An event that elicits a certain predictable response typically without previous training

Learning Cheat Sheet1.Conditioned stimulus similar to an unconditioned stimulus-Conditioned is a once-neutralevent that elicits a given response after a period of training in which it has been pairedwith an unconditioned stimulus. Unconditioned is an event that elicits a certainpredictable response typically without previous training.2.Discrimination-The ability to respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli3.Acquisition- An early stage of the learning process during which time a response is firstestablished.4.Terms are most closely associated with B.F. Skinner-Operant conditioning, secondaryreinforcer, and fixed-ratio schedule.5.Unpredictable reinforcement schedule-In a variable schedule the number of responses oramount of time between reinforcements change randomly. The schedule is unpredictable.6.Learned helplessness-Condition in which repeated attempts to control a situation fail,resulting in the belief that the situation is uncontrollable.

a learning procedure that pairs a neutral stimulus to an unconditioned stimulus to get the desired outcome

Unconditioned does not have to be taught but conditioned does have to be learned

What is the difference between an unconditioned stimulus/response and a conditioned stimulus/response?

an event that elicits a certain predictable response typically without previous training

an organism's automatic (or natural) reaction to a stimulus; predictable

a once- neutral event that elicits a given response after a period of training in which it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus.  After training leads to a learned response.

the learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus

prior to conditioning will no elicit any part of the unconditioned response

just before the unconditioned stimulus

When is the best time to present a conditioned stimulus?

responding similarly to a range of similar stimuli

the ability to respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli

the gradual disappearance of a conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus

Learning in which certain action is reinforced or punished, resulting in corresponding increases or decreases in occurrence.

when something that is wanted, food, praise, social approval, etc. is added to an action.  Rewarding consequences that follow behavior

occurs when something unpleasant is taken away if the subject performs an action.

satisfies a biological need such as hunger, thirst, or sleep.

has been paired with a primary reinforcer and through classical conditioning has acquired value and reinforcement

Give the most common example of a secondary reinforcer

variable is better because you don't know when you will get rewarded

Which is better: continuous or variable (partial) schedule? why?

type of schedule where reinforcement depends on a specified quantity or responses

schedule where the number of responses needed for reinforcement changes

schedule where the time interval for reinforcement stays the same

variable- interval schedule

schedule where time at which reinforcement becomes available changes

is a variable or fixed schedule better?

fixed-ratio fixed-interval variable-interval variable-ratio

What are the four types of schedules?

a process in which reinforcement is used to sculpt new responses out of old ones

responses that follow one another in sequence

in learning, chain of responses are organized into larger ________.

process of influencing behavior by means of unpleasant stimuli or consequences

a person’s behavior cause and unpleasant event to stop.

the effect of preventing an unpleasant situation from happening

unpleasant consequence occurs and decreases the frequency of the behavior that produced it

form of altering behavior that involves mental processes and may result from observation or imitation

a person has numerous experiences in which their actions have no effect on their world

rewards come without effort, a person never learns to work

Imitation, watching someone else perform a behavior or skill and later reproducing it closely

conditioning in which desirable behavior is reinforced with valueless objects (tokens), which can be accumulated and exchanged for valued rewards

choose a reinforcer and make it depend on some less desirable but necessary act

Globality Stability Internality

What are the three elements of learned helplessness?

a person’s belief that helplessness results from a permanent characteristic; deals with time

the person thinks just because their not good at one thing that their good at nothing; hobbies, sports

when people attribute outcomes to their own inadequacies; blame things on themselves

first punish child because it was a life or death situation modeling- reward a kid who does what you want

How would you get a kid to no longer go near a swimming pool without a parent around?

fear: pair the rabbit with a bad experience like banging a pan Unfear: disinhibition; give a different kid ice cream when he plays with rat

How do you make a kid fear a rat and then unfear a rat?

if a black person robs you discrimination: i hate that black person generalization: i hate all black people

What is the difference between discrimination and generalization in the terms of prejudice?

person: classical conditioning experiment with dog's

person: believes that learned helplessness is on major cause of depression and identified 3 important elements of learned helplessness.

person: theory that learning involves both mental and mechanical processes

conducted an experiment on an infant and conditioned him to fear laboratory rats classical conditioning and human behavior

psychologist most closely associated with operant conditioning

What is an event that leads to predictable response?

Principles and Application.

What elicits a response in classical conditioning?

In classical conditioning, a person or animal learns to associate a neutral stimulus (the conditioned stimulus, or CS) with a stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus, or US) that naturally produces a behaviour (the unconditioned response, or UR).

What does an unconditioned stimulus elicit?

An unconditional stimulus elicits a natural, reflexive response, called the unconditioned response (UCR). What is this? A stimulus that doesn't naturally elicit a response is a neutral response. For example, food is a UCS for dogs and can cause salivation.

What is a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning?

A neutral stimulus is a stimulus that at first elicits no response. Pavlov introduced the ringing of the bell as a neutral stimulus. An unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that leads to an automatic response. In Pavlov's experiment, the food was the unconditioned stimulus.