Which of the following describes how the cognitive Mediational theory is different quizlet?

SOPHIA Pathways

Conflict Resolution

COM-ELE (ConRes1001)

Final Milestone

1.No one remembers what began the conflict between two neighboring families; however,

their years of hostility have occasionally become violent, such as when the two fathers

got into a fist fight. One afternoon, a lightning strike started a fire on one familys lawn.

The fire spread rapidly, threatening both homes. Members of each family called the fire

department and rushed outside with buckets of water. The oldest child in each family ran

to get a garden hose to try and contain the fire. Although the two families were in long-

standing conflict, they worked together to contain the fire. According to Realistic

Conflict Theory, which of the following describes this action? Superordinate goal

2.In the aftermath of criminal activity, which parties does the restorative justice model

bring together to address the offense? Victims, offenders, and a mediator

3.When Jenny decided to have a baby before she was married, her parents were very upset.

Their reaction may be influenced by which of the following? Cultural norms

4.Which conflict resolution methodology helps provide skills development for parties who

are unwilling to engage in a joint conflict resolution process? Conflict consulting

5.George and Jeff were in the middle of a heated argument when their supervisor, Dan,

interrupted them. Whats going on here? Lets take a step back and see if we can figure

this out without yelling at each other in the middle of the office.Jeff is dragging his

feet on reports, so Ive had to stay late every day this week in order to submit mine. Im

tired of missing dinner with my family because he cant do his job!, replied George.

Thats not fair! exclaimed Jeff. I do my best to get them done as fast as I can, but

policy says they have to be signed off on by every supervisor who was working that day.

When we have a major project going on, like we do this week, it can take a while to track

everyone down and get their signature.Jeff is right, George, replied Dan. Corporate

says those reports need to be signed before you can submit them at the end of your shift.

Based on this conversation, it sounds as if the conflict is Structural

6.Which of the following terms describes a person who is not involved in a conflict, but is

affected by the outcome? Indirect party

7.When a conflict analysis promotes a sense of group cohesion, a party may see this as a

benefit to continuing the conflict.

8.When parties appear to be at a stalemate, which of the following is true? Attitudes and

perceptions continue to intensify.

9.Which of the following terms is used to describe the tendency of people to view members

of their in-group more positively than non-members? Attribution bias

10. As a mediator between Amy and Kris, two sisters who were at very hostile odds over the

care of their ill mother, Todd explained the mediation process, its objectives, and some

basic ground rules. Do either of you have any additional ground rules to propose or any

concerns, questions, or thoughts about the process? he asked. Amy said, Why are you

asking us? Arent you in charge here? Which of the following would be the most

accurate answer for Todd to give Amy? I direct the process, but you and Kris can tell me

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What is Lazarus cognitive

Lazarus (1991) developed the cognitive-mediational theory that asserts our emotions are determined by our appraisal of the stimulus. This appraisal mediates between the stimulus and the emotional response, and it is immediate and often unconscious.

What is main idea of drive theory quizlet?

Developed as an alternative to instinct theory, drive theory explains motivation as a process in which a biological need produces a drive that moves an organism to meet the need. For most drives this process returns the organism to a balanced condition, known as homeostasis.

Which of the following is a way that the James Lange theory of emotion differs from the shatter singer theory of emotion?

Which of the following is a way that the James-Lange theory of emotion differs from the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion? According to the James-Lange theory, emotions arise from physiological arousal; according to the Schachter-Singer theory, emotions include a cognitive factor and a physiological factor.

Which of the following is a way that anorexia nervosa is different from bulimia quizlet?

Which of the following is a way that anorexia nervosa is different from bulimia nervosa? Anorexia is associated with binge eating, and bulimia is associated with starvation.


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