Are actions by individuals that are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-interests.

high assertiveness:
1. competing win, lose
a. decisive action, upopular, vital, know your right, people that take advantage
2. collaboration win win
a.both concerns are important, trying to learn, merge diff views, gain commitment, Most EFFECTIVE Most Difficult

low assertiveness:
3. accommodating lose, win
a. you are wrong, issue more important to others, build social credits for later, allow subs to develop by learning
4. avoiding lose, lose
a. more important issues at hand, others can handle the conflict more effectively

moderate assertiveness:
5. compromise
a. not worth disruption, opponent of equal power, expedient time pressure, as a back up

Sets with similar terms

When actions by individuals in an organization are directed toward the goal of furthering their own?

What is organizational politics, and when is political behavior most likely to occur? Individual actions that are directed toward the goal of furthering a person's own self-interests. Political behavior is most likely to occur in organizational situations in which individual outcomes are uncertain.

Is the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement?

Leadership is the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement.

When others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person that person possesses?

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

Which of the following types of power comes from an individual's ability to provide positive benefits like raises and awards to others?

Reward power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. For example, managers generally have control over raises, performance evaluations, awards, more desirable job assignments, and the resources an employee might require to perform a job effectively.