Which of the following is an accurate statement about the impact of social support on the health of adults quizlet?

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Terms in this set (173)

Which of the following typically accounts for the bulk (60% to 75%) of your daily energy expenditure?

basal metabolism

Which of the following two factors are necessary to get a basic understanding of your overall calorie needs?

basal metabolic rate
physical activity level

True or false: Moderate physical activity is effective for weight loss and maintenance because it can be maintained for longer periods of time and can thus result in significant calorie expenditure.


Performing light physical activities can help you

reduce risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
burn extra calories.

The body's built-in regulatory systems for controlling weight are _____ and _______

hunger; appetite

Obesogenic environments are a public health concern because they contribute to

weight gain.

To get a rough estimate of your daily calorie needs, you should start by calculating your

basal metabolic rate.

What is an important benefit of performing vigorous exercise?

It increases basal metabolic rate.

Public policies have encouraged weight control by

improving access to healthy school lunches.
implementing an empty-calorie tax.
requiring chain restaurants to post calorie and nutrition values.

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT, refers to

the additional calories burned through light activities performed throughout the day.

Obesogenic environments promote

excessive eating and inactivity.

True or false: Setting very challenging weight loss goals is the most effective way to lose body fat and keep it off over time.


Why are behavioral goals more effective than outcome goals?

outcome goals are often discouraging

What types of initiatives are needed to create healthier environments?

both public policy initiatives and business supply chain initiatives

Why should a healthy, low-calorie diet be supplemented with physical activity in order to lose weight?

to lose more fat than lean muscle tissue

Small changes in eating patterns that can promote fat loss include which of the following?

eating more complex carbohydrates
eating breakfast every day

The most effective weight loss programs

target both eating and exercise behaviors.

Which of the following are reasons to avoid fad diets or extreme diets that promote extremely low-calorie consumption and extreme amounts of physical activity?

because they are difficult to maintain for long periods of time
because they reduce the resting metabolic rate

A statement of intent to achieve a specific test score or a specific standard associated with good health or wellness is called a(n) _____________ goal.


The various prescription drugs approved for treating obesity work in different ways, including

blocking fat absorption.
reducing feelings of hunger.
increasing feelings of fullness.

What is the most effective technique for achieving long-term weight control?

performing physical activity and eating a healthy, low-calorie diet

Your friend is trying to lose weight. Which of the following is the best option for helping her?

Invite her to cook a healthy, low-calorie meal with you.

Which of the following is appropriate advice for helping to improve eating habits?

Eat several small meals to avoid hunger.

The most effective diet is

lifestyle-based weight loss.

Nonprescription appetite suppressants are appealing to people who are trying to lose weight because they

claim to offer a simple solution to weight loss and long-term weight control.

True or false: You should avoid thinking about a diet as something that you go "on" and instead think of it as a healthy pattern of eating that you possess and live daily.


People who incorporate artificial sweeteners and fat substitutes in their diets are likely to

consume roughly the same amount of calories as people who consume real sugar and real fat.

The term "obesogenic" is used to describe

environments that may predispose people to become obese.

Which of the following statements about calorie requirements is accurate?

Calorie requirements are unique to each person.

Which of the following is an example of a behavioral goal for weight loss?

get 300 minutes of physical activity a week

Which of the following statements about low-calorie diets is TRUE?

They may promote "calorie sparing" by the body.

Which of the following is TRUE for long term weight control?

The combination of physical activity and healthy diet is the best approach.

Which of the following is viewed as the most effective diet for fat loss?

a low calorie diet that you can stick with over a long period of time

What MET range is used to reflect "light activity"?

1.5-3 METs

Which of the following strategies or programs should be avoided when trying to lose weight?

extreme diets favoring specific foods or eating patterns
products that make unreasonable claims about easy ways to stimulate your metabolism
programs promising fast and easy solutions
diets requiring severe caloric restriction
***All of these programs or strategies should be avoided.

Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of a recent public policy change implemented to help reverse the obesity epidemic?
-restricting the marketing of junk food in schools and on sports billboards
-requiring chain restaurants to post calorie and other nutritional values of their food
-requiring children to participate in before- or after-school recreational activities
-improved quality and access to healthy school lunches
restrictions on available foods in school vending machines

requiring children to participate in before- or after-school recreational activities

The proposed empty calorie tax, or fat tax, would tax foods that are

low in nutritional density.

The principal reason that stress causes a host of serious health problems is that it

reduces immune function

In contrast to men, women tend to report

higher levels of stress despite active attempts at stress management

When people experience an optimal level of stress that improves their performance, they are said to experience


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 74 percent of ________ students are also employed.


Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome describes

the negative effects of excessive stress on health.

The two specific factors that are thought to influence a person's susceptibility to negative stress-related outcomes are ________ and ________.

stress reactivity
stress appraisal

The body's efforts to restore normalcy in the face of stress are known as


According to research on Type A and Type D personality behaviors, which of the following emotions appears to have the most negative impact on health outcomes?

negative affectivity

Chronic exposure to adrenaline and cortisol can contribute to

an increased tendency to get sick

The presence of protective factors that lead to positive physical or mental outcomes in the face of stress is known as


A level of stress that compromises performance and well-being is referred to as


Someone who believes that the outcome of an event is outside their personal control is said to have

an external locus of control

True or false: Rates of mental health problems among college students have dramatically increased in recent years.


In order for an internal locus of control to promote health it must be combined with

self-efficacy and conscientiousness

A person's perceptions of a stressor and their resources for managing stress are known as stress


Individuals who exhibit a sense of time urgency, are highly competitive, and tend to get angry or hostile when under stress are said to have a Type ________ behavior pattern.


Hardiness is a collection of personality traits commonly associated with


The tendency to have a positive outlook on life or a belief that things will work out favorably is known as


An optimistic perspective will help you build ________, which can help you cope with stress.


Research shows that having an ________ locus of control is associated with positive health outcomes in the face of stress.


A strong belief in your ability to accomplish a specific goal is known as


A hardy individual will exhibit which of the following personality traits?

a strong commitment to goals
a tendency to view difficult situations as challenges rather than stressors
a desire to assume control over personal problems

The best first step for using self-management skills to effectively manage stress would be to

understand the sources of stress in your life

The extent to which the fight-or-flight response is activated by a stressor is known as stress


Physiological-Environmental Stressors

air quality, exercise

Emotional-Psychosocial Stressors

finances, strained relationships

Symptoms of Stress

blood clots faster, more stomach acid

Which of the following stressors is common among both college students and middle-aged adults?

too many things to do

Which are considered the most frequent and important stressors?

emotional stressors

Which of the following was a key finding in the "Stress in America" survey?

More people reported increases in personal stress than decreases.

Which of the following does NOT take place when the sympathetic nervous system is activated?

digestion is slowed
the eyes take in more light
heart rate decreases
blood pressure increases
adrenaline is released

heart rate decreases

What personality trait is greatly associated with an individual's resilience in times of stress?


An insufficient amount of stress in one's life leading to apathy and boredom is


Which of the following is an example of a physiological stressor?


Why is Hans Seyle referred to as the "father of stress"?

he described the general adaptation syndrome

Which of the following is viewed as the "target zone" for stress?


Stressed people age faster because of

deteriorating chromosomes


Things that place a greater than routine demand on the body or evoke a stress reaction

parasympathetic nervous system

The component of the autonomic nervous system that helps bring the body to a resting state following stressful experiences


The body's efforts to restore normalcy

sympathetic nervous system

The component of the autonomic nervous system that responds to stressful situations by initiating the fight-or-flight response


The nonspecific response (generalized adaptation) of the body to any demand made on it in order to maintain physiological equilibrium

physiological fatigue

A deterioration in the capacity of the neuromuscular system as a result of physical overwork and strain

Type D behavior pattern

Characterized by high levels of negative emotion and the tendency to withhold expression of these emotions


Negative stress, or stress that contributes to health problems

Type A behavior pattern

Characterized by impatience, ambition, and aggression


Insufficient levels of stress leading to boredom or apathy

Psychological fatigue

A feeling of fatigue, usually caused by such things as lack of exercise, boredom, or mental stress, that results in a lack of energy and depression


Positive stress, or stress that is mentally or physically stimulating


Positive outcomes in the face of stress or disadvantage


Associated with high levels of organization, thoughtfulness, and goal-directed activity


A collection of personality traits thought to make a person more resistant to stress

Locus of control

The extent to which we believe the outcomes of events are under our control or outside our personal control


The belief in one's ability to take action that will lead to the attainment of a goal


The tendency to have a positive outlook on life or a belief that things will work out favorably

The first step in managing stress is to

recognize the causes and be aware of the symptoms

An individual who possesses characteristics that protect him from negative health consequences of stress is said to be


The belief in one's ability to reach a desired goal best defines


Which of the following influences susceptibility to negative stressors?


Ambiguous stressors are more problematic because

fewer clear-cut solutions exist

Which of the following is considered a major stressor?

financial problems

Which of the following statements regarding sleep is true?

Teenagers and young adults need more sleep than the average adult.

which of the following is an accurate statement about sleep and exercise?

Moderate-to-vigorous activity improves sleep quality by reducing the length of time it takes to fall asleep.

Maria is off from work and is just hanging out without doing anything. Fran is off from work and is going to a cooking class. Maria is engaged in ________, and Fran is engaged in ________.

leisure; recreation

True or false: Physical activity is important for stress management because it can condition your body to function effectively under challenging physiological conditions.


Characterized by a sense of freedom from life's normal rules, the ________ experience is fun, intrinsically rewarding, and a self-absorbing means of expression.


Which of the following statements regarding physical activity and reactivity to stress is true?

Evidence shows that people who are physically fit have a reduced response to psychosocial stressors.

The average adult needs between ________ hours of sleep per night.

7 and 8

Which of the following should be avoided close to bedtime? (Select all that apply.)

tobacco use
vigorous activity
large meals

Stress-management training focuses on teaching ________ coping strategies.


Generally pursued for a specific purpose, ________ refers to something that is done for amusement or fun that helps people divert their attention or refresh themselves.


Which of the following is unique to appraisal-focused coping, as opposed to the other active coping strategies?

It tries to change the way one perceives the stressor.

Which of the following is best describes a component of play?


Active coping strategies try to do which of the following?

directly affect the source of the stress
manage the reactions to stress

In which of the following ways does problem-focused coping differ from other active coping strategies?

It focuses on removing the underlying source of stress.

Which of the following best describes Jacobson's progressive relaxation method?

It involves contracting and relaxing the muscles.

Agatha is managing a large project at work for the first time. Her manager is training her and believes making mistakes is a good way to learn and improve. Agatha, however, feels like she is letting down her manager and her whole team whenever she makes a mistake, no matter how small. She made a small scheduling error that did not cause any problems, but she kept telling everyone that she was "a fool." Which of the following types of distorted thinking is Agatha guilty of?


________ meditation encourages the individual to experience his or her emotions in a nonjudgmental way.


A person's constantly changing cognitive and psychological efforts to manage stressful situations are referred to as ________________.


Which of the following is an emotion-focused strategy that can be used for stress management?


Which of the following techniques is best used to counter rumination?


Which of the following make up the "three Rs" of relaxation?

reduce mental activity
recognize tension
reduce respiration

Mindfulness meditation techniques have been known to result in which of the following?

a reduction in anxiety and depressive symptoms
improvements in sleep


changes a person's perceptions of stress


regulates the feelings caused by stress


changes the source or cause of stress

avoidant coping

provides distraction from stress

In the technique of systematic problem solving, the first step is

brainstorming possible solutions.

Heavily focusing on negative emotion and its possible causes and results is known as
Multiple choice question.


In the ABC approach to prioritizing tasks effectively, the "A" stands for items that absolutely _____________ get done, the "B" for items that __________ get done, and "C" for items that ___________- get done

must, better, could

When you set goals and deadlines, which of the following characteristics should they have?

They should be items that are attainable.
They should include short-term and long-term items.

Which of the following strategies can specifically help with procrastination?

ABC approach

Lisa is having problems with her boyfriend, Ben. Ben makes snide comments to Lisa about her appearance, her friends, and her hobbies, but if Lisa speaks up, Ben says he is only kidding and that she needs to lighten up. When they go out, they only do what Ben wants to do. Lisa is feeling frustrated. Which of the following should she do to reduce her distress?

She should find an appropriate way to express her feelings to Ben.

Match the component of social support (on the left) with its description (on the right).

strategies and advice to help a person get through a stressful situation

Match the component of social support (on the left) with its description (on the right).

direct assistance to get a person through a stressful situation

Match the component of social support (on the left) with its description (on the right).

encouragement or sympathy given by a person to help another person cope

Which of the following are examples of protective strategies?

exercise and recreation
relaxation techniques
time management
good sleep hygiene

Which of the following is the best answer to the question of who would benefit from setting goals and deadlines?


Which of the following are common causes of procrastination?

unclear task flow
fear of change
overwhelming tasks

A person who becomes ________ as a result of social support is in a good position to develop autonomy.

more self-reliant

Which of the following should be a primary goal of social support?

It should foster autonomy.

You will be more likely to follow through on your goals if you

set specific deadlines for goal completion.

Which coping strategies attempts to change the initial emotional experience?

appraisal-focused strategies

Which of the following is a problem-focused strategy for stress management?

being assertive

Which of the following is NOT a cause of procrastination?

tendency to undercommit

Which best reflects the definition of "leisure"?

free time from demands

True or false: Benign tumors do not need to be treated.


True or false: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for women


In advanced cancer, malignant cells spread throughout the body by a process called


Which of the following can lower the risk of colon-rectal cancer?

physical activity
a high-fiber diet

Which of the following statements about lung cancer symptoms are true?

Symptoms include persistent cough and chest pain.
The cancer can spread before symptoms are evident.

Which of the following is one of the most common forms of cancer in men, affecting one in every six men?


The risk for breast cancer is greatest for

older women

Which two of the following are types of uterine cancer?

cervical cancer
endometrial cancer

_________ is the removal of a tissue sample so that it can be checked for cancer cells.


Risk for colon-rectal cancer is highest among which of the following groups?

African Americans

Which of the following is a nutritional recommendation to prevent cancer?

Eat mostly foods from plant origins.

Which of the following is the most important risk factor for cervical cancer?

infection by human papillomavirus (HPV)

Which of the following statements regarding melanoma are true?

It is a cancer of the cells that produce skin pigment.
Incidence is higher among Whites than African Americans.

When high blood sugar occurs in pregnant women not previously known to have diabetes, it is known as

gestational diabetes

True or false: Increased consumption of energy-dense foods is recommended for cancer prevention.


In addition to smoking, lung cancer has been linked to which three other carcinogens?


A disease that occurs when blood sugar is abnormally high is referred to as .


The primary risk factors for endometrial cancer (early menarche, late menopause, infertility) are all associated with increased exposure to


Which of the following statements about Alzheimer disease are accurate?

There is no known cure for Alzheimer disease.
Symptoms include asking repetitive questions and showing poor judgment.

Which of the following are accurate statements about Type 1 diabetes?

The body is unable to adequately produce insulin.
Only about 5 percent of diabetics have this type of diabetes.
There appears to be a genetic component.

Which of the following are common symptoms of the mental disorder known as clinical depression?

chronically feeling guilty
loss of appetite
low self-esteem

Which of the following statements about injury rates is true?

Injury rates are higher among males than females.

Screening for pre-diabetes and diabetes is done with

blood glucose tests

Which of the following are recommended to prevent insomnia and sleep disorders?

Avoid excessive caffeine.
Exercise regularly.

The general term for the loss of memory and other mental abilities that interfere with daily life is


According to the Public Health Service, which of the following is "intimately associated" with the causes and severity of injuries?


What acronym was used to help remind people about the warning signs of cancer?


True or false: More than half of all deaths are caused by unhealthy lifestyles.


Which term is used to describe how aspects of our environment contribute to overeating and lack of physical activity?

obesogenic environment

In the HELP philosophy, "H" stands for


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