Which of the following fine motor skill abilities are most likely seen by the time a child is 7 years old quizlet?

Children grow an average of _____ to _____ inches per year during the elementary school years


Children gain ____ pounds a year during middle and late childhood
- 5-7, 1-2, 3-5, 8-10


Which area of the brain shows an increase in brain pathways and circuitry during middle and late childhood?

Temporal lobe, frontal lobe, prefrontal cortex, cerebral cortex

prefrontal cortex

Abigail is 10 years old and is learning to play tennis. Which of the following changes in development are related to her ability to learn the sport?

Synaptic pruning in the temporal lobe, Decreased motor skills, greater coordination, thickening in the cerebral cortex

greater coordination

Which of the following fine motor skill abilities is most likely seen by the time a child is 7 years old?

The production of fine-quality crafts, the ability to write in cursive lettering as opposed to printing letters, preference is given to using a pencil as opposed to a crayon, printing becomes smaller

preference is given to using a pencil as opposed to a crayon, printing becomes smaller

Overweight children show similar medical problems as seen in overweight adults including____, high cholesterol, and hypertension


Match the fine motor skill with the age at which children typically begin to demonstrate mastery of the lister motor skill (a:4, b:3, c:2, d:1)
a.6 years of age
b.7 years of age
c.8-10 years of age
d. 10-12 years of age
1. Playing a difficult piece on a music instrument
2. Writing in cursive, as opposed to printing
3. Writing with a pencil rather than a crayon and printing smaller letter
4. hammering , pasting, tying shoes, and fastening clothes


Which of the following are some of Gardner's proposed types of intelligence?

Verbal, interpersonal, auditory, musical, sensory, spatial, mathematical

verbal, interpersonal, musical, spatial, mathematical

Researchers have found that there are more than ____ genes that affect intelligence

-100, 10, 1000, 10000


The ______ effect is the worldwide increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over a short time frame


Which of the following statements is true regarding schooling and intelligence?

Children who are deprived of formal education for an extended period have lower intelligence, when children are deprived of formal education for a brief period they have lower intelligence, schooling only has an affect on intelligence in the early elementary grades, lack of formal education has not correlated with IQ scores one way or the other

Children who are deprived of formal education for an extended period have lower intelligence

Efforts to counteract a deprived early environment's negative effect on intelligence focus on ____ rather than remediation


Which ethnic group on average scores 10-15 points lower on standardized intelligence tests than white American schoolchildren do?
Latino, African american, Asian American, Native American

African American

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding ethnicity and standardized intelligence test performance?

The gap between African American and White performance on standardized intelligence tests has begun to narrow, the gap between African American and White performance on standardized intelligence tests is narrower in elementary school than it is in college, the gap between African American and White performance on standardized intelligence tests has begun to widen, the gap between African American and White performance on standardized intelligence tests is wider in college than in elementary school

The gap between African American and White performance on standardized intelligence tests has begun to narrow

A test that is familiar from all socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds and has items that are at least familiar to students taking the test is an example of what type of test?


Why is it difficult to create culture-fair tests?

Most tests tend to reflect what the dominant culture deems important, it isn't hard to create culture-fair tests, it is hard to create culture-fair tests for young children because they don't understand about culture yet, standardized tests are inherently biased.

Most tests tend to reflect what the dominant culture deems important

Which of the following are cautions one should consider when utilizing IQ scores?

IQ score is not a measure of fixed potential, overall score is not indicative of intelligence in all domains, IQ is not a sole indicator of competence, IQ scores are highly predictive of future success

IQ score is not a measure of fixed potential, overall score is not indicative of intelligence in all domains, IQ is not a sole indicator of competence

An _____ _____ includes difficulty in learning that involves understanding or using spoken or written language or doing mathematics

learning disability

_____ involves a severe impairment in a child's ability to read and spell
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia


ADHD in which children demonstrate a high level of physical activity and do not do a good job of thinking before they act is ADHD with
Predominantly inattention, predominantly hyperactivity/ impulsivity, hyperreactivity, predominantly passivity

predominantly hyperactivity/ impulsivity

True or false: the number of children diagnosed with ADHD has decreased in recent decades


Stimulant medication can be an effective way to help improve ____ in children with ADHD

Intelligence, self-esteem, cognition, attention


Which of the following has not been identified as a possible cause of autism spectrum disorders?

Family socialization, missing or duplicated pieces of DNA of chromosome 16, genetic factors, brain dysfunction

family socialization

Public LAw 94-112, the education for All handicapped Children act, required that all students with disabilities be given a free and __ public education

Localized, unrestricted, restrictive, appropriate


_____ is when a child who receives special education services is taught full-time in the regular education classroom with supplemental help


Piaget proposed that the ____ operational stage lasts from approximately 7-11 years of age


During the _____ operational stage, children are able to classify objects and consider interrelationships


A child understands that in order to arrange sticks from shortest to longest, each stick must be longer than the one that precedes it and shorter than the one that follows it. This means the child is using ______


Neo- Piagetians believe that Piaget _____
Got most things right but that his theory has been improperly discounted, got a few things right but that his theory is no longer relevant, got most things right and that his theory does not require revision, got some things right but that his theory needs considerable revision

got some things right but that his theory needs considerable revision

Changes that occur in terms of information processing during middle and late childhood include memory, thinking, and _____
Hearing, speaking, metacognition, cognition


_____ - term memory is a relatively permanent type of memory that hold huge amounts of information for a sustained period of time


Which of the following are important aspects of thinking?

Junior function, thinking inattentively, critical thinking, thinking creatively

critical thinking, thinking creatively

_____ thinking is when a person thinks reflectively, productively, and evaluates evidence


When a person thinks in novel and unusual ways and comes up with unique solutions to problems, they are engaging in ____ thinking

Dialectical, creative, critical, elaborative


When schools pay attention to helping students develop skills that entail knowing about their own knowing, those schools are fostering_____

Critical thinking, abstract thought, divergent thinking, metacognition


_____ is the ability to solve problems as well as learning from and adapting to experiences


Alfred Binet developed the first _____ test


True or false: A person's mental age is always the same as chronological age


What does it mean if a person's IQ is 115?

They should be referred for special education, their mental age is lower than their chronological age, their mental age is higher than their chronological age, their mental age is the same as their chronological age

their mental age is higher than their chronological age

____ intelligence consists of the ability to design, invent, originate, and imagine

Imaginative, creative, analytical, practical


Which of the following is NOT one of the types of intelligence discussed in Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence?

Practical intelligence, analytical intelligence, imaginative intelligence, creative intelligence

imaginative intelligence

_____ intelligence refers to the ability to judge, evaluate, compare, and contrast

Imaginative, practical, creative, analytical


Which of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?

Fine motor skills involve finer hand control or the ability to manipulate smaller objects with the hands and fingers, for example, grasping, holding a pen/pencil, writing, painting, or pinching.

Which of these is the best example of a fine motor skill quizlet?

The best example of a fine motor skill in this list is: using scissors to cut paper.

What are fine motor skills quizlet?

Fine motor skills refer to the coordination between small muscles, like those of the hands and fingers, with the eyes. Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the body that enable such functions as writing, grasping small objects and fastening clothing. They involve strength, fine motor control, and dexterity.

Which activity represents a fine motor skill?

Fine motor skills involve the use of the smaller muscle of the hands, commonly in activities like using pencils, scissors, construction with lego or duplo, doing up buttons and opening lunch boxes.


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