Which of the following significant changes to a protocol could be administratively approved in principle by WC?

Investigators should enroll in the local Occupational Health and Safety Program before beginning work with laboratory animals. … Each organization must offer an Occupational Health and Safety Program for personnel who have significant contact with laboratory animals.

Which of the following significant changes to a protocol could be administratively approved in principle by VVC?

Which of the following significant changes to a protocol could be administratively approved (in principle) by VVC? With an existing policy approved by the IACUC, a change in analgesic agent could be approved by VVC.

What is an animal use protocol?

An Animal Utilization Protocol (AUP) is the formal application to use live animals in research, teaching or at public events. … Approval extends only to those specific procedures, animal species, numbers of animals, and trained personnel identified on the AUP.

Which individual is responsible for ensuring compliance to the procedures listed in the animal use protocol?

It is the investigator’s responsibility to ensure all individuals, listed on an Animal Use Protocol submitted for IACUC review and approval, are appropriately trained to conduct the procedures they will be performing in the study.

What are the parameters used by IACUC for the evaluation of a proposal using animal models?

The various topics the IACUC evaluates on the protocol include the rationale for proposed animal use and numbers, search for alternatives, detailed descriptions of procedures including surgical procedures, impact on the animals’ well-being, availability and use of appropriate anesthesia and analgesia, peri-procedural …

Who is responsible for ensuring that the methods of euthanasia planned in studies using laboratory animals are consistent with the AVMA guidelines?

Per PHS Policy and USDA Animal Welfare Regulations, the IACUC is given responsibility for ensuring that research personnel are properly trained to perform animal procedures.

Which of the following are occupational health concerns for laboratory staff working with dogs?

Working with laboratory animals, or tissues from laboratory animals, is associated with potential health hazards to humans. These hazards include 1) bites, scratches, and kicks; 2) allergic reactions; and 3) possible zoonotic diseases. The key to minimizing these hazards is awareness and proper training.

What are CCAC guidelines?

CCAC guidelines establish the basic requirements for each institutional program within the Canadian system of oversight of animal ethics and care.

How are CCAC guidelines developed?

The development of new, or the revision of existing, CCAC guidelines documents is prioritized by the CCAC Standards Committee and approved by the CCAC Board of Directors according to established criteria: ethics – number of animals, an increase in particular types of animals, and the potential for pain and distress.

How often must an animal use protocol be reviewed?

All modifications must be approved and documented by the ACC before being initiated by the investigator. An ACC should not renew a protocol more than three times; after three renewals, a complete, new protocol should be submitted.

What are the 4 required members roles of the IACUC committee?

  • Responsibilities.
  • Membership.
  • Semiannual Program Reviews And Facility Inspections.
  • Semiannual Report to the Institutional Official.
  • Protocol Review.
  • Postapproval Monitoring.
  • Addressing Animal Welfare Concerns.
  • Suspension of Animal Activities.

Who is required to have an IACUC?

Institutions that use animals in research, teaching, or testing are required to have an institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC). In general, the IACUC is responsible for ensuring that the use of animals is ethically and scientifically justified and that animals are treated responsibly and humanely.

What are the 4 required members of the IACUC committee?

Only a properly constituted IACUC may conduct official business. The required voting members include a Chairperson, the Attending Veterinarian, one scientist with animal research experience, a non-affiliated member (must meet the criteria in subpar.

What information must be provided in the report of deficiencies identified during the IACUC semiannual evaluation?

What information must be provided in the report for deficiencies identified during the IACUC semi-annual self-evaluation? A. A reasonable and specific plan and schedule for correcting significant deficiencies, and a description of minor deficiencies.

Is IACUC required?

An institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) is required by federal regulations for most institutions that use animals in research, teaching, and testing. The IACUC has a key oversight role, including the review and approval of animal use activities, and inspection of animal facilities.

Which justification would an IACUC most likely?

Which justification would an IACUC most likely accept if a research team plans to withhold pain relief (analgesia) from animals during a project? Documented evidence that the analgesic agent will interfere with the aims of the project.

Which organization is responsible for ensuring the humane treatment of animals in research?

The United States Department of Agriculture, or USDA, is the federal agency responsible for overseeing and inspecting laboratories that experiment on animals, as well as those who breed and sell animals for use in laboratories.

What are the main safety concerns for personnel when working with cattle?

Handlers should also be concerned with zoonotic diseases, which are illnesses that can be transmitted between humans and animals. Leptospirosis, rabies, brucellosis, salmonellosis and ringworm are especially important. The proper approach to a large animal is critical to working with them safely.

Why is proper training in euthanasia techniques so important?

Why is proper training in euthanasia techniques so important? Improper technique can cause unnecessary pain and distress in animals. A humane intervention point is defined as the time point when one must: Intervene to provide a treatment or remove an animal from a study, sometimes by euthanizing an animal.

Which are the three categories of euthanasia methods according to the AVMA guidelines?

  • Acceptable Methods of Euthanasia (AVMA guidelines) Overdose of isoflurane (see “Isoflurane Euthanasia” above) Barbiturate overdose. CO2 exposure. …
  • Methods of Confirmation of Euthanasia. Bilateral thoracotomy. Vital tissue harvest (inclusive of heart, lungs, and/or brain) Decapitation.

What are occupational health concerns for laboratory staff working with cats?

  • Inflammation around the bite wound.
  • high prostrating fevers.
  • rigors.
  • headache.
  • polyarthralgia (pain in multiple joints)

What happens if a lab mouse bites you?

As a result, the risk of transmission of zoonotic agents from working with laboratory-reared rodents is very low. However, human bite wounds and skin scratches may become infected and must be treated through immediate cleansing and follow-up through University Health Services.

What does the Canadian Council on Animal Care do?

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is the national peer-review organization responsible for setting, maintaining, and overseeing the implementation of high standards for animal ethics and care in science throughout Canada.

What are the 3 Rs in research?

The principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) were developed over 50 years ago providing a framework for performing more humane animal research.

What is CCAC certification?

The CCAC assesses and certifies institutional animal ethics and care programs based on their effective implementation of CCAC’s guidelines, policies, and associated documents.

What is the CCAC in Ontario?

1. What is the CCAC? The CCAC is a non-profit organization that helps people obtain health care and social services in their homes, their community and in Long-Term Care Homes. It is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Which of the following studies never requires review from ethics committee?

Research that does not require ethics review

Quality assurance studies, program evaluations, performance reviews, and testing within normal educational and/or organizational requirements, to be used for assessment and/or improvement purposes; and there is no research question involved.

Who is responsible for reviewing the protocol when it is submitted for approval?

The submitted protocol, or amendment, is reviewed by members of the FACC. This committee ensures that the institution’s as well as the CCAC guidelines and policies are followed.

Why is it important to document all animal care committee ACC actions and activities?

Documenting all ACC actions and activities is very important. The ACC is required to maintain certain documentation regarding the animal care and use at the institution, and must provide the CCAC with annual reports of animal use, and other specific information prior to a full CCAC assessment.

Which one of the following best describes an acceptable method of euthanasia?

“Acceptable method” – As defined by the American Veterinary Medical Association, an acceptable method of euthanasia renders an animal unconscious and insensitive to pain and distress as quickly as possible, followed by cessation of all respiratory and circulatory functions and brain activity.

Which one of the following best describes the term euthanasia?

Euthanasia means a gentle death, and in the context of animals used in science, refers to ‘humane killing’ or doing what is humanly possible to minimize pain and distress, given the circumstances, including the research goals, under which euthanasia is performed.

Which of the following significant changes to a protocol could be administratively approved in principle by VVC?

Which of the following significant changes to a protocol could be administratively approved (in principle) by VVC? With an existing policy approved by the IACUC, a change in analgesic agent could be approved by VVC.

What are three components that must be described in the Animal Welfare Assurance?

Elements of the Assurance include: Components of the institution that will be covered by the Assurance. Institutional commitment to the Animal Welfare Act, the U.S. Government Principles and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Description of program for animal care and use.

What are the primary purposes of the 3R’s concept of Russell and Burch?

What are the primary purposes of the “3R’s” concept of Russell and Burch? Urge scientists to minimize use of animals and to minimize pain and distress caused by animal experiments.

What is the significance of US government Principle IV?

Principle IV of the US Government Principles states that unless the contrary is established, the assumption must be made that a procedure that causes pain or distress in a human being will cause pain and distress in an animal.

What is an IACUC Protocol What are the contents of this protocol?

The Animal Study Protocol, or the IACUC protocol, is a detailed description of the proposed use of animals prepared by the researcher for IACUC review and approval. Activities involving animals in research, testing, and teaching can begin only after they have been reviewed and approved by the IACUC.

Who is responsible for ensuring that the methods of euthanasia planned in studies using laboratory animals are consistent with the AVMA guidelines?

Per PHS Policy and USDA Animal Welfare Regulations, the IACUC is given responsibility for ensuring that research personnel are properly trained to perform animal procedures.

Who makes up an IACUC committee?

1. The committee shall be composed of a Chairman and at least two other members. 2. One of these members must be a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with training or experience related to laboratory animal research.

How often must an IACUC meet?

The IACUC must inspect facilities (and evaluate animal care an use programs) at least every six months.

What document provides the guidelines for working with infectious diseases in animal research?

The PHS Policy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal Welfare Regulations 2, are the two principal federal documents that set forth requirements for animal care and use by institutions using animals in research, testing, and education.

Which of the following is true regarding the IACUCs authority and responsibilities regarding research animal misuse?

Which of the following is true regarding the IACUC's authority and responsibilities regarding research animal misuse, mistreatment, or noncompliance? The IACUC has regulatory authority to stop any animal activities to protect either animals or people.

What must Investigators do prior to making any significant changes in their use of animals?

Investigators should enroll in the local Occupational Health and Safety Program before beginning work with laboratory animals. B. Investigators must participate in all aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Program, including immunizations.

Who is authorized to overturn a decision by an IACUC to suspend an activity?

If an IACUC suspends an activity or denies approval of an animal activity, the decision cannot be reversed by an institutional authority. However, institutional leadership may say no to an animal activity that was approved by an IACUC. Slide 21 (8.

What are two principal animal regulatory documents?

The PHS Policy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal Welfare Regulations 2, are the two principal federal documents that set forth requirements for animal care and use by institutions using animals in research, testing, and education.


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