An optimal wireless access point (wap) antenna placement provides a countermeasure against:

What wireless encryption scheme offers the highest level of protection?

What wireless security protocol has been deprecated in favor of newer standards due to known vulnerabilities?

What refers to an authentication framework frequently used in wireless networks and point to point connections?

A network access control method whereby the 48-bit address assigned to each network card is used to determine access to the network is known as:

A wireless network name is also referred to as:

Which protocol was introduced to strengthen existing WEP implementations without requiring the replacement of legacy hardware?

What makes a WLAN harder to discover?

What proctocol encapsulates EAP within an encrypted and authenticated TLS tunnel?

AES based encryption mode implemented in WPA2 is known as:

An optimal WAP antenna placement provides a countermeasure against:  (2)

war driving & site survey

What WAP configuration settings allow for adjusting the boundary range of the wireless signal?

What refers to a solution allowing administrators to block internet access for users until they perform required action?

What are 2 antenna types that would provide the best coverage for workstations connecting to a WAP placed in a central point of a typical office?

omnidirectional & non directional

What is an example of technical security controls?

intrusion detection system

An antivirus software identifying non-malicious files as a virus due to faulty virus signature file is an example of:

What is an example of operational security controls?

What term refers to a situation where no alarm is raised when an attack has taken place?

A policy outlining ways of collecting and managing personal data is known as:

What acronym refers to a set of rules enforced in a network that restrict the use to which the network may be put?

T or F:
One of the goals behind the mandatory vacations policy is to mitigate the occurrence of fraudulent activity within the company.

What refers to a concept of having more than one person required to complete a given task?

A security rule that prevents users from accessing information and resources that lie beyond the scope of their responsibilities is known as:

principle of least privilege

What acronym refers to a risk assessment formula defining probable financial loss due to a risk over a one year period?

(single loss expectancy, asset value, exposure factor)

What is the EF value for an asset that is entirely lost?

Configuring a wireless network requires a combination of power settings, antenna choice, and antenna location. In this video, you’ll learn how power and antenna settings can be used to customize your wireless network installation.

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A feature that can really help you with security in your wireless access point configuration, you may have controls over how much power you put out on the wireless access point. Ideally, you would set this to go as low as you possibly can and still have people communicate. That way you aren’t sending your signal out to the parking lot where other people may be able to hear what’s going on your wireless network.

So you may have to study it. You may have to get some detailed spectral views of the traffic. Determine what type of traffic we’re seeing, how much power is really being outputted, and determine, based on the size of the organization or the size of the floor you happen to be on, what is the level of power you really should set.

You should also think about the receiver. If somebody has a high-gain antenna in the parking lot, they may still be able to hear things, even though you’ve set the power down really, really low. So this is really going to have a dependency on where you’re located. And you’re going to want to set the power settings accordingly.

Obviously, this is not going to be the only thing that you would set to be able to limit access to the wireless network. But, again, try to keep it away from other networks. And try to keep it as quiet as possible, as low power as possible, but still allow you to operate properly.

Along those same lines, it really does make a difference where you put the antenna for your wireless access point, especially if you need to overlap different parts of the organization. You may have a big floor. And it may not be possible to put a single wireless access point in the middle and try to see if everybody can hear that access point.

Instead, you may need to layer access points and even overlap some of the channels just a little bit. Your wireless receiver in your laptop or your wireless device will choose whichever signal is the loudest. And you’ll overlap it with different channels, as well, so that you don’t have frequencies that are overlapping each other and creating any problems.

So this is where you may want to adjust power levels, adjust where your different antennas are being placed, and maybe even change the type of antenna you’re using, maybe not to be an omnidirectional antenna. Maybe choose one that only looks in different directions to send its signal and receive its signal. There’s a lot of options out there. You can check with your manufacturer of your wireless access point and see what types of antennas are available for the particular model that you have.