Which of the following emotions has been referred to as the shadow of intelligence quizlet?

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A car manufacturer produces three models of vehicle, X, Y and Z. It has calculated the costs of these three products to be:

X YZVariable material costs ($ m)5108Variable labour costs ($ m)10146 Allocated fixed costs ($ m) 9126Annual output of vehicles4000120005000\begin{matrix} & \text{X} & \text{Y} & \text{Z}\\ \text{Variable material costs (\$ m)} & \text{5} & \text{10} & \text{8}\\ \text{Variable labour costs (\$ m)} & \text{10} & \text{14} & \text{6}\\ \text{Allocated fixed costs (\$ m) } & \text{9} & \text{12} & \text{6}\\ \text{Annual output of vehicles} & \text{4000} & \text{12000} & \text{5000}\\ \end{matrix}

The total variable cost of manufacturing model X = $15 million. Total cost of manufacturing model X =$15 million + $9 million =$24 million. The average cost per unit of x=$240000004000 units =$6000x=\frac{\$ 24000000}{4000 \text { units }}=\$ 6000 vehicle. Identify and explain two possible uses of these results to managers of the car manufacturer.

Terms in this set (50)

For which group(s) is there a strong association between overeating and being in a bad mood?​

A.) Only adults with binge eating disorders

B.) Both adults with binge eating disorders and adults who binge eat (but not those with clinical disorders)

C.) Only adults who binge eat (but not those with clinical disorders)

D.) Adults with binge eating disorders, adults who binge eat (but do not have clinical disorders), and adults who do not binge eat

According to the text, an affect is different than an emotion in that an affect is ____ while an emotion is ____.​

A) a feeling state that is not linked to a particular event, a conscious evaluative reaction to some event

B) an automatic response that something is good or bad, a feeling state that is not linked to a particular event

C) an automatic response that something is good or bad, a conscious evaluative reaction to some event

D) a conscious evaluative reaction to some event, an automatic response that something is good or bad

Which of the following statements is an example of a person engaging in affective forecasting?​

A.) "The reason that he dropped out of school was because he felt insecure and incompetent."

B.) "If he ever betrayed me, I would be so depressed I would never recover."

C.) "If I hadn't gotten reprimanded by my boss that one time, I never would have hated my job as much as I did." Social Psychology and Human Nature Comprehensive Essay Assignment.

D.) "If I had only trusted him and not said anything, we wouldn't have gotten into that stupid argument."

Which statement is most accurate regarding the happiness levels of parents?​

a.) Having children increases happiness in parents.

b.) Having children makes life richer and more meaningful.

c.) Having children has resulted in reduced happiness levels in parents throughout history.

d.) Having children decreases the belief that one will be happier as a parent, but in fact, happiness levels do increase.

According to the textbook, an affect is different than an emotion in that an affect is __________ while an emotion is __________.

a feeling state that is not linked to a particular event, a conscious evaluative reaction to some event

an automatic response that something is good or bad, a feeling state that is not linked to a particular event

an automatic response that something is good or bad, a conscious evaluative reaction to some event

a conscious evaluative reaction to some event, an automatic response that something is good or bad

an automatic response that something is good or bad, a conscious evaluative reaction to some event

Of the factors listed below, the strongest predictor of a person's happiness is

one's income (relative to the average income for his/her demographic).

the number of blood relatives with whom a person regularly communicates.

one's level of physical health.

how happy the person was 10 years earlier.

how happy the person was 10 years earlier.

There are three major ways that people deal with anger: They repress it (e.g., by denying their anger), they vent it (e.g., by yelling at someone), or they try to get rid of it (e.g., by relaxing or going for a jog). Which approach is generally MOST successful at reducing anger?


Repressing-although there are long-term costs.

Getting rid of it.

Whichever approach the person believes will be most successful.

Getting rid of it.

Compared to men, women are more likely to __________ when feeling depressed.

ruminate (repeatedly think about the problem)

try to distract themselves with other thoughts or activities

turn to wine or other alcohol

use humor

ruminate (repeatedly think about the problem)

Compared to people who are sad or afraid, people who are happy or angry tend to

take fewer risks.

be more confident and optimistic.

be less likely to take a stand for what they believe in.

be better able to concentrate on information that is presented to them

be more confident and optimistic.

The two basic arousal states are

aroused and non-aroused.

sleep and wakefulness.

guilt and shame.

pleasant and unpleasant.

pleasant and unpleasant.

According to the __________ hypothesis, people tend to evaluate things as good or bad in part by asking themselves: "How do I feel about it?"

affective forecasting

affect balance


emotional intelligence (EQ)


Routinely repressing, or seeking to conceal, feelings of anger is MOST associated with an increased risk of


heart disease.


anxiety disorders.

heart disease.

Social psychologists use the term __________ to refer to the frequency of one's positive emotions minus the frequency of one's negative emotions.

emotional intelligence (EQ)

affect balance

positive emotion index (PEI)

life satisfaction

affect balance

s the physiological arousal that people have when they are emotional actually the same for all emotions? Current research suggests that

there is indeed just one basic form of arousal, though it has degrees of intensity.

there are at least two basic arousal states-one pleasant and the other unpleasant.

there are approximately seven basic forms of arousal, which match up to the seven basic emotions that have been identified.

there are in fact many (a seemingly infinite number of) distinct forms of arousal.

there are at least two basic arousal states-one pleasant and the other unpleasant.

Salespeople who force themselves to smile at customers all day may actually end up feeling relatively happy. This effect can be BEST explained by

the facial feedback hypothesis.

excitation transfer theory.

the Yerkes-Dodson law.

catharsis theory.

the facial feedback hypothesis.

Broadly speaking, in considering the link between emotions and decision-making, it appears that anticipated emotions tend to __________ decision-making, while current emotional states tend to __________ decision-making.

guide and improve, guide and improve

guide and improve, have little impact on

guide and improve, bias and hurt

bias and hurt, guide and improve

guide and improve, bias and hurt

Consider the following quote: "... we feel sorry because we cry, angry because we strike, afraid because we tremble...". With which of the following theories is it MOST consistent?

The Cannon-Bard theory

The James-Lange theory

The Schachter-Singer theory

the excitation transfer theory

The James-Lange theory

People use many strategies to try to regulate affect and stay in a good mood. While the data are very complex, research suggests that one of the MOST effective strategies is

spending time alone.

watching television.


drinking alcohol.


Which of the following theories of emotion suggests that people may sometimes mislabel, or relabel, their arousal as one emotion versus another?

The James-Lange theory

The Cannon-Bard theory

The Schachter and Singer theory

The Yerkes-Dodson law

The Schachter and Singer theory

One of the best things to do if you want to feel good and avoid emotional distress is to

form and maintain good social relationships with others.

limit your social contact with others.

have high affective intensity.

have low affective intensity.

form and maintain good social relationships with others.

When people are asked to predict how they would feel if a certain event occurred, they are __________ at predicting which emotion they would feel. Research additionally shows that people are __________ at predicting how long they would be emotionally affected.

usually inaccurate, usually inaccurate

usually inaccurate, nevertheless fairly accurate

fairly accurate, also fairly accurate

fairly accurate, nevertheless rather inaccurate

fairly accurate, nevertheless rather inaccurate

Research on gender differences in emotions has found that

women tend to experience more positive emotions than men.

women tend to experience emotions more strongly than men.

women tend to experience emotions more frequently than men.

there are almost no gender differences in terms of strength, frequency, or valence of emotional experiences.

there are almost no gender differences in terms of strength, frequency, or valence of emotional experiences.

In a famous study conducted by social psychologists Aron and Dutton, it was found that a female experimenter was most likely to be hit on by participants after they had walked across a scary, narrow bridge as opposed to after they had walked across a normal, stable bridge. This finding can be MOST easily explained by

the Yerkes-Dodson law.



excitation transfer.

excitation transfer.

Which of the following emotions is MOST associated with seeking to do good acts, such as apologizing?






The concept of emotional intelligence has to do with one's ability

to recognize others' emotions.

to recognize others' emotions and understand others' emotions.

to recognize and understand one's own emotions.

to recognize and understand emotions in oneself and in others.

to recognize and understand emotions in oneself and in others.

How do positive emotions impact problem-solving? Research suggests that being in a good mood

improves cognitive flexibility and creativity, but does not necessarily improve problem-solving ability.

improves persistence, but does not necessarily improve problem-solving ability.

improves cognitive flexibility and creativity, as well as persistence, but does not necessarily improve problem-solving ability.

improves cognitive flexibility and creativity, persistence, and problem-solving ability.

improves cognitive flexibility and creativity, persistence, and problem-solving ability.

The fact that children learn to conceal their emotions as they grow up supports the theme that

"the bad is greater than the good."

"there are always tradeoffs."

"nature says go, culture says stop."

"inner processes serve interpersonal relations."

"nature says go, culture says stop."

Research on the value of venting anger and catharsis suggests that

counter to most people's intuition, venting anger almost always ends up making people angrier than they were before.

venting anger only works to reduce anger when people believe in the value of venting.

venting only works to reduce anger when people enjoy and get satisfaction out of the venting.

venting anger only works to reduce anger when people believe in the value of venting AND enjoy and get satisfaction out of the venting.

counter to most people's intuition, venting anger almost always ends up making people angrier than they were before.

Research on happiness and parenting indicates that couples who have children are __________ than couples who do not have children, although __________.

happier, this finding is not consistent.

happier, people expect that having children will make them less happy.

less happy, this finding is not consistent.

less happy, people expect that having children will make them happier.

less happy, people expect that having children will make them happier.

The factor that appears to be most strongly related to happiness is

one's physical health or well-being.

whether one is alone in the world or has social connections.

how rich or poor one's country or society is.

how rich or poor one is individually.

whether one is alone in the world or has social connections.

Lottery winners are no happier than anyone else a year after their big win. Similarly, people who have experienced serious physical injuries seem to "get over it" fairly well across time and return to their pre-injury level of happiness. These findings are consistent with research on

the hedonic treadmill.

the broaden-and-build theory.

emotional intelligence (EQ).

personal affective indices.

the hedonic treadmill.

As discussed in the textbook, the emotion of anger can be classified as

pleasant and high in arousal.

pleasant and low in arousal.

unpleasant and high in arousal.

unpleasant and low in arousal.

unpleasant and high in arousal.

The emotion of anxiety has been referred to as "the shadow of intelligence" because

anxiety is highly correlated with IQ.

humans are the only animals who experience anxiety.

anxiety motivates people to plan ahead and avoid risks.

anxiety tends to interfere with smart, healthy decision-making.

anxiety motivates people to plan ahead and avoid risks.

According to the textbook, emotions tend-on the whole-to

promote strong interpersonal relationships.

have a detrimental impact on interpersonal relationships.

"test" relationships, so that only the most committed relationships last.

be helpful in promoting communication within close relationships, but be detrimental to formal relationships and acquaintanceships (e.g., work relationships).

promote strong interpersonal relationships.

Research indicates that when heterosexual men watch films of homosexual men having sex with each other, the heterosexual men who are most homophobic

report that they are more opposed to the films than other people, and show less genital arousal than other people.

report that they are more opposed to the films than other people, but actually show more genital arousal than other people.

report that they are actually as tolerant of the films as other people, but show less genital arousal than other people.

report that they are actually as tolerant of the films as other people, and also show more genital arousal than other people.

report that they are more opposed to the films than other people, but actually show more genital arousal than other people.

The risk-as-feelings hypothesis states that

people rely on emotions to evaluate risk.

people tend to disregard emotions (more than they should) when evaluating risk.

risky situations are more emotion-arousing than non-risky situations.

most people experience a distinct positive emotion (in addition to any negative emotions like fear) when engaging in risky behavior.

people rely on emotions to evaluate risk.

The term __________ is concerned with people's ability to predict their emotional reactions to future events.

emotional intelligence (EQ)

affective forecasting


hedonic treadmill

affective forecasting

A good deal of research has examined whether men and women differ in terms of how they experience emotions. This research clearly suggests that the stereotype of __________ is wrong.

women as more emotional than men

men as more conflict-avoidant than women

boys as more fussy than girls

men as relatively quick-to-fall-in-love

women as more emotional than men

Compared to negative emotions, there are _________ positive emotions.

relatively few, but more differentiated,

relatively few, and less differentiated,

more, and more differentiated,

more, but less differentiated,

relatively few, and less differentiated,

Positive emotions tend to be associated with

challenging life events.

low emotional intelligence.

forming a social bond with someone else.

breaking a social bond with someone else.

forming a social bond with someone else.

According to the __________ theory of emotion, when people are presented with stimuli that trigger emotions, the thalamus in the brain sends two messages at the same time: One message that produces a conscious emotional experience and one message that produces a physiological response.



Schachter and Singer

excitation transfer


Even though Amanda just met Diego two minutes ago, she has a good feeling about him right off the bat. According to the __________ hypothesis, it is therefore likely that Amanda will also decide within minutes that Diego is a good person.

affective forecasting

affect balance


emotional intelligence (EQ)


Which of the following statements is an example of a person engaging in affective forecasting?

"The reason that he dropped out of school was because he felt insecure and incompetent."

"If he ever betrayed me, I would be so depressed I would never recover."

"If I hadn't gotten reprimanded by my boss that one time, I never would have hated my job as much as I did."

"If I had only trusted him and not said anything, we wouldn't have gotten into that stupid argument."

"If he ever betrayed me, I would be so depressed I would never recover."

In which of the following situations would you be most likely to have a Duchenne smile on your face?

You have just learned that your enemy has been fired from his job. You are in public, among colleagues, so you have to pretend to feel bad for him (but secretly you are gleeful inside).

Your enemy just got a big promotion at work. You have to pretend to be happy for him, but you are secretly annoyed and jealous of his success.

You see your enemy on the street. You give him a quick fake smile-more of a sneer-just to show him that he is still your enemy.

You have just won an award and feel jubilant (especially because your enemy was not the winner).

You have just won an award and feel jubilant (especially because your enemy was not the winner).

Researcher Paul Ekman and his colleagues have suggested that there are six basic emotions. Which of the following is NOT one of them?






Extreme stress negatively impacts people's judgment and performance because it

narrows their attention and focus so much that they sometimes end up ignoring important, relevant pieces of information.

broadens their attention and focus so much that they sometimes end up "taking it all in" but not being able to identify the most important, relevant pieces of information.

leads people to act in a purely self-interested manner.

leads people to feel overly confident in their capabilities.

narrows their attention and focus so much that they sometimes end up ignoring important, relevant pieces of information.

Suppose that Natalie and her boyfriend just got into a huge argument, and Natalie went to the gym and punched a punching bag (imagining the whole time that the punching bag was her boyfriend), hoping to "let off some steam." How much will this approach help?

It will only help to reduce her anger if she really believes in the value of venting and catharsis.

It will only help to reduce her anger if she enjoys the venting and gets some satisfaction from it.

It will only help to reduce her anger if she really believes in the value of venting and catharsis AND if she enjoys the venting and gets some satisfaction from it.

It will not help to reduce her anger regardless of whether she believes in the value of venting and catharsis AND regardless of whether she enjoys the venting and gets some satisfaction from it.

It will not help to reduce her anger regardless of whether she believes in the value of venting and catharsis AND regardless of whether she enjoys the venting and gets some satisfaction from it.

Compared to white Americans, Asian Americans tend to

be less emotional in general (i.e., show more emotional moderation).

be more emotional in general (i.e., show less emotional moderation).

show several distinct emotions that white Americans completely lack.

completely lack several distinct emotions that white Americans show.

be less emotional in general (i.e., show more emotional moderation).

Nargis woke up this morning feeling grouchy and annoyed. When asked why she is feeling this way, she can't seem to come up with any particular reason. It would be MOST accurate to say that she is experiencing a(n)






When social psychologists talk about quick, automatic reactions that are simply positive or negative (as opposed to being full-blown, complex feelings), they are talking about






Research indicates that most non-human animals

experience only three basic emotions.

do not experience any emotions.

experience emotions such as fear, rage, joy, and even love.

experience only two basic emotions.

experience emotions such as fear, rage, joy, and even love.

Research on the emotions of guilt and shame suggests that, while guilt is usually __________ shame is usually __________.

automatic, conscious

conscious, automatic

constructive, destructive

destructive, constructive

constructive, destructive

According to catharsis theory,

expressing negative emotions produces a healthy release and is therefore good for the psyche.

practicing emotional restraint of negative emotions (i.e., holding in negative emotions) can help to dissipate, or reduce, such emotions across time.

ironically, people tend to feel unpleasant emotions when they have survived a negative experience when others have suffered.

emotions tend to promote interpersonal ties.

expressing negative emotions produces a healthy release and is therefore good for the psyche.

In the opening of this chapter, two men's reactions to spam e-mail were described. The fact that neither of the men were able to shrug off their annoyance to the spam illustrates the fact that

emotion is largely consciously controlled.

emotion is largely outside conscious awareness.

emotion is a positive coping skill.

emotion is a negative coping skill.

emotion is largely outside conscious awareness.

Within social psychological research on emotion, the term "arousal" is used to refer to

the physiological reaction linked to most emotions.

any positive emotion.

any physiological response that prepares the person for sexual activity.


the physiological reaction linked to most emotions.

The so-called "facial feedback hypothesis" refers to the idea that

facial expressions seem to have evolved in order for humans to better communicate feelings to one another.

we get information about what other people are feeling via their facial expressions.

others' emotional facial expressions can actually evoke or heighten our own emotional experiences.

feedback from our own facial muscles can actually evoke or heighten our own emotional experiences.

feedback from our own facial muscles can actually evoke or heighten our own emotional experiences.

The Yerkes-Dodson law has to do with

how emotions fade across time.

how self-other assessments impact emotional experience.

how low versus high arousal affects task performance.

how positive versus negative moods affect judgments.

how low versus high arousal affects task performance.

Art has just been on a long run at the beach with his dog. When he arrives home he is still breathing hard and his heart is still racing; he is physiologically highly aroused. When a neighbor bumps into him in the hallway, Art completely freaks out and verbally attacks the neighbor. He demands: "Did you just push me? Do you have a problem, man?" It looks like Art may have misattributed his arousal (from his run to his neighbor). That is, Art's behavior illustrates

the Yerkes-Dodson law.



excitation transfer.

excitation transfer.

According to the textbook, emotions are __________, whereas moods are __________.

linked to particular events, not linked to particular events

not linked to particular events, linked to particular events

automatic responses, conscious evaluations

conscious evaluations, automatic responses

linked to particular events, not linked to particular events

Which of the following emotions has been referred to as the shadow of intelligence?

The emotion of anxiety has been referred to as "the shadow of intelligence" because. anxiety is highly correlated with IQ.

Which of the following is a component of emotion quizlet?

Which of the following are the four components of emotions? Physiological arousal, subjective feelings, cognitive processes, and behavioral reactions.

What is the first step in the development of emotional intelligence quizlet?

What is the first step in the development of emotional knowledge? The recognition of different emotions in others.

Which of the following terms is concerned with people's ability to predict their emotional reactions to future events?

Affective forecasting, quite simply, refers to the prediction of one's future emotions (Wilson & Gilbert, 2003). Adopting this definition, Wilson and Gilbert (2003) identify four specific components of emotional experience that one may make predictions about: Valence (whether the emotion will be positive or negative);


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