As relates to the structure and function of the placenta, the maternity nurse should be aware that:

  1. A newly married couple plans to use natural family planning. It is important for them to know how long an ovum can live after ovulation. The nurse knows that teaching is effective when the couple responds that an ovum is considered fertile for:
    a.6 to 8 hours
    b.24 hours
    c.2 to 3 days
    d.1 week

    24 hours

  2. The volume of amniotic fluid is an important factor in assessing fetal well-being. Oligohydramnios (an amniotic fluid volume of less than 300 ml) is associated with what kind of fetal anomalies?a.Renal


  3. A pregnant woman at 25 weeks of gestation tells the nurse that she dropped a pan last week and her baby jumped at the noise. Which response by the nurse is most accurate?
    a.“That must have been a coincidence; babies can’t respond like that.”
    b.“The fetus is demonstrating the aural reflex.”
    c.“Babies respond to sound starting at about 24 weeks of gestation.”
    d.“Let me know if it happens again; we need to report that to your midwife.”

    “Babies respond to sound starting at about 24 weeks of gestation.”

  4. At approximately _____ weeks of gestation, lecithin is forming on the alveolar surfaces, the eyelids open, and the fetus measures approximately 27 cm crown to rump and weighs approximately 1110 g.


  5. It is important for the nurse to understand that the placenta:
    a.Produces nutrients for fetal nutrition
    b.Secretes both estrogen and progesterone
    c.Forms a protective, impenetrable barrier to microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses
    d.Excretes prolactin and insulin

    Secretes both estrogen and progesterone

  6. A nurse caring for a laboring woman should know that meconium is produced by:
    a.Fetal intestines
    b.Fetal kidneys
    c.Amniotic fluid
    d.The placenta

    Fetal intestines

  7. A woman asks the nurse, “What protects my baby’s umbilical cord from being squashed while the baby’s inside of me?” The nurse’s best response is:
    a.“Your baby’s umbilical cord is surrounded by connective tissue called Wharton jelly, which prevents compression of the blood vessels and ensures continued nourishment of your baby.”
    b.“Your baby’s umbilical floats around in blood anyway.”
    c.“You don’t need to be worrying about things like that.”
    d.“The umbilical cord is a group of blood vessels that are very well protected by the placenta.”

    “Your baby’s umbilical cord is surrounded by connective tissue called Wharton jelly, which prevents compression of the blood vessels and ensures continued nourishment of your baby.”

  8. The _____ is/are responsible for oxygen and carbon dioxide transport to and from the maternal bloodstream.
    a.Decidua basalis
    c.Germ layer
    d.Chorionic villi

    Chorionic villi

  9. A woman who is 8 months pregnant asks the nurse, “Does my baby have any antibodies to fight infection?” The most appropriate response by the nurse is:
    a.“Your baby has all the immunoglobulins necessary: IgG, IgM, and IgA.”
    b.“Your baby won’t receive any antibodies until he is born and you breastfeed him.”
    c.“Your baby does not have any antibodies to fight infection.”
    d.“Your baby has IgG and IgM immunoglobulins.”

    “Your baby has IgG and IgM immunoglobulins.”

  10. The measurement of lecithin in relation to sphingomyelin (L/S ratio) is used to determine fetal lung maturity. Which ratio reflects maturity of the lungs?


  11. Sally comes in for her first prenatal examination. This is her first child. She asks you (the nurse), “How does my baby get air inside my uterus?” The correct response is:
    a.“The baby’s lungs work in utero to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.”
    b.“The baby absorbs oxygen from your blood system.”
    c.“The placenta provides oxygen to the baby and excretes carbon dioxide into your bloodstream.”
    d.“The placenta delivers oxygen-rich blood through the umbilical artery to the baby’s abdomen.”

    “The placenta provides oxygen to the baby and excretes carbon dioxide into your bloodstream.”

  12. The most basic information a maternity nurse should have concerning conception is:
    a.Ova are considered fertile 48 to 72 hours after ovulation
    b.Sperm remain viable in the woman’s reproductive system for an average of 12 to 24 hours
    c.Conception is achieved when a sperm successfully penetrates the membrane surrounding the ovum
    d.Implantation in the endometrium occurs 6 to 10 days after conception

    Implantation in the endometrium occurs 6 to 10 days after conception

  13. With regard to the structure and function of the placenta, the maternity nurse should be aware that:
    a.As the placenta widens, it gradually thins to allow easier passage of air and nutrients
    b.As one of its early functions, the placenta acts as an endocrine gland
    c.The placenta is able to keep out most potentially toxic substances, such as cigarette smoke, to which the mother is exposed
    d.Optimal blood circulation is achieved through the placenta when the woman is lying on her back or standing

    As one of its early functions, the placenta acts as an endocrine gland

  14. With regard to the development of the respiratory system, maternity nurses should be aware that:
    a.The respiratory system does not begin developing until after the embryonic stage
    b.The infant’s lungs are considered mature when the L/S ratio is 1:1, at about 32 weeks
    c.Maternal hypertension can reduce maternal-placental blood flow, accelerating lung maturity
    d.Fetal respiratory movements are not visible on ultrasound scans until at least 16 weeks

    Maternal hypertension can reduce maternal-placental blood flow, accelerating lung maturity

  15. The various systems and organs develop at different stages. Which statement is accurate?
    a.The cardiovascular system is the first organ system to function in the developing human.
    b.Hematopoiesis originating in the yolk sac begins in the liver at 10 weeks.
    c.The body changes from straight to C-shaped at 8 weeks.
    d.The gastrointestinal system is mature at 32 weeks.

    The cardiovascular system is the first organ system to function in the developing human.

  16. Which statement concerning neurologic and sensory development is accurate?
    a.Brain waves have been recorded on an electroencephalogram as early as the end of the first trimester (12 weeks).
    b.Fetuses respond to sound by 24 weeks and can be soothed by the sound of the mother’s voice.
    c.Eyes are first receptive to light at 34 to 36 weeks.
    d.At term, the fetal brain is at least one third the size of an adult brain.

    Fetuses respond to sound by 24 weeks and can be soothed by the sound of the mother’s voice.

  17. Congenital disorders refer to those conditions that are present at birth. These disorders may be inherited and caused by environmental factors or maternal malnutrition. Toxic exposures have the greatest effect on development between 15 and 60 days of gestation. For the nurse to be able to conduct a complete assessment of the newly pregnant client, he or she should be knowledgeable regarding known human teratogens, which include:
    c.Maternal conditions

    • Infections
    • Radiation
    • Maternal conditions
    • Drugs
    • Chemicals

  18. ____________________ twins is another term for fraternal twins. These twins may be the same or different sexes and genetically are no more alike than siblings born at different times.


  19. The ability of the fetus to survive outside the uterus is called ____________________.


  20. Very fine hairs, called ____________________, appear first at 12 weeks of gestational age on the fetus’s eyebrows and upper lip. By 20 weeks they cover the entire body. By 28 weeks, the scalp hair is longer than these fine hairs, which thin and may disappear by term gestation.


  21. The fetal concentration of glucose is lower than the glucose level in the maternal blood because of its rapid metabolism by the fetus. Is this statement true or false?


What is the role of the placenta during pregnancy quizlet?

The placenta is an organ that is formed during pregnancy which functions to provide oxygen and nutrients to the developing embryo. It also removes waste products from the blood of the baby.

What should nurses be aware of with regard to abnormalities of chromosomes quizlet?

With regard to abnormalities of chromosomes, nurses should be aware that: Abnormalities of number are the leading cause of pregnancy loss. Chromosomal abnormalities occur in less than 1% of newborns. Aneuploidy is an abnormality of number that also is the leading genetic cause of mental retardation.

Which is the most basic information a perinatal nurse should know concerning conception quizlet?

The most basic information a maternity nurse should have concerning conception is that: Conception is achieved when a sperm successfully penetrates the membrane surrounding the ovum. Implantation in the endometrium occurs 6 to 10 days after conception.

Which structure is responsible for oxygen and carbon dioxide transport to and from the pregnant person's bloodstream?

Umbilical cord. The umbilical cord contains 2 arteries and a vein. It carries oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and waste products away from the fetus.