Which term refers to the planned and systematic attempt to change an organization and improve its performance?

Source: WTO

Table of Contents

  • Most Common Change Management Challenges
  • 1. Defining goals in a timely manner
  • 2. Poor leadership and lack of alignment
  • 3. Identifying the resources needed to make change a success
  • 4. A Lack of agility and slow approval process
  • 5. Planning the next steps
  • 6. Fear and conflicts
  • 7. Resistance to change and lack of commitment
  • 8. Poor communication in the workplace

In these uncertain times, businesses have to review their plans in no time. They are changing the way their employees are working as remote work has become the new norm and they also are rethinking the way their teams are functioning and collaborating. Most companies have already changed their organizational structure and their work arrangements.

Read on: Remote Work: 20 Ways to Engage and Connect with Your Remote Employees

Companies have to act fast and as a consequence, change is implemented with no smooth transition, which is highly challenging for both businesses and employees.

Think about it: employees — including team leaders — have to instantly adapt to new ways of working and communicating, while change management programs usually take years to be implemented — whether it’s the launch of new technology or the implementation of a new internal organization.

Indeed, driving change doesn’t mean equipping employees with new software or new ways of communicating. Implementing change requires a preparation phase, a proper internal communication plan, training programs, and evaluating the program’s success.

“Digital transformation does not happen quickly. Some companies seem to expect it to happen over the course of a year. In my experience, particularly for larger organizations, closer to five years is more realistic. Even then, the task is never over”,

says Ashley Friedlein, founder of Econsultancy.

Experts have already announced that the future of work is happening now. There’s no doubt that the way companies are managing organizational change now will directly impact their ability to ensure business continuity.

Most Common Change Management Challenges

Change is not always perceived as positive, and many employees may be resistant to changes within their organizations. Therefore, successful business transformation is all about getting employees’ buy-in and embedding new behaviors in the workplace.

Here are some of the most common challenges that change management professionals face 👇

1. Defining goals in a timely manner

Most changes get implemented with a goal to improve current processes, products, services or organizational cultures. However, it is critical to identify clear goals and milestones.

Some of the common change management goals and objectives include:

  • Build a culture of innovation
  • Change or update the company’s best practices
  • Implement new technology
  • Establish milestones and incentives programs
  • Implement knowledge sharing initiatives
  • Shift in targeted customer base

2. Poor leadership and lack of alignment

Leadership has a big impact on employee engagement. If your leaders are not convinced about the benefits of change, it will be hard to implement it.

Poor leadership and lack of alignment among the leaders are some of the main reasons for organizational change fails. On the other hand, great leaders know how to inspire their workforce and embrace change.

Read on: Top 5 Communication Skills and How to Improve Them

3. Identifying the resources needed to make change a success

Before starting the change process, identifying the resources and individuals that will facilitate the process and lead the change is crucial for success. However, it can be hard to identify those resources and budgets before the process even starts.

4. A Lack of agility and slow approval process

Organizations that are not agile struggle to implement changes. Slow approval processes can cause delays in change implementation.

Therefore, it is important to have everyone on the same page in order for the process to get implemented smoothly and on time.

5. Planning the next steps

Every change management process should have a well-set plan. The plan should consist of timelines, and change milestones should be identified. Without planning, it may be hard to understand the overall success of the change process.

6. Fear and conflicts

Changes within organizations can develop emotions of uncertainty and fear. This may cause employees to take their frustrations out on each other. Here, it is leaders’ responsibility to overcome difficulties and resolve conflicts.

An active leader should always be ready to dive deeper into the problem while working in accordance with their organizational change management.

7. Resistance to change and lack of commitment

Some employees resist change and do not want to collaborate or commit to new practices. Leaders should be able to address resistance on a psychological level and proactively remove behavioral barriers that restrict change.

8. Poor communication in the workplace

Communication is crucial for successful change management, and the cost of poor communication can be significant. Every employer that has a successful change management team expresses the need for constant communication during the change experience.

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21) An ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to

achieve them is called ________.

C) Career planning is an ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals

and identifies the means to achieve them. Career development is a formal approach used by the

organization to ensure that people with the proper qualifications and experiences are available

22) According to surveys, today's employees will work for approximately ________ companies

and will change careers ________ times in their working lives.

C) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, today's employees will work for

approximately nine companies during their careers. A survey conducted by NYU's School of

Continuing and Professional Studies showed that on average, individuals will change careers

(not merely "jobs") three times in their life.

23) A formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people with the proper

qualifications and experiences are available when needed is referred to as ________.

D) performance management

A) Career development is a formal approach used by the organization to ensure

that people with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed. Career

planning is an ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means

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24) Which term refers to the planned and systematic attempt to change an organization and

A) organization development

C) performance management

A) Organization development (OD) is planned and systematic attempts to change

the organization, typically to a more behavioral environment. OD applies to an entire system,

such as a company or a plant.

25) Which of the following terms refers to a goal-oriented process that is directed toward

ensuring that organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees,

teams, and the organization?

A) team strategic management

B) performance management

C) organization development

B) Performance management is a goal-oriented process that is directed toward

ensuring that organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees,

teams, and ultimately, the organization. Organization development (OD) is planned and

systematic attempts to change the organization, typically to a more behavioral environment. OD

applies to an entire system, such as a company or a plant.

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education

San Jose State University



Which term refers to the planned and systematic attempt to change an Organisation and improve its performance?

Organization development is the planned and systematic attempts to change the organization, typically to a more behavioral environment.

What is the systematic process of determining the skills duties and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization?

Job analysis. A job analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills, knowledge and duties required to perform different jobs in the organization.

Which terms refers to individuals that are directly involved in accomplishing the primary purpose of the organization?

55. Line Managers: Individuals directly involved in accomplishing the primary purpose of the organization.

Which term refers to a group of tasks that must be performed if an organization is to achieve its goals quizlet?

Job. Group of tasks that must be performed if an organization is to achieve its goals. Position. Collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by one person. Job description.


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