Which of the following is a similarity between a memo and a voicemail quizlet?

Which of the following factors are reflection of various aspects of physical development?

A. height, weight, motor abilities, brain development
B. health-related issues, motor abilities, brain development
C. thinking, intellectual capabilities, height and weight
D. health-related issues, brain development, motor abilities, height and weight

Choose the answer that contains all the standard elements for an office visit memorandum.

A. heading, date, to, from, subject
B. subject, body, date, to , from, subject
C. body, date, to, from, subject, sincerely, heading, copy
D. heading, date, to, from, subject, body, copy

When taking a message what essential information is needed?

A. Name of the caller, time, date, reason for call, and name of the person who will be given message.
B. Name of caller, date and time, number where caller can be reached, and reason for call.
C. Name of the person who will be given the message, reason for the call or concern, phone number where caller can be reached and what's the best time to call, name of the caller, date and time of call.
D. Name of the caller, name of the person who will be given the message, reason for the call or concern, the caller's phone number, and the date and time of call.

Choose the chart note that was corrected legally.

A. 11/2/10 Pt states, " I get dizzy when standing and short of breathe upon exertion" VO: PFT and orthostatic BP. BS was crossed out (CORR BP) (kt) and PFT performed. Pt tol well. Results attached. To Dr. for review -----K. Tate, RMA

B. 10/14/10 Pt c/o burning sensation when urinating and frequent urination. VO: UA and Micro. UA & Micro performed. Results attached, to Dr. UTI. RTC x 8 d for repeat URI. Repeat UA ---- K. Tate, RMA

C. 11/23/10 VO: CBC. CBC drawn. Venipuncture antecubital arm. Pt tol well. To Bayside lab. RTC x 5 d for results. Rx: Ampicillin 2500 mg, (250 mg was crossed out) 1 QID, PO, #30, 0 ref. ---- K. Tate, RMA

D. 10/7/10 Pt states, " I feel (FELL/CORR) off the bike and ever since the knee has become infected" VO: C&S obtained from right posterior knee. To Bayside lab. RTC x 7 d for results. Pt to elevate affected knee and change dressing 2xd. ---K. Tate, RMA

What are the four components used to maintain a patient account?

A. day sheet, fee ticket, fee schedule, patient account ledger
B. patient account ledger, a payment, fee schedule, day sheet
C. day sheet, charge slip, payment schedule, patient account ledger
D. patient account ledger, day sheet, payment schedule, received on accounts (ROAs)

The infection process or cycle has five stages, choose the correct order for the cycles.

A. reservoir host, means of transmission, susceptible host, means of entry, means of exit
B. reservoir host, means of exit, means of transmission, susceptible host,means of entry
C. reservoir host, means of entry, means of transmission, means of exit
D. reservoir host, means of exit, means of transmission, means of entry, susceptible host

Sonya is preparing for a surgical scrub. Choose the items that she will need

A. sink, soap, scrub brush, towels, orangewood stick
B. surgical soap, orangewood stick, sterile towel, sink
C. surgical soap, orangewood stick, surgical scrub brush, sterile towels
D. surgical scrub brush and soap, orangewood stick, sterile towels, sink

The physician ordered tests for which yellow, light blue, plain red, and lavender collection tube tops are needed. In what order should the tubes be used?

A. lavender, plain red, yellow, and light blue
B. yellow, light blue, plain red, and lavender
C. plain red, light blue, yellow, and lavender
D. light blue, yellow, plain red, and lavender

You have drawn specimens for complete blood count (CBC) and a lipid profile and must send the specimens to the laboratory. Choose the elements critical for proper labeling on the vacutainer tubes

A. patient's name, name of test, the date, and the physician's address
B. date, name of patient and test, and the physician's name and address
C. date, name of patient and test, patient's date of birth, and the physician's name
D. patient's name and address, patient's date of birth, name of test, and time

Which tests are included in a lipid panel?

A. sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide, and chloride
B. ALT, AST, bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase
C. albumin, bilirubin, calcium, and chloride
D. LDL, HDL, VLDL, and triglycerides

Mr. Kenny is a construction worker who was working on a building across the street from your office. There has been an emergency and Mr. Kenny was brought to your office by another construction worker. This patient is soaked with blood and his pants are saturated. Mr. Kenny appears to have a severe laceration of the left femoral artery and is bleeding profusely. Select the category of emergency equipment and supplies that will benefit the patient

A. assorted syringes, glucagon, gloves, IV catheter, IV fluids
B. PPE, oxygen and tubing, endotracheal tube, sterile gauze, tourniquet
C. PPE, oxygen, bandage scissors, sterile gauze, sterile water
D. morphine, nitroglycerin, sterile gauze, oxygen, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope

Start with the anal canal and correctly align the parts of the colon

A. transverse, descending, ascending, and sigmoid
B. descending, ascending, sigmoid, transverse
C. sigmoid, descending, transverse, ascending
D. sigmoid, ascending, descending, transverse


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