What is it called when an idea is converted into a group of words symbols or gestures?

44.To convert a message into groups of words, symbols, gestures, or sounds that present ideas or concepts is called:A. DecodingB. EncodingC. Responding D. Channeling

45.Shannon-Weaver’s model of communication was originally designed for telephone communication. It includesfive components such as the information, source, a transmitter, a receiver, a destination and noise.

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46.Schramm’s model of communication describes the process of communication as a linear or one-way process.

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47.The message in Aristotle’s communication model is comprised of the elements, content, treatment, structure andthe code.

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48.Berlo’s model depicts the dual roles of communicators where they can be both senders or encoders and receiversor decoders.A. TrueB. False

49.In Lasswell’s communication model, the communicators or the source and the receiver are influenced by theirpersonal characteristics in their attitudes, communication skills, and knowledge.

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50.In Aristotle’s model of communication, the speaker adjusts with the type of audience he/she has.

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Good Luck!!!!Prepared by:Checked by:MRS. REGINA GERONIMO-PIJUANMERIAM DANGCALANTeacher IIISubject Group HeadNoted by:Approved by:CLAUDIOSA QUEZADAANITA BOHOL, Ll. B., Ed. DSHS CoordinatorPrincipal IV

by Abdou warshan , Head of Delivery and Installation Department , Zagzoog for Air Conditioning and Maintenance
7 years ago

....................... a. encoding.

>>>>>>>>>>>>  a. encoding.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

by Nasir Hussain , Sales And Marketing Manager , Pakistan Pharmaceutical Products Pvt. Ltd.
7 years ago

.................... a. encoding........................

by Bello Abubakar , Cinema 4D Render/Sketch UP, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD and Revit Specialist , Federal Housing Authority
7 years ago

Agree with professionals...... 



Option -----------------------A


Answer ___________________ a)

by Alex Al Yazouri , General Manager , Al Mushref Cooperative Society
7 years ago

 a. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoding.

Encoding is right. ...........................

by Ayoub Tartir , PMP, GWCPgM, CISA, CISSP, CAP, CSSLP, FITSP-D, CEH, CHFI, CCNA, CCNA Security, Security+, Network+ , IT Security Expert , Information Unlimited Inc. (IUI)
7 years ago

My answer is same as other experts, which is option (A)

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