Which type of information in working memory does not show a decline in older adults quizlet?

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Terms in this set (13)

What is the most common symptom of perimenopause that women experience?

Hot flashes

What is the most dramatic contributor to skin aging?

sun exposure

What is the difference between male and female weight gain in middle adulthood?

Men tend to accumulate fat on the back and upper abdomen, while women accumulate fat around the waist.

Why do men experience less extreme bone loss than women?

because decreases in testosterone occur gradually

Which type of arthritis is an autoimmune illness?

rheumatoid arthritis

Hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease that is related to all of the following except ______.
~poor diet
~psychological stress


Which type of information in working memory does not show a decline in older adults?

emotion-related thinking

Which of the following is not a type of long-term memory that shows an age-related decline?

semantic memory

Informed consent to medical procedures depends upon a patient's ability to:

understand that participation is voluntary

t or f: Information processing capacities in infancy predict cognitive ability and intelligence through late adolescence


What are the findings from cross-sectional studies on IQ that are no longer thought to be true?

Intelligence peaks in early adulthood, declines through middle adulthood, and drops steeply in late adulthood.

How do cross-sectional and longitudinal studies differ in terms of changes in intelligence as individuals age?

Longitudinal studies show scores increasing into middle adulthood, especially on tests that reflect crystallized intelligence.

t or f: The conclusions that researchers draw regarding intellectual change in adulthood vary with each research design.


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Which type of information processed in working memory is typically unaffected with age?

A long-standing assumption in the cognitive aging literature is that performance on working memory (WM) tasks involving serial recall is relatively unaffected by aging, whereas tasks that require the rearrangement of items prior to recall are more age-sensitive.

Which type of information is most likely to decline with age?

Explicit memory normally declines with age, while implicit memory does not. There is a general stereotype about memory loss in older adults, where older individuals are considered as being forgetful and having poor memories.

Which type of memory shows decline in late adulthood?

Working memory declines during late adulthood. Aerobic exercise can improve working memory. Working memory can be improved through training.

Which component of working memory shows the greatest declines from aging?

Episodic memory is considered to be the form of long-term memory that displays the largest degree of age-related decline 4, 5, 6, 7. Working-memory performance is also reduced in old age 8, 9.


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