Which of the following should you do when responding favorably to questions in a routine inquiry message?

Which of the following is an example of a stereotype?

Nội dung chính

  • Which of the following should you do when responding favorably to questions in a routine inquiry?
  • Which of the following is the most appropriate beginning for a typical routine inquiry message quizlet?
  • How should you structure questions in a routine inquiry message?
  • Which of the following guidelines should be followed when writing an order acknowledgment message?

a) Roberto, a Brazilian, is often late to meetings and likes to chat before getting down to business.
b) James, an American, dislikes even moderate public displays of affection.
c) Zoe must like spicy food because she is Cuban.
d) Akiko is Japanese and bows when greeting someone.
e) Lillian Stark is English, and she prefers that people whom she does not know well call her Ms. Stark.

c) Zoe must like spicy food because she is Cuban.

In cultures that have low power distance

a) no one is permitted to have any authority at all.
b) great emphasis is placed on the authority of superiors.
c) authority is shared between many people.
d) employees look to their boss to make even minor decisions.
e) may be hesitant to offer comments during online conversations.

c) authority is shared between many people.

Wei is giving a sales presentation in which she describes her company's product and how it will meet the needs of the people she is talking to. She does not explicitly state everything she wants the audience to know. Rather, she relies on body language, tone of voice, and eye movements to give cues that her audience members can use to understand her full message. Wei most likely belongs to a(n) ________ culture.


Barron and Gyeong want to convince Amaro that his tools supply store should buy their company's brand of ratchets. When they all meet, instead of beginning their sales pitch, Barron asks Amaro if he caught the local soccer team's most recent match. This leads to a discussion of the team's season and then to talk about Gyeong's son, who plays soccer for the nearby university. Eventually, after they have each talked about their families, Barron and Gyeong bring the conversation around to their product. This meeting would most likely happen in a ________ culture.


Check in does not mean the same thing as the words check and in do on their own. Check in is an example of

a two-word verb

Which of the following statements about the expression of emotions is true?

a) Laughter is always viewed as a spontaneous display of pleasure.
b) Some Middle Eastern cultures express sorrow with loud wailing.
c) Asian cultures tend to prefer strong public displays of affection.
d) Westerners frown on public displays of affection.
e) The expression of emotion is frowned upon in business situations.

b) Some Middle Eastern cultures express sorrow with loud wailing.

When meeting with clients, Rachelle avoids spending time chatting about things like what they did last weekend or what movie they saw most recently. Instead, she focuses on getting down to business so that the meeting ends on time and she can move on to her next task for the day. Rachelle most likely belong to a(n) ________ culture.


T/F Edwardo and his coworkers often show up and start meetings fifteen or even thirty minutes later than scheduled, indicating that they are probably members of a polychronic culture.


T/F When communicating with a nonnative English speaker, it is best to err on the side of simplicity to increase the likelihood of clear communication.


T/F In low-context cultures, individualism is highly valued.


Which procedure involves two translators, one with first-language skills in one language, and one with first-language skills in another, translating a message from one language to another and then back to the first language so that the original message can be compared with the second translation?

back translating

The Protestant work ethic is the belief that

if hard work is put ahead of pleasure, success will follow

Cultures that exhibit a high power distance

a) leave employees to make their own decisions on a case-by-case basis.
b) expect employees to do as their superiors direct.
c) make decisions by consensus.
d) encourage people to voice their opinions, no matter what role they inhabit.
e) tend to spread out authority so that no one person is too powerful.

b) expect employees to do as their superiors direct.

Which of the following statements about language is true?

a) Words in languages other than English typically only have one meaning.
b) Precise translation is typically an easy matter.
c) A word in one language may have no corresponding word in another.
d) All languages contain equivalent language components, such as verbs and conjunctions.
e) Words like 'yes' mean the same thing in every culture.

c) A word in one language may have no corresponding word in another.

Melissa wants her company to adopt more environmentally friendly practices, so she has created a presentation to give to the board of directors. She begins her presentation by explaining some background information on these practices, such as why they are important for the environment and the company's image. Melissa then moves on to discussing exactly what measures she feels her company should adopt, and why she feels they are the best options. Given this information, Melissa is most likely from a(n) ________ culture.


Two-word verbs consist of

a verb and a second element that, when combined, creates a new meaning

Which of the following statements about stereotypes is true?

a) They are perpetuated by generalizations about cultures.
b) They are flexible and constantly changing.
c) They are not based on real life observations.
d) They have no use in the modern world.
e) They help us better get to know individuals.

a) They are perpetuated by generalizations about cultures.

T/F Geography, history, and religion all play major roles in influencing culture.


Jean Luc and Oscar own a small manufacturing company in Louisiana, and they are meeting with two executives of a Mexican retail chain in the hopes of convincing them to carry their products. Jean Luc begins the pitch, and after a couple of minutes, Oscar jumps in to say, "Jean Luc really hit the nail on the head when he said these products offer better value than what you're currently carrying." The Mexican executives both speak English, but they look at each other in confusion. What mistake did Oscar make?

He used a colloquialism

Geert Hofstede refers to the way people view relationships between superiors and subordinates as ____

power distance

T/F Hand gestures vary in meaning from culture to culture.


T/F If you plan to do business abroad, you should focus your research solely on the people of the culture you are about to visit.


Which type of culture thinks extensive planning is unwise and views being on time to an event as being fairly unimportant?


Danny is an American whose company has sent him to handle a business deal in Japan. While he is there, Danny's host offers him unfamiliar foods, refuses to make prolonged eye contact, and bows frequently. Danny thinks the food and frequent bowing are weird and that refusing to make eye contact is rude. In his mind, the way things are done in the United States is the "right" way. What tendency is Danny exhibiting?


Marina's boss has absolute authority in her office. He makes the decisions, and Marina is expected to simply do as he says. Marina most likely lives in a ________ culture.

high power distance

Which of the following statements about body movements is true?

a) Even though the meanings of body movements vary by culture, eye contact is the same around the world.
b) The meanings of body movements are generally the same around the world.
c) A movement that is respectful in one culture will be respectful in another culture.
d) Some body movements have clear meanings that are a crucial part of communication, while others do not.
e) If a movement has meaning in one culture, it has meaning in another culture, even if the meaning is slightly different.

d) Some body movements have clear meanings that are a crucial part of communication, while others do not.

Which of the following is an example of a two-word verb?

a) calm down
b) negotiate quickly
c) crawl under
d) international communication
e) close tightly

a) calm down

The tendency to see only the features of your own culture as "normal" is called


Which of the following statements about workplace values is true?

a) Cultures that place emphasis on interpersonal relationships rather than planning, as is the case in Spain, tend to be more relaxed in business.
b) Canadian culture views the employee-employer relationship like a family and expects it to last for a lifetime.
c) American culture focuses on networking and interpersonal relationships rather than maximizing production or planning.
d) Cultures that have high power distance also tend to expect workers to be free to move from job to job.
e) All cultures believe that if you put hard work before pleasure, success will follow.

a) Cultures that place emphasis on interpersonal relationships rather than planning, as is the case in Spain, tend to be more relaxed in business.

Rosita has a meeting scheduled for 2:00 p.m. today, but she already knows she won't be there until at least 2:15. However, this doesn't bother her. In her mind, she'll get there when she gets there. Furthermore, she knows that the client she's meeting with will also show up late. No one will feel impatient or rushed just because they are not starting on time. Rosita and her client most likely belong to a ________ culture.


Which of the following statements about culture is true?

a) It is impossible to communicate with people unless you understand their cultural roots.
b) The differences between national cultures are strong and unchanging.
c) Our dominant culture affects how we communicate, but not how we think.
d) Cultures change as people, ideas, and things move across borders.
e) A person always represents the culture of his or her national origin.

d) Cultures change as people, ideas, and things move across borders.

T/F A word in one language may or may not have a corresponding word in another language.


When speaking with an unfamiliar audience made up of nonnative English speakers, you should

talk clearly and use simple words and sentence structure

Colette is a business executive from France, and Franz is a business executive from Germany. Colette does not speak German, nor does Franz speak French. Which language are they most likely to conduct business in?


Which of the following statements about colloquialisms is true?

a) It is impossible to replace colloquialisms with plain language.
b) Unfamiliar colloquialisms can cause problems even for native English speakers.
c) In the United States, colloquial expressions are rarely used.
d) Colloquialisms are generally easy for international communicators to understand.
e) Colloquialisms are almost never defined on ESL websites.

b) Unfamiliar colloquialisms can cause problems even for native English speakers.

Which of the following statements about back translating is true?

a) It is the only way to translate idioms and colloquialisms accurately.
b) If the translations are good, the second translation will match the original message.
c) It involves one translator translating a message into a new language. The translated message is then reviewed by a second translator for accuracy.
d) It requires three translators.
e) It only works with Latinate languages.

b) If the translations are good, the second translation will match the original message.

T/F Because they spend a lot of time explaining background information, people from high-context cultures often seem evasive and indecisive to people from low-context cultures.


T/F People in the United States tend to be monochronic, meaning they view time in a relaxed way.


T/F Our dominant culture has little impact on who we are and how we think.


Elisa grew up speaking Spanish, but learned to speak English as an adult, and she now works as a translator for a U.S. company that has frequent business interactions with South American businesses. Elisa's translating skills are good, and the company typically relies on her alone to do their translating. However, they are currently involved in negotiating an extremely important contract and need the wording in Spanish to be exactly right, so they hire George, a freelance translator and native English speaker to help. Elisa translates the English message into Spanish, and George translates the Spanish message back into English. They then compare the original message with George's translation to make sure they match. What process have Elisa and George completed?

back translation

Tamiko and her friends all have social media accounts that they use to talk to each other. However, they rarely add people that they don't know very well to their friends lists, and they almost never comment on posts made by companies or celebrities because they don't want to overstep their authority. Tamiko and her friends are likely members of a

culture with a high power distance

A culture that sees time as something that must be planned to be used as efficiently as possible is


T/F There can be many subcultures within one culture.


Langdon always makes it to appointments on time and feels that meeting deadlines is an important part of his job. Langdon most likely belongs to a(n) ________ culture.


T/F Some nonverbal communication movements, such as eye contact, are the same in every culture.


Carly and Trent own a small graphic design company together. They can make decisions for the company by themselves, but they often ask for input from other employees and believe that decisions made by consensus tend to be better for the company as a whole. Carly and Trent's company has a(n) ________ culture.

low power distance

The way that Calista and the other people from her native city collectively understand and interpret the world is referred to as their


T/F Back translating involves translating a sentence beginning with the last word and ending with the first word in order to ensure a literal translation.


T/F Ethnocentrism is sensitivity to the different dimensions of cultural difference.


T/F Cross-cultural business communication skills are only necessary for employees of companies that do business internationally.


Which of the following statements about good cross-cultural communication skills is not true?

a) They can help you be a more effective employee.
b) They make it possible for your company to hire a wider variety of good people.
c) They can help you persuasively explain to foreign customers how your company can meet their needs.
d) They increase your ability to understand the needs of customers from other countries.
e) They eliminate the chance that there will be culture-related misunderstanding.

e) They eliminate the chance that there will be culture-related misunderstanding.

Which of the followings statements about language and international business is true?

a) When executives have no common language, they are likely to use English.
b) English is the primary business language of the Americas, while German is the primary business language of Europe.
c) English is only used to conduct business when a Canadian, American, or English company is involved.
d) Because English is the main language of international business, non-native English speakers have no problems understanding it.
e) English is so prevalent in international business that an executive from Cuba and an executive from Peru would use it to communicate with each other.

a) When executives have no common language, they are likely to use English.

T/F Two word verbs combine a verb with a second element to create a different meaning than the two words would have on their own.


Background information is explicitly stated in a ________ culture, but is largely implied in a(n) ________ culture.

low-context; high-context

A culture where people tend to express themselves directly and explicitly is a(n) ________ culture.


T/F When writing a favorable response to a customer inquiry, you should avoid adding comments, questions, suggestions, or additional information even if such material is relevant to the reader's original request.


Which of the following guidelines should be followed when writing order acknowledgement messages?

a) Avoid wasting time in building goodwill and stick to the main point.
b) Refrain from mentioning a delay if it is due to unexpected reasons.
c) Begin the message with bad news, if there is any.
d) Be direct in telling the customer about any additional information they need to provide.
e) Include information about new products, services, or opportunities for the reader.

e) Include information about new products, services, or opportunities for the reader.

Which of the following statements about a routine inquiry that seeks only one piece of information is true?

a) Such a message makes it mandatory for the writer to use the indirect approach.
b) The message can be move to a goodwill ending immediately after you ask your question.
c) The length of the message must be kept to a minimum by excluding explanatory information.
d) Such a message restricts the sender from adding any extra explanation related to the query.
e) The message requires that the writer use the we-viewpoint in addressing the reader.

b) The message can be move to a goodwill ending immediately after you ask your question.

T/F Ending a message with phrases such as "as soon as possible" or "at your convenience" helps in building goodwill.


Which of the following is true of order acknowledgements?

a) The sole purpose of writing acknowledgements is to help build goodwill.
b) Acknowledgements let people who order goods know the status of their orders.
c) Acknowledgements are typically written using the indirect plan of organizing information.
d) You must use a highly formal style when writing acknowledgements.
e) You should not use the you-viewpoint when writing acknowledgements.

b) Acknowledgements let people who order goods know the status of their orders.

T/F If your response to an inquiry includes some bad news along with good news, you should place the bad news at the beginning and ending of the message.


T/F In writing a favorable response to an inquiry containing several questions, it is considered inappropriate to begin the message by stating that you are complying with the reader's request.


T/F When writing a claim that you have good reason to believe will result in an adjustment, you should use the indirect order.


T/F Casual operational messages do not require careful construction or wording.


Which of the following is the best approach to use when a message is likely to evoke a positive response from the reader?

a) the indirect approach
b) the active approach
c) the direct approach
d) the practical approach
e) the passive approach

c) the direct approach

Ozqur owns a chain of frozen yogurt shops. After one of his employees had a particularly scary encounter with a patron, he writes a memo to his employees outlining the new procedure for dealing with difficult or threatening customers. This message is most likely a ________ message.

formal internal-operational

Which of the following statements about moderately formal internal-operational messages is true?

a) They are usually used to give quick responses to work issues.
b) They are typically written to present policies and procedures.
c) They begin by stating their objectives and then systematically discuss vital information.
d) They are typically collected and kept in manuals for further reference.
e) They do not require careful construction or wording.

c) They begin by stating their objectives and then systematically discuss vital information.

The Molinari Company has shipped the wrong dining room set to Martha. In the hopes of correcting the situation, Martha plans to write

a claim message

Which of the following is the most effective method of making questions stand out in a routine message?

a) including as many questions as possible in each paragraph
b) placing all the questions in a single paragraph
c) combining two or more questions in a sentence
d) avoiding the use of bullets to list questions
e) structuring questions in true question form

e) structuring questions in true question form

Bettina is a property investment manager who wants to write to a client telling him that the new sprinkler system installed at his property has already reduced its water bill by hundreds of dollars over last year. Which of the following guidelines should Bettina follow when writing this message?

a) She should write the message using the indirect approach of organizing information.
b) She should present the objective or key point of the message at the end.
c) She should explain the orienting material in detail and keep the main objective brief.
d) She should end with a general closing, such as 'If you need further information, just ask.'
e) She should include all necessary explanations in the body of the message.

e) She should include all necessary explanations in the body of the message.

Which of these concluding sentences is most likely to build goodwill in a routine inquiry message?

a) Your early response would be most sincerely appreciated.
b) As we must begin production on July 15, I'd appreciate your response by that date.
c) Thank you in advance for your help. We expect a reply as soon as possible.
d) Please respond to our queries at your convenience.
e) Thank you for your cooperation in assisting us with our queries.

b) As we must begin production on July 15, I'd appreciate your response by that date.

Which of the following sentences is most likely to build goodwill in a routine inquiry message?

a) A prompt return of the signed paperwork will be highly appreciated.
b) Please return the signed paperwork at your convenience.
c) Thanks in advance for returning the signed paperwork as soon as possible.
d) Hoping to hear from you soon.
e) Please sign and return the paperwork by October 5 so that we may keep to the proposed schedule.

e) Please sign and return the paperwork by October 5 so that we may keep to the proposed schedule.

When including bad news in a favorable response, you should

place the bad news in secondary positions

If you are seeking only one piece of information in a routine inquiry message, you should

begin the message with a specific question

When is it best to use the indirect approach in creating a message?

when the message is likely to evoke a negative response from the reader

What is the advantage of closing a message with a tailored ending?

It helps in building more goodwill

Which of the following sentences would be most effective in attracting attention as part of a routine inquiry about an advertised product?

a) It would be nice if you would tell me more about the company retreat facilities that were advertised in the most recent edition of 'Business Today'
b) Could you please answer the following questions regarding the company retreat facilities that were advertised in the most recent edition of 'Business Today'?
c) I saw your company retreat facilities advertisement in 'Business Today', and I want to know more about them.
d) Please refer to your latest company retreat facilities advertisement. I have a few questions about it.
e) Your new company retreat facilities appears to meet our needs well, and we would like to know more about them.

b) Could you please answer the following questions regarding the company retreat facilities that were advertised in the most recent edition of 'Business Today'?

T/F A routine inquiry should not open with a question or request.


Combining two or more questions in a sentence

de-emphasizes each question

T/F Messages that contain good news should be written in the indirect order.


Halina has received a customer inquiry asking about the availability of her hotel's penthouse suite on April 5th. She has determined that the suite is available, and is composing a response for the customer. Which of the following openings should Halina use?

a) I have received your message dated April 5, in which you ask...
b) Thank you for your inquiry about our penthouse suite.
c) Thank you for your message dated April 5.
d) Yes, our penthouse suite is available on April 5th.
e) We appreciate you contacting our hotel.

d) Yes, our penthouse suite is available on April 5th.

Which of the following concluding sentences is most likely to build goodwill in a routine inquiry message?

a) We would appreciate an early response.
b) Please return the completed project reports at your convenience.
c) We know that you will be kind enough to help us. Thank you in advance.
d) Hoping to hear from you ASAP.
e) Your prompt reply to our proposal by August 31 will allow us to start our work on time.

e) Your prompt reply to our proposal by August 31 will allow us to start our work on time.

Which of the following guidelines should be followed when writing an order acknowledgement message?

a) Open the message with promotional material.
b) Avoid wasting time in building goodwill.
c) Begin with the news of when the order should be received by the customer.
d) Begin by explicitly thanking the customer for their order.
e) Refrain from mentioning expected delays.

c) Begin with the news of when the order should be received by the customer.

Which of the following sentences would be most likely to convey the right tone in a claim message?

a) I expected your company to be more professional in handling my order.
b) You got my order wrong, and want it to be replaced ASAP.
c) I'm extremely disappointed with your subpar service.
d) Please send us a replacement by January 1.
e) I cannot believe that you sent us a broken product!

d) Please send us a replacement by January 1.

T/F Internal-operational communications are highly casual exchanges between employees of the same company.


When you believe that your reader's response will be ________ or ________, the direct organizational plan is appropriate.

positive; neutral

T/F An order acknowledgment message begins with good news and ends on a goodwill note.


Which of the following guidelines will help create an effective good-news message?

a) The message should use the we-viewpoint instead of the you-viewpoint.
b) The message should be composed using the indirect plan of organizing information.
c) The objective or main part of the message should be reserved for the ending.
d) The message should be concluded with an appropriate, friendly comment.
e) All the details of the message should be covered in the first paragraph.

d) The message should be concluded with an appropriate, friendly comment.

Messages that stay within a business and are used to complete the work of the business are referred to as ________ messages.


T/F The opening of a routine inquiry should focus on the main objective.


In the context of order acknowledgements, which of the following illustrates the most positive way of responding to a vague order?

a) If you had specified the exact model, we would have shipped your order immediately.
b) So we can ship your order, please let us know which of the two bookcase models you would like.
c) The expected delivery date was not mentioned in your order.
d) You failed to mention the number of bookcases that you need.
e) You did not specify the details of the requested products.

b) So we can ship your order, please let us know which of the two bookcase models you would like.

Which of the following should you do when responding favorably to questions in a routine inquiry message?

a) Answer each question in a separate message to ensure clarity.
b) Answer the most important question first.
c) Answer all the questions in a single paragraph.
d) Conclude the message with the answer to the reader's primary question.
e) Request the sender limit the number of questions.

b) Answer the most important question first.

When composing good-news and neutral messages, one may

begin the message with a brief orienting clause

Which of the following guidelines should be followed when responding favorably to multiple questions in a routine inquiry message?

a) Avoid using numbered or bulleted lists.
b) Build suspense by answering the most important question last.
c) Order your answers logically, such as in numbered paragraphs.
d) Answer as concisely as possible, combining several answers into a single paragraph where practical.
e) Make your answers stand out by responding to each question in a new message.

c) Order your answers logically, such as in numbered paragraphs.

Which of the following illustrates the most positive way of explaining a shipping delay?

a) Your order of 20 bolts of dyed silk will not be shipped until March 30 due to a production delay.
b) Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are unable to ship your order.
c) We cannot ship the bolts of dyed silk you have ordered until next month, because dyeing does not resume until February 1.
d) Because we aren't producing dyed silk at this time, you will receive your order sometime in late March.
e) Our silk dyeing process resumes on February 1; your order of 20 bolts of dyed silk will arrive on March 30.

e) Our silk dyeing process resumes on February 1; your order of 20 bolts of dyed silk will arrive on March 30.

Karpos is looking for a company to supply his business with wire in various gauges. When sending inquiries to prospective suppliers, which of the following would be the most effective sentence to include in his opening?

a) It would be nice if you could tell me about your wire products.
b) Will you please answer the following questions about your wire products?
c) As our previous supplier went out of business, we need information regarding your wire products.
d) We would like to know about your wire products.
e) Your wire products appear to be just what we need.

b) Will you please answer the following questions about your wire products?

The opening of a routine inquiry should always

give the reader a clear sense of your purpose

T/F For the sake of conciseness and clarity, the questions in a routine inquiry should be combined into a single sentence.


Which of the following guidelines should be followed when answering two or more questions in a favorable response message?

a) Respond to the most important query as quickly as possible, then follow up with a second message addressing the less important questions.
b) Arrange the answers in the same order as the corresponding questions in the inquiry message.
c) Avoid telling the reader that you are complying with his or her request, as it sounds redundant.
d) Answer the questions in order of simplest to most complex.
e) Avoid numbering your answers, unless the questions they are responding to were also numbered.

b) Arrange the answers in the same order as the corresponding questions in the inquiry message.

A good place for general explanatory material in a routine inquiry with multiple questions is

in the body of the message along with the questions

Which of the following claim messages presents its content in the most appropriate manner?

a) Please replace the broken product by tomorrow.
b) It was highly disappointing that our order was not fulfilled as per your service-level agreement.
c) You guys really screwed up this time.
d) Your delivery of a broken product was unacceptable.
e) I am not happy about receiving the wrong product. You should be more careful.

a) Please replace the broken product by tomorrow.

The following is an email from Devi to her coworker, Ilya:

"Remind me, should David be invited to tomorrow's meeting?"

This is an example of

a casual internal-operational message

Which of the following statements about internal-operational messages is true?

a) They are casual exchanges between the employees of an organization with those of another organization.
b) They are formal messages sent from employees of an organization to outsiders.
c) They are messages developed by a business to communicate effectively with its clients.
d) The formality of such communication ranges from casual to moderately formal to formal.
e) Documents uploaded to intranets cannot be classified as internal-operational messages.

d) The formality of such communication ranges from casual to moderately formal to formal.

Which of the following guidelines should be followed when writing an effective message carrying good news?

a) The message should use the we-viewpoint instead of the you-viewpoint.
b) The objective of the message should be made clear within the first paragraph.
c) The message should be written using the indirect order of organizing information.
d) The objective or key point of the message should be presented at the end of the message.
e) All the details of the message should be covered in the first paragraph.

b) The objective of the message should be made clear within the first paragraph.

Binh is writing a message to a client to tell him that if he does not bring his account current, she will be forced to end their working relationship. She knows he will not respond well to this message. What should she do?

a) use blunt language to immediately identify the problem
b) end her message by pointing out how bad the situation is
c) use the direct organizational plan
d) use the indirect organizational plan
e) begin her message by accusing him

d) use the indirect organizational plan

Which of the following is a good practice in framing questions for routine inquiry messages?

a) Structure questions in such a way that they merely hint at a need for information.
b) Avoid the use of bullets or numbering to order questions.
c) Avoid simple yes or no questions unless they are required.
d) Place all of the questions in a single, concise paragraph.
e) Combine two or more questions to form a compound question.

c) Avoid simple yes or no questions unless they are required.

A direct-order message

allows the writer to begin with the key point and get to the objective without delay

T/F Your goal in a claim message is to convince your reader that you deserve a remedy or compensation for the situation that has occurred.


Elewa needs an immediate response from her client about an incomplete order. Which of the following closing statements should she use in her message to the client?

a) If you need further information, please don't hesitate to ask me.
b) Thank you! I will be expecting a response from you soon.
c) Please reply by 2-8:00 p.m. to ensure that your order ships today.
d) Please contact me as soon as possible.
e) Please send me these details at your convenience.

c) Please reply by 2-8:00 p.m. to ensure that your order ships today.

T/F If Julie writes an email responding to a customer complaint, she is engaging in internal-operational communication.


T/F When ending routine inquiry messages, one should avoid mentioning deadlines and the reasons for them.


T/F Depending on the situation, claim messages can either be written using the direct order or the indirect order.


T/F Internal-operational messages are those emails and hard-copy messages written by the employees of a company to suppliers and service organizations outside the company.


You are most likely to build goodwill with your readers by using

a closing that is tailored to your message

T/F When responding to an inquiry with two or more questions, a good approach is to answer the questions in the body of your message in the same order your reader used in asking them.


Which of the following should be included in the body of a direct claim?

a) a statement indicating that you will take your business elsewhere
b) a direct statement that uses the word 'you' and points out what the reader did wrong
c) a statement that indirectly places the blame on the reader
d) a paragraph explaining the problem to help your reader understand your requirements
e) a statement that uses words such as 'disappointment' and 'complaint' to accurately reflect your emotions and the situation

d) a paragraph explaining the problem to help your reader understand your requirements

T/F In the context of writing order acknowledgements, when delays are routine and expected and do not pose a serious problem, you should use the indirect approach.


Which of the following is an ideal opening for a direct claim?

a) Please adjust invoice 3459 to show that we ordered six office chairs, not seven.
b) Unfortunately, you shipped only three laptops instead of the five we ordered.
c) On November 1, our team met and decided it was time to upgrade the phones for our field representatives.
d) Imagine our disappointment when we received our order and discovered three broken glasses.
e) You shipped us three tablets that didn't work, and you shipped them later than you promised.

a) Please adjust invoice 3459 to show that we ordered six office chairs, not seven.

T/F When a message is likely to elicit a positive or neutral response from a reader, the direct approach is preferable.


Which of the following should you do when responding favorably to questions in a routine inquiry?

Which of the following should you do when responding favorably to questions in a routine inquiry message? Answer the most important question first.

Which of the following is the most appropriate beginning for a typical routine inquiry message quizlet?

Which of the following is the most appropriate beginning for a typical routine inquiry message? The opening of the routine inquiry should focus on the main objective.

How should you structure questions in a routine inquiry message?

A routine inquiry should not open with a question or request. orient the reader, followed by the request or question. The opening of a routine inquiry should focus on the main objective. you'll ask in the body of the message.

Which of the following guidelines should be followed when writing an order acknowledgment message?

Which of the following guidelines should be followed when writing order acknowledgement messages? End the message on a goodwill note and appropriate extra information.

Which of the following is the most appropriate way to make an inquiry in a routine inquiry message quizlet?

Which of the following is the most appropriate beginning for a typical routine inquiry message? The opening of the routine inquiry should focus on the main objective.

How should you structure questions in a routine inquiry message?

A routine inquiry should not open with a question or request. orient the reader, followed by the request or question. The opening of a routine inquiry should focus on the main objective. you'll ask in the body of the message.

Which one of the following guidelines should be followed when writing an effective message carrying good news?

Which of the following guidelines will help create an effective good-news message? The message should be concluded with an appropriate friendly comment. What is the advantage of closing a message with a tailored ending? It helps in building more goodwill.

Which one of the following guidelines should be followed when writing an order Acknowledgement message?

Which of the following guidelines should be followed when writing order acknowledgement messages? End the message on a goodwill note and appropriate extra information.


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