Which of the following represents the predictable sequence of stages in team development group of answer choices?

An example of a work team would be a

Nội dung chính

  • What are some examples of teamwork?
  • What is the meaning of team work?
  • When is a team useful for the task?
  • What are some examples of practical team building quiz questions?
  • What is the definition of a work team quizlet?
  • What is a group what is a work team?
  • What is the purpose of work teams quizlet?
  • What is the purpose of the team with example?

-quality control team at a factory that oversees the quality of the good produced and recommends changes in production techniques.
-team that oversees the functioning of all the teams in an organization and coordinates activities among teams.
-group of four workers making a specific part on the production line of an automobile factory.
-team composed of interior designers, architects, and builders involved in designing and creating the layout of a new hotel.
-band traveling around the country for six months, playing shows at different venues.

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Which of the following represents the predictable sequence of stages in team development?

A. Performing, forming, norming, storming, and adjourning.

B. Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.

C. Norming, forming, performing, storming, and adjourning.

D. Norming, forming, storming, performing, and adjourning.

E. Storming, norming, performing, forming, and adjourning.

Avoiding—"Maybe the Problem Will Go Away"
Avoiding is ignoring or suppressing a conflict. Avoidance is appropriate for trivial issues, when emotions are high and a cooling-off period is needed, or when the cost of confrontation outweighs the benefits of resolving the conflict. It is not appropriate for difficult or worsening problems.

The benefit of this approach is that it buys time in unfolding and ambiguous situations. The weakness is that it provides only a temporary fix and sidesteps the underlying problem.

Accommodating—"Let's Do It Your Way"
An accommodating manager is also known as a "smoothing" or "obliging" manager. Accommodating is allowing the desires of the other party to prevail. As one writer describes it, "An obliging [accommodating] person neglects his or her own concern to satisfy the concern of the other party."100 Accommodating may be an appropriate conflict-handling strategy when it's possible to eventually get something in return or when the issue isn't important to you. It's not appropriate for complex or worsening problems.

The advantage of accommodating is that it encourages cooperation. The weakness is that once again it's only a temporary fix that fails to confront the underlying problem.

Forcing—"We Have to Do It My Way"
Also known as "dominating," forcing is simply ordering an outcome, when a manager relies on his or her formal authority and power to resolve a conflict, but the needs of the other party are largely ignored. Forcing is appropriate when an unpopular solution must be implemented and when it's not important that others be committed to your viewpoint.

The advantage of forcing is speed: It can get results quickly. The disadvantage is that in the end it doesn't resolve personal conflict—if anything, it aggravates it by breeding hurt feelings and resentment.

Compromising—"Let's Split the Difference"
In compromising, both parties give up something in order to gain something. Compromise is appropriate when both sides have opposite goals or possess equal power. But compromise isn't workable when it is used so often that it doesn't achieve results—for example, continual failure to meet production deadlines. Compromise, says one writer, sometimes represents "the mistaken idea that any agreement is better than no agreement."101

The benefit of compromise is that it is a democratic process that seems to have no losers. However, since so many people approach compromise situations with a win-lose attitude, they may be disappointed and feel cheated.

Collaborating—"Let's Cooperate to Reach a Win-Win Solution That Benefits Both of Us"
Problem solving, or integrating, is about collaboration. In this style, the manager strives to confront the issue and cooperatively identify the problem, generating and weighing alternatives and selecting a solution. Problem solving is appropriate for complex issues plagued by misunderstanding. It is inappropriate for resolving conflicts rooted in opposing value systems.

What are some examples of teamwork?

Examples of teamwork include team members holding one another accountable for any decisions or actions they make, whether good or not. They understand that this way of thinking can help each other grow and learn while also making the work environment more enjoyable.

What is the meaning of team work?

Two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives. A group that interacts primarily to share information and make decisions to help each member perform within that member's area of responsibility.

When is a team useful for the task?

When the work creates a common purpose or set of goals for the people in the group that is more than the aggregate of individual​ goals, a team is useful for the task.

What are some examples of practical team building quiz questions?

Examples of practical team building quiz questions 1 Ignore the offense 2 Call the colleague out in front of the team, so you can be sure that everybody remembers the rule. 3 Pull your coworker aside and recite the rule. Share your concern for your teammate’s safety. 4 Report the deed to the manager immediately. More ...

What is the definition of a work team quizlet?

A group that interacts primarily to share information and to make decisions to help each group member perform within his or her area of responsibility.

What is a group what is a work team?

Work Groups and Work Teams A work team has members who work interdependently on a specific, common goal to produce an end result for their business. A work group is two or more individuals who are interdependent in their accomplishments and may or may not work in the same department.

What is the purpose of work teams quizlet?

1. Teams facilitate employee participation in operating decisions and increase employee involvement. 3. They are an effective means for management to democratize organization, facilitate employee participation in operating decisions, and increase employee involvement.

What is the purpose of the team with example?

The purpose of creating teams is to provide a framework that will increase the ability of employees to participate in planning, problem-solving, and decision-making to better serve customers. Increased participation promotes: A better understanding of decisions.

What are the 4 stages of group development?

These stages are commonly known as: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. Tuckman's model explains that as the team develops maturity and ability, relationships establish, and leadership style changes to more collaborative or shared leadership.

What are the 5 stages of team development with examples?

5 stages of team development.
1 Forming. The first stage is forming, which is when the members within the team first come together to meet. ... .
2 Storming. Next up is storming. ... .
3 Norming. Once you've weathered the storm, pun intended, your team can move into norming. ... .
4 Performing. ... .
5 Adjourning..

What is the correct sequence of stages in group development?

Psychologist Bruce Tuckman described how teams move through stages known as forming, storming, norming, and performing, and adjourning (or mourning). You can use Tuckman's model to help your team to perform better.

What are the stages in the life cycle of a team?

It talked about the four stages of development all teams move through over time: forming, storming, norming, and performing. In 1977, Tuckman and doctoral student Mary Ann Jensen added a fifth stage called adjourning to make it the “five stages of team development.”


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