Which nursing action would be provided to an individual in the intimacy versus isolation stage quizlet?





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Terms in this set (88)


To have opposing feelings about someone or something


A type of emotional bonding, for example, mother-baby bonding


A pattern of growth that occurs in an orderly and predictable pattern, progressing from the head downward

Cognitive development

How human beings learn; investigated by Jean Piaget


An increase in the complexity of skills performed by a person


The spaces between the bones of the skull that are not yet fused together; sometimes called soft spots


The physical changes that occur in the size of human beings


The beginning of menstrual periods.

Moral development

The ability to think at higher levels and develop a value system that differentiates right from wrong

Physical development

The physical size and functioning of a person. Influences on physical development include genetics, nutrition, and function of the endocrine and central nervous systems.


Growth that occurs from the center of the body outward

Psychosocial development

Development that occurs throughout a human being's life in distinct stages. Each stage requires that specific tasks be mastered; defined by Eric Erikson


The onset of development of sexual characteristics and functions; it occurs between the ages of 11 and 14 years.


Automatic responses by the central nervous system.


A return to earlier behaviors.

Spiritual development

The development of faith that develops from a process of developing trust.

When an infant cries, a caregiver comes to give comfort so that the infant learns that her needs will be met. This is an example of:

Erickson's theory of psychosocial development

You are caring for a 10-year-old child who has had major surgery. When you get ready to change his dressing, he begins to scream at you and even tries to hit and bite you. This is an example of:


One of the changes in home health and long-term care is that:

Patient populations in home and long-term care have shifted from mostly older adults to patients of all ages

A young mother is discussing her twin 2 1/2-year-old toddlers. She says, "it's so cute. They like to run away and play hide and seek when we're in the department store." What does her comment suggest to you, as a nurse, about her needs for education?

The mom needs to be taught about the children's developmental stage and the potential hazards associated with that stage, such as getting lost.

Your patient is a 12-year-old girl, admitted for and emergency appendectomy. She is 2 days postop and will be discharged the following day as long as there is no sign of wound infection. You have delegated the responsibility for her care to another nurse, who helps the patient with all aspects of her morning care. You know that yesterday the patient was able to do most of it herself. You ask the nurse about it. Which of the following possible answers represents a developmentally and physiologically appropriate answer for the nurse's actions?

"She told me she is afraid of hospitals and was very scared by all the noises last night. She seemed to be regressing a bit, so I determined that she needed extra support today."

You work on a pediatric unit and are caring for a 3-year-old boy who needs to have laboratory work done. What actions should you take if the child starts to panic?

Speak soothingly to him while distracting him with a toy. Provide comfort immediately after the procedure.

You are caring for a 48-year-old woman with ovarian cancer. She has been through surgery and chemotherapy and is now in hospice. She says, "well, I've had a good life." What stage is she in, according to Erikson, despite her age?

Integrity vs despair

Why is it important for nurses to understand growth and development stages?

It helps in planning interventions that will result in the best outcomes.

You are caring for a 2-year-old child whose mother became a crack addict after the child was born. The child was severely neglected. Which of the following statements represents the best description of this child's psychosocial developmental status?

The child probably does not feel trusting of people and is in the second developmental stage: autonomy versus shame and doubt.

A baby boy is born into a family of five (three siblings and two parents). The family qualifies for food stamps and medical assistance. He has an atrial-septal defect that will be repaired when he is older. His parents are in their late 30s and are very loving and supportive; they do not speak English very well. What factor will have the most influence on the baby's development?

His loving, supportive environment.

Erikson's industry vs inferiority

6 years to 12 years

Integrity vs despair

65+ years

Identity vs role confusion

12-18 years

Intimacy vs isolation

18-30 years

Initiative vs guilt

3-6 years

Trust vs mistrust

Birth to 18 months

Generativity vs stagnation

30-60 years

Autonomy vs shame/doubt

18 months to 3 years

A mother reports that her toddler cannot pet the family dog in a coordinated way, although the toddler can hug the dog. The nurse correctly explains that this is:

an example of development following a normal proximodistal pattern.

The term cephalocaudal refers to the pattern of growth in babies in which the head grows first, then the back and shoulders, and finally the legs. The example here is of normal development, which follows a proximodistal pattern from the center of the body outward.

The nurse is educating a caregiver about how to promote autonomy in her toddler. The nurse recognizes that further teaching is needed when the caregiver states:

"I will offer my toddler unlimited choices."

When discussing physical activity with the nurse, a 50-year-old male patient says, "I played on my varsity team in college and then played semiprofessional sports into my thirties. But I can't do that anymore, and the exercise that I can do just doesn't feel worth it." The nurse's most appropriate response would be:

"As the body ages, the blood vessels lose elasticity and the heart cannot pump as much blood. Therefore, engaging in physical activity is key to keeping your blood pressure down and maintaining your physical condition."

During the assessment of an infant, the nurse strokes the sole of the infant's foot, causing fanning of the toes while the great toe pulls upward. The nurse recognizes this as

A normal assessment finding

A patient asks the nurse, "I'm eligible for AARP discounts now. I guess it's nice to save some money, but is it basically all downhill from here in terms of my physical health?" Which of the following can the nurse correctly explain are typical characteristics of the aging body? Select all that apply.

1) Tasks that require speed, coordination, fine motor skills, and balance will take more time.
2) A loss of elasticity in the blood vessels can lead to high blood pressure.
3) Liver function diminishes, which can affect the metabolism of alcohol and medications.
5) Basal metabolism decreases, resulting in a need for fewer calories.

A patient has recently become a step-mother to children of a wide range of ages, and she asks for information about what stages of development the children may be at. Place the following developmental milestones in order according to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development (1-4).

From birth to 18 months, the baby is in the trust versus mistrust stage, according to Erikson, and requires consistent, affectionate care. Children from age 3 to 6 years are in the initiative versus guilt stage and are likely to try new activities and ask many questions. They require guidance but should not be labeled "bad" when they do things that are inadvertently destructive. From age 6 to 12 years, children are in the industry versus inferiority stage, when they seek to make progress with social skills and self-esteem. The intimacy versus isolation stage, between ages 18 and 30, involves choosing a career and forming significant adult relationships.

A nurse is preparing a parenting class and plans to discuss children's development. In which order should she place the following examples of behavior to illustrate Kohlberg's stages of moral development (1-4)?

The student whose teacher will not let him talk during class is in stage 2, individualism and relativism. He has difficulty understanding why something that would benefit him would not benefit the class and, therefore, will not be allowed. The child who encourages recycling is in stage 4, law-and-order orientation, when concern for the greater good and respect for authority emerge. The student who will not copy her papers from the Internet is in stage 5, social rules and legal orientation, when one's inner moral compass becomes more important than external authority figures or laws. The child who makes the family's breakfast is in stage 3, seeking strong interpersonal relationships. At this stage, children do things not only to obey rules but to feel good about themselves.

The nurse observes an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) caring for a toddler. Which of the following actions by the UAP would cause the nurse to intervene?

The UAP feeds the toddler hot dog slices for lunch.

Examples of healthy finger foods for a toddler to choose from include small pieces of fruits such as a banana, pieces of cheese or cooked vegetables, or a small peanut butter sandwich.

The nurse is educating a student nurse about administering an intramuscular analgesic medication to an 11-year-old child. The nurse recognizes that further instruction is needed when the student nurse states:

"I will tell the child that my injections don't hurt."

A 15-year-old girl tells the nurse that she and her boyfriend have started having sex. Which of the following would be an appropriate response by the nurse?

"Are you taking steps to prevent pregnancy and avoid sexually transmitted diseases?"

A nurse appropriately tells the parent of a 2-year-old:

"Make sure to keep any area your child is in free of small objects he could pick up and put in his mouth, because these are a choking hazard."

A nurse is preparing a presentation at a high school to promote health among the adolescents there. Which of the following would not be an appropriate topic to include?

Modeling the way a vaccination is given by using a doll

A patient expresses concern that his teenager is not interested in the family's religious beliefs. The nurse can correctly explain what to expect in terms of spiritual development at different ages by putting the following milestones in chronological order (1-4).

According to Fowler's stages of spiritual development, this teenager is likely in the synthetic-conventional stage in which she is forming her own identity by questioning the beliefs of her family. Younger children, age 7 to 12 years, relate strongly to symbolism and stories to explain religion. Starting at about age 18 and continuing into young adulthood, people tend to be in the individuating-reflexive stage, when they develop their own beliefs. At around age 30, many people enter the paradoxical-consolidative stage, comprehending others' views about faith and becoming more interested in what is true than in what is believed.

A 42-year-old woman who will have a hysterectomy performed expresses concern about the well-being of her children while she is in the hospital. The nurse could most appropriately respond by saying:

"Tell me about who is taking care of your children and what concerns you have."

16. A nurse is preparing to deliver a presentation on health to the workforce at a factory. Which of the following would not be an appropriate topic for the presentation?

The importance of engaging in vigorous physical activity when there is the opportunity to do so, especially if one has been sedentary for some time

The nurse is teaching a postpartum patient about breastfeeding her infant. When the nurse gently touches the infant's cheek, the infant turns toward the stimulus and opens his mouth to find milk. The nurse explains to the patient that the infant is demonstrating the

Rooting reflex

The Moro reflex occurs when babies are moved suddenly or jarred in some way, causing them to extend their limbs outward and then pull them toward the trunk of their body to protect them from injury.

A 4-year-old patient with a cough tells the nurse that when she can't sleep at night, the elephant at the zoo visits her and holds her hand with its trunk. The nurse correctly recognizes that the girl is in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?


Match the task for a stage, according to Erikson, to the nursing action that support the individual in each stage: learn to trust others

provide consistent affectionate care; trust vs mistrust; birth to 18 months

Match the task for a stage, according to Erikson, to the nursing action that support the individual in each stage: learn self-control and the ability to express oneself and cooperate

increase independence; provide praise and encouragement; autonomy vs shame/doubt; 18 months to three years

Match the task for a stage, according to Erikson, to the nursing action that support the individual in each stage: initiate activities and influence environment

encourage creativity, answer questions; do not threaten or label behavior as "bad"; initiative vs guilt; 3-6 years

Match the task for a stage, according to Erikson, to the nursing action that support the individual in each stage: develop sense of social skills and self-esteem

keep realistic expectations for behavior and recognize accomplishments; industry vs inferiority; 6-12 years

Match the task for a stage, according to Erikson, to the nursing action that support the individual in each stage: seek sense of self and plan according to one's abilities

assist with planning for future and help with decision making; identity vs role confusion; 12-18 years

Match the task for a stage, according to Erikson, to the nursing action that support the individual in each stage: develop intimate relationships and choose career

avoid criticizing relationships; teach how to establish realistic goals

Match the task for a stage, according to Erikson, to the nursing action that support the individual in each stage: become a productive member of society and establish a family

recognize accomplishments and provide emotional support; generativity vs stagnation; 30-60 years

Match the task for a stage, according to Erikson, to the nursing action that support the individual in each stage: accept worth, uniqueness, and death

review accomplishments made by the person; integrity vs despair; 65+ years

Based on Piaget's stages of cognitive development, at which stage would it be best to teach algebra?

formal operational

People may not achieve all the stages of moral development and Fowler's stages of spiritual development may be biased to Western cultures. What is important to take away from the information in your textbook about moral and spiritual development?

Moral and spiritual development may be influenced by many factors. All people have moral and spiritual aspects to their personalities.

Specific newborn reflexes, such as rooting, sucking, startle, and Babinski, all disappear by what age?

6 months

Normal growth patterns suggest that the newborn's head circumference will be how much larger at 1 year?

Two and a half times as large

You are giving a class to new parents. One of them asks what the best way to handle temper tantrums is. Which of the following is your best response?

"Take the child to a quiet place and set firm limits on behaviors."

Object permanence refers to the concept that

An object not in the child's sight still exists somewhere else.

A preschooler who sees his or her parent dressed as Frankenstein will most likely__? This is based on which theory about child development?

Be frightened; Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive development

Which of the following are characteristics of a 10-to-12-year-old child?

Develops a sense of concern for others, develops social skills and self-esteem, understands religion through symbols and stories.

Puberty is defined as

the stage in which secondary sexual characteristics develop

You are the school nurse in a large high school. A female student comes to you and asks you about the signs and symptoms of various STDs. Which of the following is the best response?

Answer her questions and ask her if she is concerned that she may have an STD.

One of the most important health-care interventions for toddlers is

preventing accidents

You are counseling new parents and one mother says her 2-year-old will only eat strawberries and chicken fingers. Which of the following is the best response?

"In addition to her favorites, have healthy finger foods available frequently. She'll end up eating enough to stay healthy."

Loss of blood vessel elasticity

high blood pressure

slower gastric motility


loss of subcutaneous tissue

skin wrinkling

decreased production of estrogen


decreased production of testosterone

decreased sperm production

T/F: Young adults generally have few health concerns


T/F: Lifestyle choices are important for disease prevention


T/F: Older adults experience a decline in long-term memory as a result of the normal aging process


T/F: Learning abilities decline in older adults


T/F: Older adults tend to evaluate their lives more than younger adults


T/F: Falls are a safety concern for toddlers and older adults


T/F: Older adults may have bruises and bone fractures as a normal part of aging


T/F: Young adults should get flu and pneumonia vaccines yearly.


T/F: Unfortunately, confused older adults frequently must be restrained if they are likely to fall and injure themselves. This is because there are no real alternatives


Kohlberg's moral development theory Pre-conventional level age and focus

1-9 or 10 years; avoiding punishment and gaining reward

Kohlberg's moral development theory Conventional level age and focus

Early adolescence; conforming to avoid disapproval with respect for authority of law and order

Kohlberg's moral development theory post-conventional level age and focus

postadolescence; behaving according to internal codes and beliefs

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