A software system that enables users to maintain and control access to the database.

The volume of data shared across enterprises increases rapidly, making it difficult to manage their data. One possible solution for data management is Database Management Software (DMS) which allows organizations to improve data accessibility and simplifies the process of documents management.

In this blog, we’ll delve into how DBMS works and shed some light on the benefits it brings to the table.

In this article, you’ll find out:

  • What is Database Software?
  • Main Features of Database Management Software
  • Types of Database Management Software
  • Advantages of Database Management Software
  • Applications of Database Management Software
  • Astera Centerprise- Database Management Software for your Business Needs

What is Database Management Software (DBMS) used for?

A Database Management Software or DBMS is used for storing, manipulating, and managing data in a database environment. It enables users to design a personalized database engine to meet their analytics and reporting needs. Database software design also supports creating, implementing, and maintaining an organization-wide data management system.

Generally, most DBMS packages allow users to perform operations like database creation, storing data, updating data through SQL queries.

A software system that enables users to maintain and control access to the database.

Over the years, new database management systems has been introduced with different architecture and application focus to meet the high performance modern-day requirements., providing support for data modeling, data integration, multimedia data, machine learning etc.

An example of a typical database management tool would be MySQL, a managed database service to deploy cloud-native database applications. Other options include Microsoft SQL Server, SAP HANA, Oracle, and Microsoft Access.

Main Features of a DBMS

Main Features of a DBMS

An efficient database management system tool should include the following features:

  • Data Normalization

The risk of data duplication in a database is relatively high as multiple users share it simultaneously. Data normalization mitigates this risk and minimizes the chance of destructive anomalies appearing. No data redundancy and repetition save storage and significantly improve access time.

  • User-defined rules and constraints

Referential Integrity constraints help organizations prevent accidental damage to the database by authorized users. A database management software allows users to define validation and integrity rules and conditions to ensure data satisfies the semantics.

  • Security protocols

Security controls protect the integrity of a database and the data and records residing in it. Some essential DBMS security controls include data encryption, user authentication, and user authorization.

  • Data backup

A backup protects your database against data loss. A copy of files stored in a database must be available to reconstruct data in case data get lost or corrupted. Most DBMS support logical and physical data backup.

  • Data structuring

A DBMS must allow users to organize information in a database in a clear hierarchical structure. It means all objects, records, and tables can be arranged systematically, like a catalog, so the records can easily be accessed and retrieved.

In addition, you must also look for various features and functionality depending on your use case. For example, a DBMS should offer easy database customization options, support multi-user access, and contain a metadata library.

Types of Database Management Software

These can be broadly classified into four types. The most popular types of database management systems with examples include:

1- Hierarchical

A hierarchical Data management solution stores data in a parent-children relationship node, each representing a particular entity. This type of database management software allows one-to-one and one-to-many relationships, i.e., a parent node can have one or multiple child nodes, whereas the children node can only have one parent node.

A software system that enables users to maintain and control access to the database.

Hierarchical Database Model (Source: DBMS Internals)

2- Network

A network DBMS is a model that supports many-to-many relationships, which helps store real-life relationships between entities. It is an extension of the hierarchical data management soluution that allows modelers to design a more flexible model. In this type of DBMS model, the child nodes are represented by arrows.

A software system that enables users to maintain and control access to the database.

A Network Database Model (Source: The Intact One)

3- Relational

A relational DBMS is a model where relationships are based on the entities’ data. Compared to hierarchical and network models, it offers greater flexibility and allows for more simplified relationships between entities, making it a popular choice among data modelers. Data stored in fixed structures can be organized efficiently using SQL.

A software system that enables users to maintain and control access to the database.

Figure 3. Example of a Relational Database Model (Source: ResearchGate)

4- Object-Oriented

An Object-Oriented DBMS — as the name suggests — is based on object-oriented programming (OOP). It’s a data management solution type where entities are represented in objects and stored in memory database.

It provides a unified programming environment and is compatible with various programming languages, including Java, C++, .Net, and Visual Basic, to name a few.

A software system that enables users to maintain and control access to the database.

An example of Object-Oriented Database Model (Source: Data Integration Glossary)

Advantages of a Database Management Software

Now that we have familiarized ourselves with the definition of database management and the types of DBM software, let’s move ahead and look at the functions and benefits of database management system:

  • Better Data Sharing

Implementing a DBMS allows onsite and remote users to share the data by following the correct authorization protocols quickly. It helps improve data accessibility, enabling users to share the organizational data swiftly and efficiently.

The improved data processes provide a smart solution to database queries, even the ad-hoc and impromptu ones. It results in accurate and swift data access, facilitating more informed and timely decision-making.

  • Better Security

Data security is a vital aspect of a database. A Data management solution only allows authorized users to access the database. The authentication is managed using a username and password. Controlled user access prevents unauthorized users from accessing resources in a database, which can potentially violate the integrity constraints.

  • Effective Data Integration

A DBMS provides an integrated picture — a bird’s eye view, so to speak — of the operations and processes of an organization. The unified data allows companies to evaluate the controls and performance effectively and quickly.

  • Informed Decision-Making

Data-driven decision-making can give businesses a competitive advantage, but data is valuable for decision-making only when it is reliable. Organizations can ensure data accuracy and quality trusted for analysis and decision-making using a DBMS.

  • Increase In Efficiency and Productivity

Deploying a DBMS help increase data accessibility and streamline information. It boosts the end-user productivity and leads to improved efficiency and speed for an organization.

  • Data Integration

Instead of storing data in isolated database systems, a single interface can manage databases with physical and logical relationships.

Applications of Database Management Software

Following are some of the applications of database software in different industries:

  • Banks: In the banking sector, DBMS is used to store client info, account activities, disbursements, credits, and mortgages
  • Airlines: Flight bookings and scheduling info is stored in databases.
  • Education: Student information, course registrations, and results are accumulated in database systems.
  • Telecommunication: Databases store call archives, monthly bills, retaining balances, and other call-related information.
  • Economics and Finance: DBMS stores data about bonds, transactions, and acquisitions of fiscal instruments, such as shares and stocks.
  • Sales and Marketing: Prospect and customer information is stored and accessed via databases.
  • Human Resources: Records about workers, remunerations, payroll, deduction, generating salaries, and more information are kept in database systems.

Database software collects programs that allow data to be stored, reformed, and extracted from a database. There are several kinds of database management systems (four of the most popular ones are discussed in this blog). The terms hierarchical, relational, object-oriented, and network denote how a database management software organizes data internally.

It can be challenging for data-driven enterprises to operate DBMS requires in-house expertise. Moreover, the cost, size, and performance of a DBMS varies with the organization’s requirements and use cases and should be evaluated accordingly.

Astera Centerprise- Database Management Software for your Business Needs

A data integration software can retrieve data stored in these databases and integrate it with other systems. To find out how Astera Centerprise performs this integration, take a 14-day free trial of the software or watch the product demo.

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What is the name of the software to access and control data in a database?

A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. A DBMS makes it possible for end users to create, protect, read, update and delete data in a database.

Is a software system that enables users to define create maintain and control access to the database?

DBMS stands for database management system, which is typically defined as a software system that enables users to define, create, maintain, and control access to databases.

What is the software used for managing database?

An example of a typical database management tool would be MySQL, a managed database service to deploy cloud-native database applications. Other options include Microsoft SQL Server, SAP HANA, Oracle, and Microsoft Access.