At what rate percent per annum will a sum of Rs 4000 yield amount of Rs 4410 in 2 years *?

OSTI.GOV Technical Report: Manufacturing and cost analyses of heliostats based on the second-generation heliostat-development study

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The manufacturing processes and users' costs were analyzed for the Second Generation Heliostats. Mass production scenarios are examined by comparison and manufacturing analysis, including facility site selection and design, operations, equipment and tooling, and labor. Different transportation scenarios are compared, as are the site assembly and installation procedures. Users' costs are allocated to the central manufacturing facility, to transportation from the central manufacturing facility to the field, and to the field sites. Costs are also compared for these major components: reflective assembly, drive mechanism, controls and field wiring, foundation/pedestal, and support structure. Breakdowns are given for direct materials, direct labor, and other expenses including an estimate of the gross profit. A contractor-estimated capital price to the utility is shown for each heliostat design as well as estimated operations and maintenance (O and M) expenses.

Authors: White, S. S.Publication Date: Wed Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 1982Research Org.: Sandia National Lab. (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA (United States)OSTI Identifier: 6549286Report Number(s): SAND-82-8007
ON: DE83006664DOE Contract Number:  AC04-76DP00789Resource Type: Technical ReportResource Relation: Other Information: Portions are illegible in microfiche products. Original copy available until stock is exhaustedCountry of Publication: United StatesLanguage: EnglishSubject: 14 SOLAR ENERGY; HELIOSTATS; ECONOMIC ANALYSIS; MANUFACTURING; CAPITALIZED COST; COMPARATIVE EVALUATIONS; COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION; CONTROL EQUIPMENT; DESIGN; FOUNDATIONS; INDUSTRIAL PLANTS; INSTALLATION; LABOR; MIRRORS; OPERATING COST; OPERATION; POSITIONING; SITE SELECTION; SUPPORTS; TRANSPORT; COST; ECONOMICS; EQUIPMENT; MECHANICAL STRUCTURES; SIMULATION; SOLAR EQUIPMENT; CSP; Concentrating Solar Power; 140702* - Solar Thermal Power Systems- Central Receiver; 141000 - Solar Collectors & Concentrators

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Norris, Jr., H. F., and White, S. S. Manufacturing and cost analyses of heliostats based on the second-generation heliostat-development study. United States: N. p., 1982. Web. doi:10.2172/6549286.

Norris, Jr., H. F., & White, S. S. Manufacturing and cost analyses of heliostats based on the second-generation heliostat-development study. United States.

Norris, Jr., H. F., and White, S. S. 1982. "Manufacturing and cost analyses of heliostats based on the second-generation heliostat-development study". United States.

title = {Manufacturing and cost analyses of heliostats based on the second-generation heliostat-development study},
author = {Norris, Jr., H. F. and White, S. S.},
abstractNote = {The manufacturing processes and users' costs were analyzed for the Second Generation Heliostats. Mass production scenarios are examined by comparison and manufacturing analysis, including facility site selection and design, operations, equipment and tooling, and labor. Different transportation scenarios are compared, as are the site assembly and installation procedures. Users' costs are allocated to the central manufacturing facility, to transportation from the central manufacturing facility to the field, and to the field sites. Costs are also compared for these major components: reflective assembly, drive mechanism, controls and field wiring, foundation/pedestal, and support structure. Breakdowns are given for direct materials, direct labor, and other expenses including an estimate of the gross profit. A contractor-estimated capital price to the utility is shown for each heliostat design as well as estimated operations and maintenance (O and M) expenses.},
doi = {10.2172/6549286},
url = {}, journal = {},
number = ,
volume = ,
place = {United States},
year = {Wed Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 1982},
month = {Wed Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 1982}

At what rate percent will sum of Rs 4000 amount to Rs 4410 in 2 years compounded annually?

Answer : 5% p.a.

At what rate percent per annum will a sum of Rs 4000 yield Rs 1324 as compound interest in 3 years?

Thus, the rate of interest is 10%.

What rate percent per annum compounded interest will Rs 4000 amount to Rs 6000 in 3 years if the interest is reckoned half yearly?

Hence the rate of interest is 10%. Q.