What five factors are important in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message?


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What factors are important in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message?

Select the best communication channels at work in 3 steps.
Step 1: Identify what kind of message you're sending. ... .
Step 2: Consider your company's culture around communication. ... .
Step 3: Pick a delivery method based on your audience..

What five factors are important in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message what makes one channel richer than another?

Importance of the message, amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required, necessity of permanent record, cost of the channel, degree of formality desired, confidentiality and sensitivity of the message, and receiver's preference and level of technical expertise.

What are the five most important channels of communication?

With the sophistication of common verbal language, the communication focus has shifted to primarily gathering information from a single channel – words, whereas a message in its fullest form is often generated from up to 5 channels; face, body, voice, verbal content and verbal style.

What are the 5 factors of communication?

The 6 Key Factors to Successful Communication.
Verbal Communication..
Nonverbal Communication..
Emotional Awareness..
Written Communication..
Communicating in Difficult Situations..


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