What instructions does the nurse give the patient before using the snellen visual acuity chart?

The ADReS uses the Snellen chart to test visual acuity, confrontation testing to evaluate visual field of view, Trail Making Test Part B, Clock Drawing Test (CDT), rapid pace walk, manual range of motion (ROM) testing, and manual muscle strength testing.

From: Driver Rehabilitation and Community Mobility, 2006


DAVID B. ELLIOTT, JOHN FLANAGAN, in Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care (Third Edition), 2007

3.3.2 Advantages and disadvantages

Snellen charts have a major advantage at present in that they are widely available and Snellen notation of VA is universally understood. From a practical viewpoint, these charts can generally be produced in a smaller format as considerably fewer large letters are presented and this allows easier display on projector systems and the easy addition of other targets such as a duochrome and spotlight, etc. to wall charts. The charts provide a good target for refraction of patients with good VA as the number of lines between approximately 20/15 to 20/40 (6/5 to 6/12) is similar to logMAR charts and these lines typically have as many, if not more, letters than logMAR charts. Although the truncation of Snellen charts (to, say, 6/5 or 20/15 when some patients can see 6/3 or 20/10) can be a disadvantage, it can speed up the measurement and allows most patients to read your ‘bottom line’.

However, Snellen chart VAs are much less repeatable than VA measured using logMAR charts (Lovie-Kitchin 1988) and over three times less sensitive to inter-ocular differences in VA (McGraw et al. 2000) and thus much less sensitive to amblyopia and other uniocular VA loss. Its main disadvantages occur at large (>6/12) and small letter sizes (<6/6). The majority of Snellen charts have one 6/60 letter, two 6/36 and three 6/24 letters, whereas logMAR charts have five letters on each of these lines and additional lines of letters at 6/48 and 6/30. Many Snellen charts do not contain lines of small letters and are truncated to 6/4, 6/4.5, 6/5 or even 6/6. This takes the approach of measuring ‘distance vision adequacy’ (i.e. determining whether distance VA is adequate for a patient's daily needs, similar to the approach used for near VA) rather than distance VA (a threshold measurement). This makes the detection of slightly reduced VA due to eye disease or uncorrected refractive error in patients with good VA impossible. For example, if your chart is truncated to 6/5 or 20/15, you will not be able to detect a VA loss from 6/3 (or 6/4) to 6/5 or from 20/10 to 20/15.

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The eyes and visual system

Geraint Fuller MA MD FRCP, Mark Manford BSc MBBS MD FRCP, in Neurology (Third Edition), 2010

Examination of acuity

This is best done using a Snellen's chart; alternatives include a near-vision chart. Refractive errors are best corrected using the patient's glasses but can be improved using a pin hole. The result of the Snellen's chart is expressed as two numbers: the distance from the chart (usually 6 m or 20 ft) and the distance at which the letter the patient could read should be read at. For example, 6/6 – letter read at the correct distance; 6/60 – the patient could read a letter at 6 m that could normally be read at 60 m. If the patient cannot read any letters, see if he or she can count fingers (abbreviated to CF), see hand movements (HM) or only has perception of light (PL).

Acuity can be affected by lesions anywhere in the visual pathway from ocular causes such as corneal lesions, cataracts and macular degeneration, through optic nerve disease and hemianopias involving the macula, to cortical blindness. Cortical blindness results from bilateral occipital lesions and is associated with normal pupillary responses and a normal eye examination.

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Headache and the Eye

Benjamin Frishberg, in Headache and Migraine Biology and Management, 2015

Basics of the Bedside Eye Examination

When evaluating a headache patient, especially when there are any visual issues, it is important to do an adequate examination of the visual system.1

Visual Acuity

Check distance visual acuity with a Snellen chart in the office, making sure the patient is wearing his or her distance correction. If there is no correction available, or there is a significant reduction in acuity, try asking the patient to look through a pinhole, which will typically improve acuity if the issue is refractive. Create a pinhole with a safety pin and a piece of thin cardboard. At the bedside, a hand-held acuity card is adequate, provided patients can wear their reading glasses. Record your findings.

The Pupil

Assess the size and reactivity of the pupil and note any anisocoria. If a patient has a complaint of visual loss, or vision is not normal on examination, check for an afferent pupillary defect (Marcus-Gunn Pupil) using the swinging flashlight test. If a pupil shows no apparent reactivity, use your ophthalmoscope to obtain a magnified view of the pupil and observe for constriction.

Visual Fields

Standing 24–30 inches (60–75 cm) from the patient’s face, ask that he or she covers each eye sequentially, while you instruct the patient to count fingers in each of the four quadrants. One can increase sensitivity by asking the patient to view both hands held at the same height in both the right and left visual fields, and asking if one hand is seen more clearly than the other. One can be more sensitive by using a red target in each field, comparing the intensity of the color. This procedure is especially useful for bitemporal hemianopia in patients with pituitary tumors. Peripheral visual field constriction may be checked by asking the patient to identify a wiggling finger entering the visual field from the periphery and comparing it with your own field if the finger is held midway between the patient and the examiner.

Eye Movements

Check gaze in all directions, specifically looking for loss of normal eye movements or listening for a complaint of diplopia from the patient. At the far ranges of right and left gaze, many individuals will complain of blurring or slight doubling, which is usually normal. If the patient has a complaint of diplopia, determine if it is horizontal, vertical, or oblique. Cover each eye separately to determine if the diplopia is truly binocular. If it is monocular, it is not a neurologic issue but an ophthalmologic issue related to astigmatism or other refractive, retinal, or lenticular processes that can be identified by an eye specialist.

Funduscopic Examination

The fundus examination may be the most important, but often overlooked, part of the headache examination. As increased intracranial pressure typically is associated with headache, and those entities that increase intracranial pressure, such as tumor, infection, and idiopathic intracranial hypertension, should not be missed, it is imperative to obtain an adequate look at the optic nerve. The examination is ideally performed in dim illumination. If the pupil is too small to afford a good view, there is rarely a contraindication to dilation in the eye.

General Examination

Observe and document any redness of the eye. Other features that may be significant include proptosis, significant globe tenderness, periorbital edema, as well as ptosis or lid retraction. Always palpate the temporal arteries for tenderness and thrombosis.

Recalling the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve,2 and considering that the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve (V1) innervates the structures in and around the eye (in particular the meninges), it is important to assess trigeminal function carefully1. This assessment will allow accurate localization and guide the differential diagnosis and further testing. Examination can be easily performed with a light brushing of a fingertip or cotton swab, a fresh safety pin, or a cold stimulus, and comparing sensation between the two sides in each of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve. The corneal reflex can be a slightly more objective test comparing the subjective sensation between the corneal sensation of both eyes, and observing the patient response to corneal stimulation. This is best accomplished using a rolled corner of a tissue or rolled wisp of cotton. This procedure will not work if the patient is wearing contacts, as the corneal sensation is muted in contact wearers. Nasal tickle, using the same rolled tissue, is also useful for V2 sensation. If patients note any gingival sensory changes, this examination can be performed using a broken tongue depressor or a clean pin.

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Neurologic Examination of the Older Child

Kenneth F. Swaiman, John Phillips, in Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology (Sixth Edition), 2017

Optic Nerve: Cranial Nerve II

Begin with formal visual acuity testing using a Snellen chart or a “near card” in older children. Younger children are more difficult and many times only gross vision can be evaluated. Beyond 4 years of age, the E test is useful. The child is taught to recognize the E, and to discern the direction in which the three “arms” are pointing and point a finger accordingly.

Peripheral visual field testing is accomplished using a small (3-mm) white or red test object, a toy, or in a pinch, the examiner's fingers can be used. The test object is moved from the temporal to the nasal fields and then from the superior and inferior portions of the temporal and nasal fields while the child looks directly at the examiner's nose. Finger counting can be used if acuity is grossly distorted. In cases of extreme impairment, perception of a rapidly moving finger can be used.

The optic disc (i.e., optic nerve head) of the older child is sharply defined and often salmon-colored, which differs from the pale gray color of the disc in an infant. In the presence of a deep cup in the optic disc, the color may appear pale, but the pallor is localized to the center of the disc. The pallor of optic atrophy occurs centrally and peripherally, and is accompanied by a decreased number of arterioles in the disc margins. Most commonly, papilledema is associated with elevation of the optic disc, distended veins, and lack of venous pulsations. Hemorrhages may surround the disc. Before papilledema is obvious, there may be blurring of the nasal disc margins and hyperemia of the nerve head.

The presence or absence of the pupillary light reflex differentiates between peripheral and cortical blindness. Lesions of the anterior visual pathway (i.e., retina to lateral geniculate body) result in the interruption of the afferent limb of the pupillary light reflex, producing an absent or decreased reflex. Anterior visual pathway interruption can cause amblyopia in one eye. In this situation, the pupil fails to constrict when stimulated with direct light; however, the consensual pupillary response (i.e., response when the other eye is illuminated) is intact. The deficient pupillary reflex is revealed by alternately aiming a light source toward one eye and then the other. In the eye with decreased vision, consensual pupillary constriction is greater than the response to direct light stimulation (Marcus Gunn pupil); the pupil of the affected eye may dilate slightly during direct stimulation (Haymaker, 1969).

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Neuro-ophthalmology of brain tumors

Helen V. Danesh-Meyer, in Brain Tumors (Third Edition), 2012



Visual acuity. Classically, patients read down the Snellen chart, missing the letters in their temporal field for each eye, although the visual loss tends to be asymmetric.


Color vision. Patients will miss reading the figure that falls in the temporal field if a two digit number is presented or will have temporal red desaturation when tested across the vertical midline.


Optic nerve appearance (Fig. 11.10). Patients with chiasmal syndromes may or may not have ophthalmoscopically apparent nerve fiber layer or optic atrophy.


Band or bow-tie atrophy. When optic atrophy is present, it occurs in a distinctive pattern called ‘band atrophy’, where the pallor extends horizontally in a band across the optic disc. This corresponds to degeneration of the peripheral retinal ganglion cells located nasal to the fovea that course directly into the nasal aspect of the disc and the nasal macula fibers (the papillomacular bundle), which course directly to the temporal disc. There is relative sparing of the superior and inferior portions of the disc, where the majority of spared temporal fibers which subserve the nasal visual field enter (Cushing 1930).


Papilledema. This is more frequently associated with suprachiasmal tumors which may occlude the third ventricle, but rarely with intrasellar lesions.


Decompensated phoria. This presents with a manifest comitant strabismus and is a result of loss of normal nasotemporal visual field overlap in patients with complete bitemporal visual field defects.


See-saw nystagmus. This is characterized by synchronous alternating elevation and intorsion of one eye and depression and extorsion of the other eye, and occurs in patients with tumors in the diencephalon or chiasmal lesions. It is thought to be caused by damage to the structures near the interstitial nucleus of Cajal.


Hypothalamic involvement:


Diabetes insipidus


Hypothalamic hypopituitarism


Growth retardation and delayed sexual development in pre-pubertal children.


Features of hydrocephalus from a tumor that has expanded postero-superiorly into the third ventricle and obstructed cerebrospinal fluid flow:


Impairment of upgaze


Pupillary light-near dissociation


Convergence retraction nystagmus




Visual field loss. Two configurations of visual field loss are the ‘signatures’ of chiasmal involvement.


Bitemporal field defects (Fig. 11.11). The bitemporal hemianopia is seen in lesions that affect the central portion of the chiasm. The classic bitemporal hemianopia may involve only the superior visual fields if the lesion produces extrinsic compression initially from below such as occurs with a pituitary adenoma or any other infrachiasmal lesion (e.g., tuberculum sellae and medial sphenoidal ridge meningiomas). Gradually the defect descends into the lower temporal field and then into the lower nasal quadrant. In general, the upper nasal visual field is often preserved even in advanced chiasmal syndromes.

Conversely, superior chiasmatic compression may cause only an inferior hemianopic field loss. In most cases of bitemporal hemianopia, the visual acuity is normal. In addition, a suprachiasmal tumor is more likely to produce papilledema because such lesions can extend into and occlude the third ventricle.

Occasionally, a large posterior fossa tumor may cause chiasmal syndrome by compression of the third ventricle through increased intracranial pressure. Most of these cases are also associated with papilledema.

Iatrogenic causes of chiasmal syndrome occur most commonly after removal of a suprasellar meningioma, craniopharyngiomas or clipping of an aneurysm. A chiasmal syndrome can also occur from exuberant packing of the sphenoid sinus with fat following transsphenoidal resection of a pituitary adenoma resulting in inferior compression of the chiasm. The visual field defect usually improves immediately after emergency removal of the fat.

Radiation necrosis of the chiasm may also produce a chiasmal syndrome. This may begin months to several years after high dose radiation therapy.


Junctional scotoma or ‘anterior chiasmal syndrome’. A lesion that is located more anteriorly compressing the medial aspect of the junction between the chiasm and the optic nerve will affect the ipsilateral optic nerve fibers and the contralateral fibers of Willebrand knee (the crossing of the temporal retinal fibers). This results in an ipsilateral central scotoma and a contralateral superior temporal field cut, and is also called a junctional chiasmal syndrome. When a small lesion damages only the crossing fibers of the ipsilateral eye, the field defect is monocular and temporal with a midline hemianopic character that extends to the periphery of the visual field. If only the macular crossed fibers from one eye are damaged, the resultant field defect is still monocular and temporal but is scotomatous and located paracentrally.


Other visual field defects:


Bitemporal hemianopic scotoma


Lesions that damage the posterior aspect of the optic chiasm produce typically bitemporal hemianopic scotomas which are often taken for cecocentral scotomas attributed to toxic or hereditary processes rather than a tumor. However, bitemporal hemianopic scotomas will be associated with normal visual acuity and color vision, whereas toxic/nutritional processes are invariably associated with reduced visual acuity and dyschromatopsia


Homonymous hemianopic field defects. The homonymous hemianopic field defect is more likely with a pre-fixed chiasm or when the tumor involves the optic tract which is usually incongruous (Kearns & Rucker 1958)


Monocular visual field defect. If the posterior portion of the optic nerve is involved the visual field defect may be monocular with a central or cecocentral defect. Compression of the posterior optic nerve against the overlying anterior cerebral artery, the roof of the optic canal, or the falciform ligament may cause an inferior altitudinal defect.


Optical coherence tomography. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technique that has been developed to assess tissue thickness of the optic nerve head retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in vivo. It allows high resolution (approximately 10 µm) cross-sectional imaging of the eye. The peripapillary RNFL thickness can be evaluated and quantified using OCT. OCT RNFL has been shown to be able to predict visual recovery following surgery for pituitary tumors. Patients who have thin preoperative RNFL (<85 µm) have less recovery of visual acuity and visual field than patients who have thicker RNFL (Fig. 11.12) (Danesh-Meyer et al 2006, 2008b).


Extension into the cavernous sinus (see below):


Motility disturbance. Patients will have characteristics of IIIrd, IVth, or VI nerve palsy or a combination of these


Trigeminal sensory neuropathy. This is present when the ocular motor nerves are damaged in the cavernous sinus. There is no motor trigeminal nerve involvement


Horner's syndrome. If the oculosympathetic fibers are damaged, there will be a post-ganglionic Horner's, usually in combination with VIth involvement. When both the IIIrd and oculosympathetic fibers are damaged, the clinical picture will be one of a IIIrd nerve palsy with a small pupil that will be normally reactive if the paresis is pupil-sparing or poorly or non-reactive if the IIIrd nerve paresis has damaged the pupillomotor fibers.

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Georgina Burke, in Essential Human Disease for Dentists, 2006

Vision (cranial nerve II)

There are three aspects to optic nerve function:


Visual acuity, which is usually assessed using a Snellen chart (Fig. 5.1).


Visual field testing to confrontation is a simple screen for homonymous hemianopia (an identical visual field defect due to cerebral hemisphere disease) and for sensory inattention (due to parietal lobe lesions). Sit opposite the patient and ask them to fixate on your nose. Get the patient to count fingers at the edge of each field in each eye in all four quadrants.


Fundoscopy takes practice; perform it only if competent with an ophthalmoscope.

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Visual Impairment and Eye Problems

Karin Johnson, Steven Record, in Primary Care Geriatrics (Fifth Edition), 2007

Differential Diagnosis and Assessment

Standard visual acuity can be measured with a distance and near Snellen chart. Testing the effects of decreased contrast sensitivity, decreased illumination, and increased glare is not practical for the primary care provider, as the equipment necessary for such testing is specialized, and is not widely available to primary care providers.3,4 Rather, questioning older patients about their performance under these circumstances is easier. For contrast sensitivity, ask if a patient has much difficulty driving in the rain or seeing on a hazy day. For low illumination, ask if your patient has significantly greater difficulty seeing at dusk and at night. For glare, ask how debilitated your patient is by oncoming headlights, by walking from outside to inside on a sunny day, or by entering a tunnel from daylight.

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Balance and falls

Alia A. Alghwiri PT, MS,, Susan L. Whitney PT, DPT, PhD, NCS, ATC, FAPTA, in Geriatric Physical Therapy (Third Edition), 2012


Vision is an important sensory component of intrinsic postural control as well as an important mechanism for avoiding balance challenges from environmental hazards. Significantly impaired visual acuity as well as impaired contrast sensitivity and depth perception have been associated with falls, as well as health conditions resulting in central or peripheral visual field cuts.59

Visual acuity.

Visual acuity can be estimated clinically by having the patient read a Snellen chart with both eyes and then, as deemed appropriate, with each eye separately, both with and without the glasses the patient typically wears while walking. An extreme loss of visual acuity is associated with gait instability in older adults.33 Bifocals, trifocals, and progressive lenses often used by older adults can increase the likelihood of a fall event, especially on steps.60

Contrast sensitivity.

Contrast sensitivity is the ability to detect subtle differences in shading and patterns. Contrast sensitivity is important in detecting objects without clear outlines and discriminating objects or details from their background, such as the ability to discriminate steps covered with a patterned carpet. Contrast sensitivity declines with increased age and with health conditions such as cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. Brannan et al61 found that falls decreased from 37% prior to cataract surgery to 19% by 6 months following cataract surgery.33 Contrast sensitivity can be measured clinically by using a contrast sensitivity chart such as the Hamilton-Veale contrast test chart1 depicted in Figure 18-4. Persons are asked to read all of the letters they can see on the special visual chart.

The letters at the top of the chart are dark with a greater number of pixels and then gradually become lighter until they are almost impossible to visualize. The chart has eight lines of letters. Each line of letters has corresponding line numbers associated with the person’s performance. Scoring is based on the ability to see the letters. Persons fail when they have guessed incorrectly two of the three letters out of a combination of three letters. The score is based on when the person has last guessed two of three correctly. Poor performance has been associated with persons requiring a low vision assessment and disease, that is, Parkinson’s disease, glaucoma, and others.

Depth perception.

Depth perception is the ability to distinguish distances between objects. There are different ways to screen depth perception. One simple clinical test, depicted in Figure 18-5, is to hold your index fingers point upward in front of the patient at eye level, one finger closer to the patient than the other. Gradually move the index fingers toward each other (one forward, one back), until the patient identifies when the fingers are parallel or lined up. If the patient’s perception of parallel is off by 3 in. or more, then depth perception may be a problem and referral to an ophthalmologist for additional investigation is warranted.

Visual field restrictions.

Peripheral vision is the ability to see from the side while looking straight ahead. To test peripheral vision, the examiner brings his or her fingers from behind the patient’s head at eye level while the patient looks straight ahead. The patient identifies when he or she first notices the examiner’s finger in his or her side view. A significant field cut unilaterally or bilaterally would be important to notice. Loss of central vision, most typically seen with macular degeneration, has also been related to falling.

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Desmond Kidd, in Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, 2007



The patient is asked to fixate on a target such as the top letter of the Snellen chart and the efficiency of fixation with both eyes open; then each eye is observed with the other covered. Latent nystagmus and a change of fixation due to phoria can also be seen thus. Further examination of the eyes with fixation eliminated using Frenzel goggles is helpful because vestibular nystagmus is always accentuated under these circumstances. Standard clinical tests of vestibular function such as Hallpike's maneuver and caloric testing are also important.

Smooth Pursuit

The patient is asked to fix on a target such as a pen top or hat pin while it is moved slowly and at steady speed from side to side. Those with abnormalities of smooth pursuit show corrective “catch up” saccades and the pursuit becomes fragmented. An optokinetic drum also shows up abnormalities on one side (there will be fewer corrective saccades on that side). In patients with nystagmus, pursuit can be tested by testing for suppression of the vestibulo-ocular reflex; the patient is asked to fixate on the thumb with the arm outstretched while he rotates the head. With abnormalities, there are corrective saccades because the eyes will be taken off track by the slow phase of the vestibulo-ocular reflex.

Vestibulo-ocular Reflex

Vigorous head shaking from side to side and then up and down with Frenzel goggles shows abnormalities were there to be a unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder; there may be a brief run of jerk nystagmus with the slow phase in the direction of the abnormality. This may not arise in acute lesions in which complete canal paresis occurs or in bilateral disorders or in central disorders. In central disorders, horizontal head shaking may induce vertical nystagmus.

The vestibulo-ocular reflex may be tested at the bedside when the patient fixes on a target and the examiner moves the head rapidly in one or another sideway direction. When the vestibulo-ocular reflex is normal, gaze is held steadily; with a lesion on one side, a corrective saccade arises at the end of the head movement.

Visual symptoms due to vestibular problems can also be tested by asking the patient to fix on a Snellen chart while the head is moved from side to side and then up and down at a steady state at about 2 cycles per second: with abnormalities of vestibular gain, a deterioration in acuity of several lines ensues.

Examination of Saccades

The patient is asked to fix alternately on two objects (a finger and a nose, a finger and a thumb) placed in horizontal and then vertical planes. The examiner initiates the movement with a command. Attention is made to the character of the movement and its conjugacy, velocity, and accuracy. Slowing can readily be appreciated in this setting or when using a hand-held optokinetic drum.

Saccadic latency (the time taken after instruction to initiating the saccade) may be abnormal in reduced levels of consciousness or disorders of attention. It also occurs in Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, ocular motor apraxia, conditions such as Balint's syndrome, or the congenital type.

Saccadic dysmetria occurs when there is inaccuracy in fixation; hypermetria occurs when there is an overshoot; and hypometria occurs when there is an undershoot. Dysmetric saccades are usually followed by a corrective saccade. Saccadic dysmetria arises in brainstem and cerebellar pathologies, in drowsiness and drug-induced states, and in field defects due to visual pathway lesions.

Saccadic Intrusions

Squarewave jerks are involuntary saccades in which the eye moves from its position of fixation and then returns to the correct position after a normal intersaccadic interval (of 130 to 200 milliseconds). When these are small, they are not abnormal, but larger squarewave jerks (of 1 to 5 degrees) are more frequent and are readily seen during a clinical examination of fixation. These arise in cerebellar disorders, progressive supranuclear palsy, and Huntington's disease. Much larger intrusions, so-called macrosquare wave jerks (of 10 to 40 degrees), have an intersaccadic latency of 100 milliseconds. These arise most commonly in the cerebellar form of multiple system atrophy (MSA-C) and multiple sclerosis. When large saccadic intrusions occur back-to-back in multiples (three to five), without an intersaccadic interval, a condition known as ocular flutter arises; if the condition is manifest as a series of saccadic intrusions in all directions, it is known as opsoclonus. These conditions occur in a variety of brainstem lesions and are due to abnormalities of the pause cells within the pons.

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D. Straumann, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2016

Dynamic visual acuity

The patient's static visual acuity is determined with both eyes viewing using a standard eye chart, e.g., a Snellen chart. The procedure is then repeated, but under constant horizontal or vertical oscillation of the patient's head, typically with 2 Hz and 10° peak-to-peak amplitude. The head oscillation is passive and applied by the examiner standing behind the patient. The visual acuity with the head oscillating, i.e., dynamic visual acuity, is compared with the static visual acuity. The reduction of visual acuity due to the head oscillation should not exceed two lines on the chart of optotypes. Since the static visual acuity serves as reference, the test can be done with or without eye glasses.

The dynamic visual acuity test relies on an intact vestibulo-ocular reflex (Demer et al., 1994). Therefore, provided ocular motor function is normal, a reduced dynamic visual acuity is highly suggestive of a bilateral vestibular deficit. Effective catch-up saccades can improve dynamic visual acuity over time, despite an unchanged deficit of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Thus, dynamic visual acuity may also serve as a bedside test to monitor the effects of vestibular rehabilitation.

Notice that, in contrast to the head impulse test, dynamic visual acuity does not allow a comparison of the vestibular function between the two sides. Such side-specific diagnostic information can only be obtained with computerized tests that measure visual acuity during head movement in different directions separately (Vital et al., 2010).

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How do nurses use Snellen charts?

To test visual acuity, use a Snellen chart and have the patient wear glasses or contact lenses if they normally wear them..
Have patient stand 20 feet from chart..
Tell the patient to first cover the right eye, then left eye, and lastly read the chart with both eyes..

What action should the nurse take when testing a client's near vision?

To test near visual acuity, the nurse should have the client hold the chart 14 inches from the eyes. The Snellen chart should be kept at eye level, 20 feet away on the wall when testing for distant vision.

When a nurse testing visual acuity is using a Snellen chart the distance that the client would be positioned from the chart is?

The visual acuity test is used to determine the smallest letters you can read on a standardized chart (Snellen chart) or a card held 20 feet (6 meters) away.

What is the proper procedure for testing visual acuity?

You will be asked to cover one eye with the palm of your hand, a piece of paper, or a small paddle while you read out loud the smallest line of letters you can see on the chart. Numbers, lines, or pictures are used for people who cannot read, especially children. If you are not sure of the letter, you may guess.


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