After determining that an infant or child has strong central pulses, you should:

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When assessing the pulse rate of a child younger than 1 year you should?

Lay your baby down on the back with one arm bent so the hand is up by the ear. Feel for the pulse on the inner arm between the shoulder and the elbow: Gently press two fingers (don't use your thumb) on the spot until you feel a beat. When you feel the pulse, count the beats for 15 seconds.

What is the normal pulse rate for an infant quizlet?

What is the normal pulse rate for an infant? a. 90-120 beats/min.

Which of the following is most common cause of shock in infants and children?

Hypovolemic Shock This is the most common cause of shock worldwide in infants, most often secondary to diarrhea. Other examples of hypovolemic shock include blood loss, vomiting, heat stroke, or burns.

When inserting an oropharyngeal airway in an infant or child you should?

Select correct size of airway. Place padding under baby's shoulders. Open baby's mouth. Using a tongue depressor to assist with insertion, insert airway with curved end facing down, following natural curvature of baby's airway.