objectives C) group dynamics D) individual motives

A) level of primary demand

The major influences on the buying process at General Aeronautics Limited include supply conditions and technological changes, which would both be categorized as x factors. A) organizational B) individual C) systemic D) interpersonal E) environmental

Buyers who face a ________ usually go through all stages of the buying process. A) straight rebuy B) modified rebuy C) new task buying situation D) routine buying situation E) need for limited problem solving

C) new task buying situation

Who among the following does NOT participate in the purchase decision process of a buying organization? A) individuals who use the product or service B) individuals who supply raw materials

B) individuals who supply raw materials

Shalina is currently preparing an order form that specifies the number of shafts needed and the expected time of delivery. In other words, she is preparing the ________. A) order routine specification B) general needs description C) product specification

A) order routine specification

In the beg. of the buying process, Tim, manager, noticed that the raw materials were being procured from his company's regular supplier were poor quality. He changed the existing supplier as a remedial measure. The stage of the buying process in which Tim identified the quality breach represents the x stage.

Which is an ex. of an internal stimulus that would most likely lead to problem recognition? A) A buyer gets a new idea from an advertisement. B) A buyer gets a new idea at a trade show. C) A buyer is unhappy with a current supplier's product quality

C) A buyer is unhappy with a current supplier's product quality 

Sam Doharty, a purchasing manager in Willard Groups of Companies, is currently working with engineers and consultants to define the items to be purchased. Additionally, Sam and his team are ranking the importance of reliability, durability, and price desired in the items. In other words, they are preparing a(n) x:

assessing the quality of the raw materials is what stage in the business buyer process? a) general needs description b) problem recognition c) product specification

During which stage of the business buying process is a buyer most likely to conduct a value analysis by carefully studying components to determine if they can be redesigned, standardized, or made less expensively? a) proposal solicitation b) general needs description c) product specification

By showing buyers a better way to make an object, outside sellers can: A) turn straight rebuy situations into modified rebuy situations B) reduce delivery times and save money C) turn straight rebuy situations into new task situations

C) turn straight rebuy situations into new task situations 

Which of the following is an environmental factor that influences business buyers? A) organizational procedures B) individual motives C) organizational objectives D) supply of key materials E) group dynamics

D) supply of key materials

He asked the operations officer to gather relevant information and send a list of alternatives to him. In the business buying process, the manager is preparing a(n) a) general needs description b) problem statement c) supplier list

a) general needs description

Which stage of business buying process?: The buying process begins when someone in the company recognizes a problem or need that can be met by acquiring a specific product or service. Can result from internal or external stimuli.

which stage of bbp? having recognized a need, describes the characteristics and quantity of the needed item. For standard items, this process presents few problems. For complex items, however, the buyer may need to work with others—engineers, users, and consultants—to define the item

2. general needs description

step of b.b. process: often done with the help of a value analysis engineering team. Product value analysis is an approach to cost reduction in which components are studied carefully to determine if they can be redesigned, standardized, or made by less costly methods of production.

product specification (3)

what stage of bbp? Used to find the best vendors. The buyer can compile a small list of qualified suppliers by reviewing trade directories, doing computer searches, or contacting other companies for recommendations.

what stage of bbp? some suppliers will refer the buyer to their Web sites or promotional materials or send a salesperson to call on the prospect. However, when the item is complex or expensive, the buyer will usually require detailed written proposals or formal presentations from each potential supplier.

proposal solicitation (5)

what stage of bbp? , the buying center often will draw up a list of the desired supplier attributes and their relative importance. Such attributes include product and service quality, reputation, on-time delivery, ethical corporate behavior, honest communication, and competitive prices.

"control the flow of information to others. For example, purchasing agents often have authority to prevent salespersons from seeing users or deciders."

business buying process is more/less formalized than the consumer buying process

The x market is made up of schools, hospitals, prisons & other institutions that provide goods & services to people in their care.

"often help define specifications and also provide information for evaluating alternatives. Technical personnel are particularly important "

"have formal or informal power to select or approve the final suppliers. buyers are often them"

"Are members of the organization who will use the product or service. Initiate buying proposal & define product specifications"

"The decision making unit of a buying organization. Consists of all the individuals & units that play a role in the business purchase decision-making process"

"buyer reviews supplier performance"--which stage of b..b process?

Stage of b.b. process- "It includes the final order with the chosen supplier or suppliers and lists items such as technical specifications, quantity needed, expected delivery time, return policies, and warranties. "

order-routine specification (7)

At which stage in the buying decision process will a firm visit potential suppliers to access their facilities?

4. Potential Supplier Search. The third step of the buying process involves looking for potential suppliers. If the company doesn't already have an established relationship with a vendor that offers the product, then often the company must look online, attend trade shows or contact suppliers by telephone.

At which stage of the organizational buying decision process would purchasing assess?

At which stage of the organizational buying decision process would purchasing and engineering personnel visit potential suppliers to assess their facilities? problem recognition.

At which stage of the organizational buying decision process would purchasing assess the financial status of potential suppliers quizlet?

In the alternative evaluation stage of the organizational buying decision process, purchasing and engineering personnel visit with suppliers and assess facilities, capacity, quality control, and financial status.

What are the five stages of the organizational buying process?

The five stages of the business buying-decision process are awareness, specification, requests for proposals, evaluation and, finally, placing the order.