Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about cultural differences among students?


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The belief that one's own race is superior is known as Ethocenterism
Social presence The degree of "silence" (being there) between a sender and receiver using a communication medium
The most effective groups and teams have members who are willing to establish rules and abide by those rules
Eye contact, facial expressions, body movements, space, time, distance, and appearance are all examples of nonverbal communication (true/false) True
The three primary business communication functions are to inform, to persuade, and to entertain (true/false) False
Organization for economic cooperation and development The organization that promoted the new global treaty that bans the practice of bribery of foreign government officials
Which statement about middle class in emerging economies is accurate? Once known only for cheap labor, many countries with emerging economies are now seen as promising markets
Most accurate statement about eye contact Communicators consider the eyes to be the most accurate predictor of a speaker's true feelings and attitudes
Which statement about meeting agendas is most accurate An agenda should include any premeeting preparation expected of participants
The number of foreign-born persons in the US is decreasing (true/false) False
Virtual teams may be global or local (true/false) True
What is a typical ground rule for virtual meetings? Outlining procedure for asking/answering questions ; Asking participants not to multitask during meeting ; reminding participants to turn off phones alarms electronic devices
What is an example of external organizational communication A brochure sent to a prospective customer
In office conversation what is a topic to avoid Problems with health, personal relationship, salary or personal finances
Oral or written communication skills, listening , nonverbal behavior, and etiquette expertise are all examples of soft skills (true/false) true
A country with high context culture is Japan or Asian countries
What is the first step in solving business problems completely? Understanding the problem clearly
In addition to possesing strong communication skills todays workers must also be media savy which means what? Using effective marketing tools to promote a company's products and services
What statement about team-based management is least accurate? Companies that use team-based management prefer to train employees in teamwork skills rather than hire new workers who already posses these skills
To operate ethically teams should represent the organization's view, respect privileged information and what? Avoid advocating actions that would negatively affect members of society
Leaning forward, maintaining eye contact, and listening to more than a person's spoken words are ways to show you are what? Actively involved
Social media are not effective intercultural communication tools because they only reinforce cultural differences (true/false) False
A good agenda includes any premeeting preparation expected of participants (true/false) True
Most of us listen at 75% efficiency (true/false) False
Communication today generally flows one way -from companies to the public (true/false) False
Awareness of gender difference can help you become a more sensitive and knowledgeable listener (true/false) True
What is on of the most accurate statement about a culture? Cultural rules of behavior learned from your family and society are conditioned from early childhood
Project-based teams are becoming a thing of the past as workers are dispersed in various lactions (true/false) False
Globally, ethical codes of conduct are becoming more sophisticated and accessible True
What is the following statements about ending a meeting is most accurate? All participants should leave the meeting with a full understanding of what has been accomplished
You are born with the abilities to read, listen, speak, an wirte effectively (true/false) False
Communicators in high-context cultures are what More likely to be intuitive and contemplative
"Around-the-clock availability" means that you may be excepted to work long hours without extra compensation and be available
What method for reaching group decisions is this team using? Majority
Which U.S laws prohibits payments to foreign officals for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business? Foreign Corrupt practices act of 1977
The 21st century economy depends mainly on information and knowledge
What is the most accurate statement about time orientation across cultures is most accurate? Most cultures generally perceive time as limited in the workplace and therefore are punctual
What is the most accurate statement anout social networking among cultures? In real life and online we instinctively tend to gravitate toward people who seem similar to us
Intercultural communication, team building, and conflict resolution are skills that can be learned in diversity training programs (true/false) True
what is an advantage of written communication? Creates a permanent record
What is true about tolerance? To improve tolerance, one must practice empathy
The invisible barrier of attitudes and prejudices perceived to block women from reaching important corporate positions has been called what? Gender gap
Examples of intercultural competence include using objective terms to describe cultural attire, following their lead when interacting with businesspeople in other cultures and what? Using head nods, eye contact, facial, expressions, and physical proximity supportively
The rules, values, and attitudes of culture are inherent that is we are born with them (true/false) False
Which of the following is an example of a hard skill? Knowing how to prepare financial statements
The knowledge culture of todays workplace can include factory production employees (true/false) True
E-mail is considered a leaner medium than face-to-face communication False
Covering up incidents, abusing sick days, lying to a supervisor, taking credit for a colleague's ideas, and inflating grades on a resume are examples of what Unethical actions

Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about group differences among students?

Which one of the following is the most accurate statement about group differences among students? The average for two groups may be different, but variability within each group keeps us from predicting individual performance.

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes behaviorists view of how learning can best be studied?

Which one of the following statements most accurately describes behaviorists view of how learning can best be studied? The study of learning will be more objective and scientific if only observable events are considered.

Which one of the following statements best describes how learners are acquire procedural knowledge?

Which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding how learners often acquire procedural knowledge? Learners first learn it as declarative knowledge; with time and practice, it gradually becomes procedural knowledge.

When we say that different cultural and ethnic groups have different worldviews What do we mean?

When we say that different cultural and ethnic groups have different world views, we mean that: their basic assumptions about how the world operates may be different. You just studied 10 terms! 1/10.


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