Which of the following is an example of institutionalized discrimination Quizlet

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Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume

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Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

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A race is a category of people:

with shared physical traits that are given social importance.

who are genetically very different from others

who have the same national heritage.

based on social characteristics

with shared physical traits that are given social importance.

Members of an ethnic group:

share elements of culture.

would not be considered "white."

are always members of a minority group.

are always from the same race.

share elements of culture.

"Race is a social construct" means that:

race really means the same thing as ethnicity.

race is more of a social idea than a biological fact.

ethnicity is biological; race is social.

race is more of a social idea than a biological fact.

When sociologists refer to a majority group, they are referring to the:

numerically largest group in a society.

numerically smallest group in a society.

group that is culturally, economically, and politically subordinate.

group that is culturally, economically, and politically dominant.

group that is culturally, economically, and politically dominant.

Prejudice is:

the belief that people who belong to the same category share common characteristics.

the belief that inherited physical characteristics determine the presence or absence of socially relevant abilities and characteristics.

an irrationally based negative attitude toward categories of people.

the unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a category.

an irrationally based negative attitude toward categories of people.

The belief that the physical characteristics associated with racial groups determine individual abilities and are an acceptable reason to treat people differently is called:






Which of the following is an example of scapegoating?

Penny thinks that all ethnic groups should have the same opportunities to get a job.

Bob lost his job and blames immigrants in the U.S. for working for lower wages and causing him to get fired.

Tom believes that the welfare system encourages people not to work.

Joe believes that African Americans are all criminals.

Bob lost his job and blames immigrants in the U.S. for working for lower wages and causing him to get fired.

Scapegoating is when you blame a group for the troubles in your society. "Blame" is the key word here.

Discrimination is:

the unequal treatment of individuals on the basis of their membership in categories.

the process of blaming other groups for your group's failures.

the tendency to be submissive to those in authority.

an irrational, negative attitude toward a category of people.

the unequal treatment of individuals on the basis of their membership in categories.

The physical separation of minority and majority group members is called:



prejudiced ideology.



__________ occurs when what looks like a fair way to do things has unequal results for majority and minority groups.

Institutionalized racism

Individual racism

Triple jeopardy

Double jeopardy

Institutionalized racism

Hispanic Americans are:

an ethnic group.

the majority group in the United States.

the most rapidly declining group in the United States in terms of population.

a racial group.

an ethnic group.

A major concern affecting the Hispanic population today is:

lack of anything thing resembling Latino culture in the U.S.

lack of assistance learning English.

extreme residential segregation at all income levels.

concern about immigration on the part of many Americans.

concern about immigration on the part of many Americans.

Which of the following is an example of institutionalized racism?

A human resources manager does not hire minorities because she is prejudiced.

Colleges base the acceptance of students on standardized tests that may be culturally biased.

A police officer targets minorities for traffic ticketing.

None of the above is an example of institutionalized discrimination.

Colleges base the acceptance of students on standardized tests that may be culturally biased.

To be considered "institutionalized racism", it has to be built into the structure or function of a system. It is not something that 1 individual does, such as 1 police officer or 1 human resources manager

Compared with African Americans:

All of these are true when comparing Hispanics to African Americans.

Hispanics experience less segregation and discrimination.

the Hispanic population is growing much more slowly.

Hispanics experience greater segregation and discrimination.

Hispanics experience less segregation and discrimination.

Asian Americans: (check the two that apply)

are more likely that whites to be passed up for promotion

are more likely than white Americans to have earned a college, graduate, or professional degree.

are typically no longer the victims of discrimination.

have always been welcome in the U.S. because of their work ethic.

are more likely that whites to be passed up for promotion

are more likely than white Americans to have earned a college, graduate, or professional degree.

In the U.S., ________ are the most disadvantaged group in society (highest poverty, lowest levels of education).


Cuban Americans

Asian Americans

Native Americans

Native Americans

African American families are the most likely to be female-headed.



The two policies that have helped reduce racial and ethnic inequality in the U.S. are: (check 2)

fair wage policy

affirmative action

increasing educational opportunities

antidiscrimination laws

affirmative action
antidiscrimination laws

The concept of sex is used to refer to which of the following?


gender role


sexual self-concept


Gender roles refer to:

biological differences between men and women.

behaviors that can only be performed by one sex or the other (e.g., only females can bear children).

innate tendencies for males to be masculine and females to be feminine.

the rights and obligations that are normative for men and women in a particular culture.

the rights and obligations that are normative for men and women in a particular culture.

Across almost all cultures:

women prefer monogamy.

male children are valued more than female children.

female children are valued more than male children.

gender roles are the same.

male children are valued more than female children.

Violence toward women results largely from:

women's lack of contribution to the household.

female power disadvantage.

excessive testosterone.


female power disadvantage.

__________ is the belief that men and women have biologically different capacities and that these form a legitimate basis for unequal treatment.



Gender discrimination



The activities that individuals engage in to affirm that they understand what is expected of them as male or female it is called:

accessorizing gender.

domestication of gender.

doing gender.


doing gender.

The average woman lives about:

the same number of years as the average man.

ten years longer than the average man.

two years longer than the average man.

five years longer than the average man.

five years longer than the average man.

Current thinking suggests that men's higher rate of suicide is linked to:

the fact that they have less social support.

their greater likelihood of serious disease.

their lack of emotional strength.

their greater amount of stress.

the fact that they have less social support.

Men are more likely to choose and be urged into disciplines that are more lucrative than women.



One of the primary reasons men and women have different jobs is because some jobs are "gendered." This means:

some kinds of work demand a man's strength.

women and men feel that some jobs are men's jobs and some jobs are women's jobs.

jobs such as being a secretary or teacher have always been a woman's job and always will be.

some employers are allowed to hire only women or only men, depending on the job.

women and men feel that some jobs are men's jobs and some jobs are women's jobs.

Men who work in non-traditional fields are likely to encounter rapid promotions up. This is known as:

the glass-bottomed boat.

the glass escalator.

overzealous advancement.

the glass ceiling.

the glass escalator.

Sexual harassment can include:

unwanted sexual attention.

a hostile environment.

the expectation of sexual favors in exchange for something else.

All of these would be considered sexual harassment.

All of these would be considered sexual harassment.

Which of the following is example of institutional discrimination?

If a company refuses to hire people of a certain ethnicity or religion, this is institutional discrimination. Additionally, if a company refuses to promote individuals of a certain family status despite being qualified for the position, institutional discrimination is taking place.

What institutionalized discrimination?

Institutionalized discrimination refers to the unjust and discriminatory mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals by society and its institutions as a whole, through unequal selection or bias, intentional or unintentional; as opposed to individuals making a conscious choice to discriminate.

What does institutionalized discrimination mean in sociology?

Institutional discrimination refers to prejudicial practices and policies within institutions that result in the systematic denial of resources and opportunities to members of subordinate groups. This form of discrimination is maintained by the laws, organizational guidelines, or traditions of an institution.

Which of the following is an example of modern institutional discrimination quizlet?

Which of the following is an example of modern institutional discrimination? Many Jews fled from pogroms, government sponsored attacks, in Russia by moving to the United States. Institutional discrimination is tied to unequal opportunity due to discrimination, personal prejudice, and group competition.


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