Which of the following statements highlights the idea that mental illness can be socially constructed quizlet?

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Ch 12,13,14,15

Terms in this set (85)

polygamy (n.)

At least some people are permitted to have multiple spouses or sexual partners

Monogamy (noun)

Marriage with only one person at a time

Polyandry is

a woman having more than one husband at a time.


A form of polygamy in which a man may have more than one wife at the same time.

Which of the following is the US Census Bureau's definition of family

Two or more individuals related by blood marriage or adoption living in the same household

Structural functionalism

Family is cultural universal

Feminist theory

Feminist theory investigates and seeks to understand the mechanisms involved with gender inequity

Conflict theory

There are inherent in equalities both within and between families

queer theory

a body of research findings that challenges the heterosexual bias in U.S. society

The average American now spends the majority of his or her life unmarried


Brian Powells 2010 study of definitions of family

Unmarried couples both gay and heterosexual are more likely to be considered a family if children are present


Laura Scott describes US society as ________________ Suggesting that US cultural values support child bearing in child rearing as the normative and preferred practice


Mary commutes to college in Atlanta from a nearby neighborhood. She ends up marrying Joe, who lives two doors down from her and attend the same school. What is this an example of?

Which of the following factors contribute to the Sandwich effect

Having children later in life

Students graduating from college are likely to need financial help from their parents

Advances in life expectancy

Pattern maintenance

The family is responsible for the reproduction of society as it produces and socializes children who will intern become future workers and produce and socialize more new members of society. What did Talcott Persons refer to this as?

The rate of divorce in the knighted states began rising in the 1960s and I still climbing today



Hey formally recognized bond between two spouses establishing contractual rights and obligations between them

extended family

A large group of relatives usually including at least three generations living either in one household or in close proximity

nuclear family (n)

A heterosexual couple living with one or more children in a single household




A social group whose members are bound by legal biological or emotional ties or a combination of all three

Play's bees sociological analysis of the family and order from oldest to newest

Emily Derick and found that marriage and family at least for men decreased the chances of suicide

Talcott parsons argued that the modern nuclear family was especially complementary to the requirements of an industrial economy

Carol stack examined kinship relations in an urban African-American community in all our Kin

Philip Cohen coined the phrase personal family to describe relationships where people help each other out care for each other and express that care even if they're not legally are biologically related

After the ______________ The family moved from a more public social institution to a private one, as many functions formally associated with the family were transferred to other institutions. For example, work in production moved from the family to the factory, education moved from the family to the school, and_____________ Took over a variety of social welfare and supportive services formally taken care of by the _______________.

Industrial revolution
extended family

The number of Americans 65 or older is growing_________Times as fast as the population as a whole


The decade in which the concept of private nuclear families emerged in the United States


Symbolic interactionism

Marriage is not made solely by completing a legal contract but it is also constructed to the every day interactions between partners over the years

Conflict theory

Marriage as a civil rightWas not extended to all same-sex couples in the United States until 2015 nontraditional families are still marginalized in many ways while the nuclear family remains the standard

Structural functionalism

Marriage regulate sexuality and forms the basis for family with all its other functions

Cycle of violence from first to last

Abusive partner is charming

Walking on eggshells

Acute abuse and violence occur

Loving contrition

Percent of married couples in 2014


Instrumental tasks

Achieving a tangible goal
Ex:Buying school supplies washing clothes

Expressive tasks

The emotional work necessary to support family members
Ex: Remembering relatives birthdays
reading to children

Marriage is no longer at the prerequisite for child bearing. In 2013 nearly___________ Of all Births were unmarried couples,___________ of which were cohabitating couples. Of all first births__________ where to cohabitating parents. Of opposite sex cohabitating couples____________ have children where as about___________ have same-sex mail cohabitating couples and__________ that same sex female cohabitating couples have children.


Acute Diseases

Rapidly impair the functioning of a person's body.
Ex: Ebola
Common cold

Chronic diseases

Generally long-lasting afflictions now more common because of higher life expectancies
cardiovascular disease

Curative or crisis medicine

Treats the disease once it has become aparent

Preventative medicine

branch of medicine concerned with preventing disease

Palliative care

care for terminally ill patients consisting of comfort measures and symptom control.

medicalization of society

refers to the growing role of medicine as a major institution of social control


The branch of medical science that is concerned with identifying, fighting, and preventing disease by looking at patterns

Structural Functionalism in regards to medicine and health

Disease as a threat to social order and sick people cannot for fill their roles and contribute to society the healthcare system should return earning patients to health and normal functioning as members of society

Examples of structural functionalisms approach to medicine and health

People to become addicted to drugs and alcohol may be responding to strains in the social system in their own lives they may adopt by retreating are skipping through drugs and alcohol

Conflict theory in the approach to medicine and health

Health and the health care systems are valuable resources that are unequally shared in society conflict may arise among different groups seeking access to and control over these resources

Example of conflict theory approach to medicine and health

Those in power can to find social policy and create laws regarding medicine and health care people of lower social status are more likely to be scrutinized as a problem drinkers are drug attic's and may be unduly punish

Symbolic interaction is him's approach to medicine and health

The meanings of health and illness or dependent on historical cultural and situational context stigma may be attached to certain disease states and to those who suffer from them

Symbolic interactions Example of approach to medicine and health

People learn to use alcohol and drugs and social interaction and I rarely influenced by peers and other groups they may attach different meanings and values of substances and behaviors

Epidemic disease

A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease.

Pandemic disease

Disease that spreads to large geographic areas

Vector organisms

Animals like mosquitoes, ticks, and birds that carry and spread pathogens in a given area

food deserts

geographical areas with little or no access to foods needed to maintain a healthy diet

Deprivation amplification

When our individual disease risks are amplified by social factors

The sick role

expectation of others and society when a person is sick.


Cancellation of medical coverage because someone gets sick

Complementary medicine

Health care practices and products used together with conventional western medicine.

Alternative medicine

used in place of conventional medicine practices

Integrative medicine

Uses both complementary and alternative medicine


The study of ethics related to issues that arise in health care.


Science dealing with improving hereditary qualities

What disorder does the American psychiatric Association define as a range of complex development disorders that can cause problems with thinking feeling language and the ability to relate to others

Autism spectrum disorders

Which of the following statements about Socio economic status and health care are correct

People of higher socioeconomic status can afford more and better health care services insurance plans doctors visits diagnostic tests and treatments prescription medications

People with lower SES have substantially higher rates of various diseases along with higher death rates and shorter life expectancy

The effects of poverty consistently correlate with higher instances of depression and other mental problems

People of higher SES can expect to live longer lives and generally enjoy feeling more physical well-being and those of lower groups

Which of the following statements about the medicalization are correct

Medicalization changes both the meaning of conditioning and the meaning of the individual who suffers from it

Birth and death have been Medicalized

In some cases medicalization takes pressure away from the individual

Cultural context

And the United States we value slim athletic body builds and bodies of just the right amount of curves and consider people of these body types to be healthier than people with more flashy builds but into car Senegal people tend to value body types that in the United States would be considered clinically overweight single lease women in particular associate these body types with both health and wealth slimmer women actually want to gain weight in order to attain the desirable healthy well fed build what does this example suggest contributes to our ideal of a healthy body

Examples of preventative care

Quitting smoking

Increase exercise

Examples of palliative care

Morphine drip

Hospice care

Examples of Curative or crisis care

Setting a broken bone

Which of the following statements highlights the idea that mental illness can be socially constructed

The meanings and definitions of mental illness can bury over time and place

As of August 2015 which dates have death with dignity laws that allow physicians to prescribe certain patients life ending medication


Where does the definition of health as a state of complete physical mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity come from

The world health organization

Which of the following approaches characterize the US healthcare system

Palliative care
Preventive care
Curative or crisis

The kinds of diseases that can affect us can vary over time and place


What is the term for winter individual disease risks are increased by social factors

Deprivation amplification

What reason is given for men working in water dangerous occupations and engaging in risky your lifestyle behaviors compared to women

Traditional male gender role expectations

food deserts

urban and rural low-income areas with limited access to affordable and nutritious foods

Homogamy refers to

People marrying others similar to themselves

leisure time

time that you can spend however you choose
It's rather new historically
Sometimes work and leisure overlap or blend


Commercialization of leisure activities. It is having an Big impact on our lives where people made their own fun before now they purchase it in form of goods and services

Shopping is

The ultimate example of the commercialization of leisure


The fourth estate
Instrumental and a tool for social change
Intimate relationship to a democratic system of government


mixed masses or collections; accumulations of miscellaneous objects or businesses

synergy (n)

the power that results from the combination of two or more forces


The joining together of two or more companies or organizations to form one larger one.


Mergers and acquisition's associated with conglomeration result in this trend

monopoly (n)

control of a product or service by one company


The removal of some government controls over a market

Federal Communications Commission FCC Securities and exchange commission SEC

Federal agency charged with regulating large conglomerate. Established restrictions on media outlet ownership by any single company in order to avoid a monopoly on the market

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Which of the following statements highlights the idea that mental illness can be?

Which of the following statements highlights the idea that mental illness can be socially constructed? The meanings and definitions of mental illness varies over time and place.

What do sociologists ask about regarding health and illness?

Sociologists ask you to consider how larger social forces help shape this institution and your own embodied experience of health or illness.

Is the type of care we are practicing when we focus on making a person comfortable at the end of life?

Hospice care focuses on the care, comfort, and quality of life of a person with a serious illness who is approaching the end of life.

What do symbolic Interactionists believe defines illness?

The interactionist approach emphasizes that health and illness are social constructions; physical and mental conditions have little or no objective reality but instead are considered healthy or ill conditions only if they are defined as such by a society and its members.


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