When processing language we begin making judgments about what the sentence means before we have heard or read the entire sentence this is referred to as quizlet?

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Suppose that a friend asks you, "Is it true that the left hemisphere of the brain handles all language processing tasks?" Your response should be,

A) "Yes, because research shows that the right hemisphere processes spatial information, rather than linguistic information." B) "No, because the current research shows that both hemispheres are equally important in processing language." C) "Sort of, because the left hemisphere handles syntax and semantics, whereas, the right hemisphere handles speech perception." D) "Sort of, because the left hemisphere typically handles a majority of language processing for most people, but the right hemisphere is important in interpreting abstract information."

According to neurolinguistics, for most (but not all) people language

is processed almost identically by both hemispheres of the brain.

is primarily localized in the left hemisphere of the brain.

is localized in the right hemisphere of the brain for right handers, and left hemisphere for left handers.

is primarily localized in the right hemisphere of the brain.

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Terms in this set (69)

Which of the following students provides the most widely accepted perspective on word recognition?

Irving: "Beginning readers typically use the direct-access route, mature readers typically use the indirect-access route"

Which of the following students provides the most accurate statement about neurolinguistics research?

Laura: "The left hemisphere handles most language tasks, but the right hemisphere processes some abstract components."

Your textbook discussed the research on test anxiety, study skills, and reading comprehension scores in undergraduates. According to this research...

Students who have high test anxiety report having poor study skills

Leslie is participating in an experiment in which she presses a spacebar on a computer keyboard in order to see one word of a sentence at a time. Her reaction time to process each individual word is measured, this is called...

Self-paced reading task

Suppose that you are working with an elderly woman who had a stroke. She is looking at her radio, and you ask her if the radio is broken. With great effort she says "not working". Based on this information you would most likely suspect that she has

Broca's aphasia

Suppose you are walking to your college campus and a stranger ask how to get to the library. Before answering you need to figure out whether the person is familiar with any of the landmarks on campus. Your concern with background information is most relevant for the aspect of language known as


Which of the following topics would be most relevant for a psychologist who favors the cognitive- functional approach to language?

When kind of cues do listeners pick up on when determining whether a speaker is very enthusiastic about an idea rather than just mildly enthusiastic

Compared to writing, speaking is more likely to

Use relatively simple syntax

According to the research on sentence generation during writing...

Hesitant phases tend to alternate with fluent phases

What is the most controversial issue concerning bilingualism and age of acquisition?

With respect to the mastery of grammar, do people who acquire a second language as adults differ from people who acquire a second language as children?

When revising their papers, first-year college students are more likely than expert writers to

Approach the revision phase one sentence at a time

The term discourse refers to

Language units that are more than a sentence in length

A sentence that ask someone to do something is called a


The concept of common ground was discussed in connection with the social context of speech. Common ground means that...

The speakers share somewhat similar information and experiences

According to the discussion about the cognitive approach to writing...

People often use the visual part of the visuospatial sketchpad when they are trying to define a concrete word

How is the concept of a gist relevant when you are planning to speak a sentence?

The gist is the overall meaning of a message that we want to convey

Chapter 10 described a study in which participants listened to definitions of concrete nouns, and they were asked to produce correct nouns. The participants were more likely to say the correct noun if...

Their hand movements were unrestricted

The early research and theory on bilingualism...

Argued that bilingualism produced a cognitive deficit

Chapter 10 examines the relationship between age of acquisition and inability to learn a second language. Before we can draw conclusions about this topic, which of the following questions needs further attention?

Do the same findings hold true when the second language is something other than English?

In contrast to written language, spoken language is specially likely

To require the use of working memory

Units of language such as pre-, sound and -s are known as


In general, the right hemisphere of the brain is more likely than the left hemisphere to emphasize...

The interpretation of the emotional tone of a message

Chapter 9 discussed Noam Chomsky's theories about language. According to this discussion...

Chomsky's theories emphasize that humans have inborn skills in language

When readers use the direct-access route to recognizing written words,

They recognized a word from the visual stimulus without having to translate first into sound

In contrast to spoken language, written language is more likely...

To allow re-scanning of the input

When you read a section of your cognitive psychology textbook, you read language units that are longer than an isolated paragraph. This kind of language is called...


According to the cognitive-functional approach to language

The purpose of language is to convey meaning to other people

When processing language, we begin making judgments about what the sentence means before we have heard (or read) the entire sentence. This is referred to as

Incremental interpretation

What general conclusion can we reach about making inferences during reading?

People often make inferences, especially if they have expertise in the topic

Caroline gestures rhythmically with her hand while rattling off a list of bones in the human body. Caroline is using...

Beat gestures

Why is research on language comprehension easier to conduct than research on the language production?

It is easier to manipulate a variable that can influence language comprehension than it is to manipulate a variable than can influence language production

Suppose that you have a summer job in which you work with both monolingual and bilingual children, although the two groups are otherwise similar. You would expect to find that

The bilingual children would usually be better at following complex instructions

What can we conclude about age of acquisition and mastery of a second language?

The research is not clear-cut, instead the findings seem to depend upon factors such as similarity

Jason is an infant whose parents speak English at home. When his parents are at work, Jason stays in a family day care home where all the employees speak only Spanish. Jason is experiencing

Simultaneous bilingualism

Joan is eating lunch and she says to Brad "Can you pass the salt", Brad replies with "Yes, I can" but doesn't pass the salt. What kind of miscommunication does this brief conversation suggest?

A pragmatic problem

An english professor has just asked the students in his class to revise their term papers. He is likely to find that

Most students will examine only one sentence at a time, checking spelling and grammar

A professor looks out at her class and notices that Jackie is falling asleep. She says loudly, "Wouldn't you be more comfortable in your own bed?". The professor is using a kind of directive known as...

An indirect request

Which of the following students provides the most accurate statement about the specific kind of discourse known as a narrative?

Tonya: "In a narrative, a speaker talks for a while without interruption, in order to describe a series of events"

According to Dell's explanation, a slip of the tongue occurs because of

Interference from an inappropriate sounds that are highly active

What can we conclude about the relationship between attitudes and proficiency in a second language?

People who are positive toward speakers of a language are likely to learn that language more quickly than those who are neutral or negative about that group

When people are solving a problem such as the Elves and Goblins problem in your textbook, they generally avoid...

Increasing the difference between the current state and the goal state

In problem solving, the term obstacle refers to

Restrictions that are encountered in problem solving

In order to understand a problem, you need to understand the underlying meaning. This basic core of a problem is called its

Structural features

According to the discussion of problem-solving approaches, the hill-climbing heuristics...

Is often used if you do not have information on how to reach your goal, so you select the best option at each choice point

According to the discussion of creativity...

Creative solutions must be novel and useful

In problem solving, a method that always produces a problem solution (though not necessarily very efficiently) is known as

An algorithm

What is the difference between functional fixedness and mental set?

Functional fixedness emphasizes the object involved in solving the problem, whereas mental set emphasizes the problem solver's strategies

Why is the embodied cognitive approach important when people are trying to solve certain kinds of problems?

Your gesture often encourage you to express abstract thoughts and terms

Psychologists who support the situated-cognition approach to problem solving would be most likely to emphasize

That people often learn to solve a problem in a specific context, and then they cannot transfer it to other situations

According to the research on expertise and problem solving

Expert problem-solvers are more likely than novices to emphasize structural features in the representation of a problem

According to your textbook, cognition is the acquisition, storage, transformation and use of knowledge. Compared to more basic cognitive processes such as working memory, problem solving makes more use of which of...

Transformation of knowledge

Research on problem isomorphs has demonstrated that...

Problem solving often requires peeling away the superficial features of a problem, in order to discover problem isomorphs

You would expect a matrix to be a useful problem solving representation when...

The information is stable, not changing over time

Heather and Tom want to bake some blueberry muffins, but they do not have muffin tin. So Heather takes some soda cans out of the recycling bin, Tom cuts the top 2 inches off each can and used them as bottoms for the muffins. What have they demonstrated?

Overcoming functional fixedness

According to the research on visual images and problem solving...

Visual images often allow problem solvers to select nontraditional solutions for problems

Suppose that you have an assignment to write a review of the literature on a topic in cognitive psychology. If you used the means-ends analysis, you would begin by

Breaking the problem into parts and then solving each part

According to the introduction to the section on problem understanding...

Understanding requires a close correspondence between the situation you need to understand and your own internal representation

According to the research on mental sets,

People may produce inferior problem solutions if they are shown examples of possible solutions before they try to solve the problem

Chapter 11 describes the relationship between several personality characteristics and creativity. According to the research by Veena Pradhu and her colleges, students are likely to be more creative if...

They are high in intrinsic motivation

Why is the concept of base rate important in decisions that involve the representativeness heuristics?

People usually don't pay enough attention to base rate when making these decisions

When people estimate confidence intervals, they typically...

Rely too heavily on the representativeness heuristics

Research on the belief-bias effect shows that...

Familiar statements often lead people to use "common sense" rather than logical reasoning

Heuristics are relevant when we try to answer a reasoning problem because...

We often answer reasoning problem by using a heuristic that a conclusion is a "good bet", even if its not always true

According to the discussion of the availability heuristics...

We use this heuristic when we try to estimate probability by thinking of relevant examples

According to the social cognition approach to stereotypes, we form stereotypes primarily...

Because of our normal cognitive processes

According to the discussion of representativeness...

We believe that random-looking outcomes are more likely than orderly-looking outcomes

According to the discussion of the confirmation bias in deductive reasoning...

The confirmation bias means that people prefer to demonstrate that a hypothesis is true, rather than to demonstrate its false

An important difference between reasoning and decision making is that in reasoning

We have well-established rules for arriving at conclusions

On the classic selection task in conditional reasoning, people work on the problem, "If a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an even number on the other side". Research on variations of this task indicates that...

The problem is easier to solve if its describes something concrete, such as drinking age

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What general conclusion can we reach about making inferences during reading quizlet?

What general conclusion can we reach about making inferences during reading? People often make inferences, especially if they have expertise in the topic. it is difficult to manipulate the relevant independent variables.

Why is a sentence with a nested structure more difficult to understand than a sentence without a nested structure?

Why is a sentence with a nested structure more difficult for readers to understand, compared to a sentence without a nested structure? Sentences with a nested structure require readers to store the first part of the sentence until they have processed later parts of the sentence.

What does the cognitive

What does the cognitive-functional approach suggest about language? We use language strategically to convey specific meaning to other people. When processing language, we make judgements and predictions about sentence meaning before we have heard or read the entire sentence.

What can we conclude about the accuracy of speech production?

What can we conclude about the accuracy of speech production? Even high-status speakers may produce a large number of speech errors. In discussing the social aspects of language, psycholinguistics researchers sometimes use a metaphor of two people dancing.


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