What are the differences and similarities of nuclear family and extended family?


Both nuclear family and extended family share the same function of socialization, whereby norms and values passing from the old or aged people to young. These elders can be; parents, uncles, grand father, grandmother, and aunt.


Nuclear Family vs Extended Family

Family is the most basic social unit in any society. A family is vital in human context as it helps is socialization of kids. But, before we talk about the functions and responsibilities of a family, it is necessary to differentiate between nuclear family and extended family, which is confusing for many people (especially in cultures where extended family is still the norm). A family is described as a unit that consists of biologically related (or related through marriage) people that live together under a single roof. Extended family is a natural concept that is still very popular in many cultures, though nuclear family is fast gaining popularity as people move out to other cities in search of employment. Let us find out differences between these two types of families.

In old times, with fewer opportunities of education and employment, people remained with their parents and even married and raised their kids in their parental home. This meant that such a family included man and his wife, their children, spouses of children and kids of children. This made for a large grouping with roles and responsibilities of members divided. Women looked after kids and cooked food, while men folk worked to earn bread. This was an arrangement that worked well in old times, as it was easier for kids as well as men to remain assured of the safety of their wives and kids. It necessitated a large house with a common kitchen, where women of the family cooked food for all members of the family. Head of the family was the oldest male member and the family was patriarchal in nature. Head of the family was respected by all and he also had the authority to solve all problems and disputes between family members.

There are still some countries and cultures where extended family is the norm, though nuclear families are rising in number. India is one country where despite all modernism and advancement, one can still find extended families, which are called joint families there. Joint families result in savings as money is pooled and grocery items are purchased in bulk.

It was when people had to move out of their villages and settle in cities where they got employment opportunities that the concept of nuclear families developed. A nuclear family includes man and his wife along with his children (unmarried). It was only natural for a man to marry after getting a job in a city away from his parental home to start his own family. There are no cousins, aunts, and uncles to fall back upon for a growing kid in a nuclear family. However, in nuclear families, there is greater privacy and autonomy for the head of the family who is free to take decisions, which is not possible in an extended family.

It is a known fact that the virtues of tolerance and compliance are slowly decreasing in degree and in modern world where materialism is the buzz word, nuclear families are being preferred over extended families. Women feel more confident in their approach when they raise a nuclear family than when they are in an extended family, as they know that they are alone, and have to face all situations on their own and cannot expect a cushion of other people as is the case with an extended family.

What is the difference between Nuclear Family and Extended Family?

It is seen that nuclear families encourage entrepreneurship more than extended families though there are also chances of kids becoming rebellious with both parents working, and no one in the home to have control over kids. There is no doubt that there is more convenience for people in extended families as responsibilities are shared and raising of kids is also easier as there are women to take care of kids in the absence of working mother. In terms of freedom to wear what one wants to and also in other matters, whether financial or pertaining to kids, nuclear family is far ahead of extended families.

The difference between the nuclear family and the extended family is that a nuclear family refers to a single basic family unit of parents and their children, whereas the extended family refers to their relatives, as well – such as grandparents, in-laws, aunts and uncles, etc. In many cultures, and particularly indigenous societies, the extended family unit rather than the nuclear family unit is the most common basic form of social organization.

A nuclear family is limited, according to Kristy Jackson of Colorado State University, to one or two parents (e.g. a father and mother) and their own child, or children, living together in a single house or other dwelling. In anthropology, they only must be related in this fashion; there is no upper or lower limit on the number of children in a nuclear family.

The extended family is a much more nebulous term, but in essence refers to kin or relations not covered by the above definition. In historical Europe and Asia as well as in Middle Eastern, African, and American Aboriginal cultures, extended family groups were typically the most basic unit of social organization. The term can differ in specific cultural settings, but generally includes people related in age or by lineage. Anthropologically, the term “extended family” refers to such a group living together in a household, often with three generations living together (grandparents, parents, and children) and headed in patriarchal societies by the eldest man or by some other chosen leadership figure. However, in common parlance, the term “extended family” is often used by people simply to refer to their cousins, aunts, uncles, and so on, even though they are not living together in a single group.

Historically, most people in the world have lived in extended family groupings rather than in nuclear families. This was even true in Europe and in the early United States, where multiple generations often lived together for economic reasons. During the 20th century, average income rose high enough that living apart as nuclear families became a viable option for the vast majority of the American population. In contrast, many indigenous societies and residents of developing countries continue to have multiple generations living in the same household. The rise of the nuclear family in the modern West does not necessarily mean that family arrangements have stabilized, either. The rapid growth in single-parent households, for instance, also represents a substantial change to the traditional nuclear family. More couples are also choosing not to have children at all.

How are nuclear and extended families similar?

Extended families and nuclear families are alike in that they both function as family units, primarily focused on successfully raising children and maintaining the health and wellbeing of the members of the family.

What is the difference between a nuclear family an extended family and joint family?

A nuclear family is a family that includes two married parents and their children, everyone living under one roof. There can be any number of children in a nuclear family. A joint family is a family that consists of various generations – grandparents, parents, and children. There can be cousins, uncles, and aunts too.

What is the major difference between nuclear and extended families Brainly?

Answer: The difference between the nuclear family and the extended family is that a nuclear family refers to a single basic family unit of parents and their children, whereas the extended family refers to their relatives, as well such as grandparents, inlaws, aunts and uncles.

What is the difference between family and extended family?

The immediate family is generally encompasses the immediate individuals that make-up the family household. It may also include immediate blood relatives. The extended family includes family members that are beyond that, such as cousins, and relatives by marriage.


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