What is the principle of art concerned with equalizing visual forces or elements in a work of art?

The art elements become the visual forces, or weights, in an art object. A central axis is a dividing line that works like the point of balance in the balance scale. Many works of art have a central vertical axis with equal visual weight on both sides of the dividing line.

What is the principle of art concerned with equalizing visual forces?

Balance is the principle of design concerned with equalizing visual forces, or elements, in a work of art. Visual balance causes the viewer to feel that the elements have been arranged in satisfying manner. Visual imbalance creates a feeling of uneasiness, and the viewer wants to rearrange the elements.

What are the three types of visual balance in art?

There are three different types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial.

Which of the following typically carries the most visual weight in an artwork?

Objects with a regular shape appear heavier than objects with an irregular shape. The irregularity gives the impression that mass has been removed from a regular shape. Vertical objects appear heavier than horizontal objects. Diagonal elements carry the most weight.

What is visual balance in art?

Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space. … Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the work of art. Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art.

What are 4 types of visual balance?

There are four main types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial, and crystallographic.

What are examples of visual elements?

Visual elements are the building blocks of art and design. There are 7 visual elements in total, they are line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space.

Which principle is concerned with differences?

The difference principle governs the distribution of income and wealth, positions of responsibility and power, and the social bases of self-respect. It holds that inequalities in the distribution of these goods are permissible only if they benefit the least well-off positions of society.

What is symmetrical balance art?

Symmetrical balance (or Symmetry) means that the work of art is the same on one side as the other, a mirror image of itself, onboth sides of a center line. … Asymmetrical balance (or Asymmetry) means that the two halves of the work of art are different, however, try to create balance.

What is equalizing visual elements?

Balance is the principle of art concerned with equalizing visual forces, or elements, in a work of art. … Visual forces can be arranged equally on either side of a central axis. A central axis is a dividing line that works like the point of balance in the balance scale. This axis can be vertical or horizontal.

What describes the visual weight of something?

The visual weight in an image is defined as the visual force that appears due to the contrast of light among the visual elements that compound it. The visual weight is a visual force which prevails in the image balance.

What’s the best term below that describes the visual weight of something?

Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space. If the design was a scale, these elements should be balanced to make a design feel stable.

How do you describe the distinct elements and principles of art?

The elements of art are color, form, line, shape, space, and texture. The principles of art are scale, proportion, unity, variety, rhythm, mass, shape, space, balance, volume, perspective, and depth. … Understanding the art methods will help define and determine how the culture created the art and for what use.

What are the types of visual balance?

There are three basic forms of visual balance: Symmetrical. Asymmetrical. Radial.

What is the three basic forms of visual balance?

  • Symmetrical.
  • Asymmetrical.
  • Radial.

What is an example of visual balance?

All works of art possess some form of visual balance – a sense of weighted clarity created in a composition. … The example on the top left is weighted towards the top and the diagonal orientation of the white shape makes the whole area a sense of movement.

Presentation on theme: "Balance Equalizing visual forces, or elements, in a work of art. If a work has visual balance, the viewer feels that the elements have been arranged in."— Presentation transcript:


2 Balance Equalizing visual forces, or elements, in a work of art. If a work has visual balance, the viewer feels that the elements have been arranged in a satisfying way.

3  Equal on both sides

4  Unequal on both sides – adds visual appeal

5  Rotates around a radius

6  Paintings can be close to symmetrical and still be balanced – the result is a more interesting work.

7 Repetition Technique for creating rhythm and unity in which a small idea or single element appears again and again.

8 Rhythm Indicates movement by the repetition of elements or objects. Visual rhythm is perceived through the eyes and is created by repeating positive spaces separated by negative spaces.

9 Pattern Refers to a two- dimensional decorative visual repetition. A pattern has little or no movement and may or may not have a rhythm.


11  Motif repeated in no apparent pattern, with no regular spaces.

12  Identical beats or motifs with equal amounts of space between them.

13  Add a second beat or motif  Change spaces between beats or motifs

14  Repeating wavy lines

15 Progressive  Change in the beat each time it is repeated – a steady change with the beat different each time it appears

16 Contrast Technique for creating a focal point by using differences in elements.

17 Movement Create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewer’s eyes throughout the work of art.

18 Emphasis Makes one part of a work dominant over the other parts.

19  Focal point – The first part of a work that attracts your eye  Harmony – Creating unity by stressing the similarities of separate but related parts

20 Proportion Concerned with the size relationships of one part to another.

21  Artists can also use exaggeration, distortion and scale

22  Using many different elements or ideas to create interest  Transition – moves the eye from one part to another  Gradation – shading of colors that create a sense of space or distance

23  The principle of design associated with the arrangement of the elements of art to create a coherent whole – Combination of similar colors, lines, shapes, etc.


25  Technique of creating an illusion of depth by depicting distant objects as paler, less detailed, and (usually) bluer than near objects.

26  Frans Koppelaar  Landscape near Bologna

27  One vanishing point is typically used for roads, railroad tracks, or buildings viewed so that the front is directly facing the viewer.





32  Used to draw the same objects as one-point perspective, rotated with two vanishing points – looking at the corner of a house, or looking at two forked roads shrink into the distance




36  Usually used for buildings seen from above or below using three vanishing points. This third vanishing point will be below the ground or in the sky above.





41 MEDIA PROCESS  Materials used to create art.  These are not the tools.  The way the artist uses a certain medium to create art.  Can refer to tools or methods

42 TWO DIMENSIONAL THREE DIMENSIONAL  Applying thin media to a flat surface.  Has only height and width.  Using sculpt-able materials to create objects with height, width, and depth.

43 Media Processes Paint Fabric Yarn Paper Ink Pastel Fiber Photography Computer-Generated Drawing Painting Fiber Art Printmaking Photography

44 Media Processes Clay Wood Glass Metal Stone Plaster Textiles Fiber Art Ceramics Sculpture Architecture

45 REPRESENTATIONAL NONREPRESENTATIONAL  Landscape  Portrait  Still Life  Abstract  Non-objective

46 Art Criticism

47 Georges Seurat (1884-1886) A Sunday on La Grande Jatte Oil on canvas 207.5 × 308.1 cm (81.7 × 121.3 in)

48 Art Criticism Georges Seurat (1884-1886) A Sunday on La Grande Jatte Oil on canvas 207.5 × 308.1 cm (81.7 × 121.3 in) Step 1 - Description Title/artist/date/size/media /process/where (if known) Subject/objects Any info that you may know about the artist

49 Step 1 - Description The painting shows a group of people standing around a beach or lake. The clothes that the people are wearing are an older style. The skirts the women are wearing are large, and some of the men are wearing top hats. A man is sitting on the front left side wearing a baseball hat and a sleeveless shirt. There is a woman and a man on the right side, who are standing in the shade, with some animals around them, including a dog. There are a number of people sitting around and looking at the water. Some of the women have umbrellas, although it is not raining. Some of the people are in the shade.

50 Art Criticism Georges Seurat (1884-1886) A Sunday on La Grande Jatte Oil on canvas 207.5 × 308.1 cm (81.7 × 121.3 in) Step 2 - Analysis Based upon the MAIN elements/principles used – not all of them Give a description of how those elements/principles are being used. Give insight on why you think the artist used them in the manner you described above

51 Step 2 - Analysis The painting shows a contrast of light and dark colors. The artist creates space by having the beach and people go back in the painting. There are no real lines in the painting because it is painted in a pointillist style. The artist shows texture in the dresses and on the grass. The artist uses different color values for the clothes and on the grass to show the difference between the shaded area and sunny area. The painting shows a realistic scene.

52 Art Criticism Georges Seurat (1884-1886) A Sunday on La Grande Jatte Oil on canvas 207.5 × 308.1 cm (81.7 × 121.3 in) Step 3 - Interpretation Describe what you think is the mood and/or meaning (both would be best, but only one, if well stated, will suffice)

53 Step 3 - Interpretation I think that the painting is about people gathering around outside on a nice day and looking at the water. Maybe they are all there on a weekend day. There are lots of people in the picture, some are sitting down and maybe having a picnic. There are some boats in the distance on the water and maybe the they are watching a boat race.

54 Art Criticism Georges Seurat (1884-1886) A Sunday on La Grande Jatte Oil on canvas 207.5 × 308.1 cm (81.7 × 121.3 in) Step 4 - Judgement Give your opinion based on the three qualities of aesthetics (the nature and appreciation of beauty) 1.Literal – basically can you tell what it is and are objects “correctly” represented 2.Formal – are the elements/principles you’ve discussed used well 3.Emotional – are you satisfied with the emotional response you have to the art

55 Step 4 - Judgment I think that this is a good painting because the artist uses a different style to create the image and uses a lot of different colors. The contrast between the shaded area and the light area shows that it is a sunny day. The artist uses different colors and values, and creates a unique texture through his style of painting.

56  Remember your 5-6 sentence summary (since this was a lot of notes and ideas)

57  As a group (your row) you will need one sheet of paper  You will be assigned an image to criticize  For your image, use a device to look it up and go through each step of the criticism process and give detailed reflections – you will have 20 minutes  You will present your responses and turn in the paper, so do a complete job as it is a graded activity

58 1. Edouard Manet – The Battle of the Kearsarge and the Alabama 2. Gustave Courbet – Le Désespéré 3. Johannes Vermeer – The Milkmade 4. Leonardo da Vinci – The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist 5. Pablo Picasso – Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 6. Vincent Van Gogh – Bedroom in Arles 7. Andy Warhol – Campbell’s Soup 1 8. Camille Pissaro – La Récolte des Foins, Eragny










68  Balance  Repetition  Pattern  Contrast  Rhythm  Movement  Emphasis  Proportion  Variety  Unity John Constable, View on the Stour Near Dedham, 1822. Oil on canvas, 51 x 74 inches

69 AB

70 ELEMENTS 1. Line 2. Shape 3. Form 4. Space 5. Texture 6. Value 7. Color PRINCIPLES 1. Balance 2. Repetition 3. Pattern 4. Contrast 5. Rhythm 6. Movement 7. Emphasis 8. Proportion 9. Variety 10. Unity

71 Art criticism outlining Description – Title – Artist – Date – Size – Media/process – Subject/objects – Extra artist/genre info (if you have any) Analysis – Describe how you see elements/principles used (not necessarily all of each) – Describe why you think they are used that way Interpretation – What is the mood/meaning – Why do you feel that way Judgment – Literal – do you like how the subject/objects are shown? Why? – Formal – do you like how the elements/principles from step 2 are used? Why? – Emotional - do you like the mood/meaning from step 3? Why?

72 Follow all steps and be descriptive: Claude Monet Flowering Garden at Sainte-Adresse c. 1866 Oil on canvas 65 × 54 cm

What refers to the equalization of elements in a work of art?

Balance: This principle of design refers to the visual equalization of the elements in a work of art. Balance describes how the artist creates a visual weight. An artist thinks about the elements of line, shape, and color when balancing his or her artwork.

What are the visual forces or weights in art?

The visual weight in an image is defined as the visual force that appears due to the contrast of light among the visual elements that compound it. The visual weight is a visual force which prevails in the image balance.

What is it called when forces or elements of design come out radiate from a central axis?

Symmetry. A special type of formall balance in which two halves of balanced composition are identical, mirror images of eachother. Radial balance. When the forces or elements of a design come out (radiate) from a central point.

What is the balance principle of art?

Balance in Art refers to the use of artistic elements such as line, texture, color, and form in the creation of artworks in a way that renders visual stability. Balance is one of the principles of organization of structural elements of art and design, along with unity, proportion, emphasis and rhythm.


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