A student defines the timeline for a science project and completes it according to the timeline

66.PART 2

Before students begin their research, Ms. Soto posts the broad mathematics goal on the chalkboard. The following is the class discussion.

Ms. Soto:

OK, I have written the mathematics goal on the board, "To practice estimation skills." We completed an estimation unit about a week ago. We used a jar of jelly beans to start out the unit... does anyone remember what estimating is in measurement?


It's when you figure how much something weighs or how many things there are, or something like that. I mean, not exactly how much, but around how much.

Ms. Soto:

Yes, that's correct. You give an educated guess. We estimated how many jelly beans were in a jar based on the size of the jar and the size of the jelly beans. Now, for our research, we are going to use estimation to help others understand the size of the animal based on things that we already know. For example, let's look at this science textbook. We don't know how much it weighs, but what can you tell me about its weight? [No one volunteers to answer the question.] Well, let's see, is the textbook heavier or lighter than this magazine?

Several students:


Ms. Soto:

Good! Now what's another question you could ask to help us estimate its weight?


You could ask if it's heavier or lighter than a student dictionary, and it's lighter.

[The conversation continues, and students practice estimating the relative heights and volumes of different objects.]

Ms. Soto:

So for each of the endangered animals you research, you will be responsible for helping us understand its height and weight in terms of estimation based on things that we already know. For example, an African elephant can weigh more than four tons and stand twelve feet tall. In terms that we can understand, that's the weight of three average-sized cars and the height of a tall man standing on the shoulders of another tall man.
Ms. Soto mentions the jelly bean activity primarily to do which of the following?