The _______________ usually encapsulates the main points of your speech in a single sentence.

When your general purpose is to ______, you act as a teacher or lecturer.


When your general purpose is to _______________ , you act as a partisan or an advocate.


The _______________ reveals precisely what the speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.

Specific Purpose

List three questions you should ask about the sustainability of your specific purpose for your audience.

1. Am I going to explain, report or demonstrate something?
2. Am I going to sell, advocate, or defend something?
3. Am I certain of exactly what I hope to achieve by speaking?

"To persuade my audience that the U.S. space program should be continued because it provides important benefits to society" is an example of ____________

Specific Purpose

Explain what is wrong with the following poorly written specific purpose statement for the persuasive speech: "To persuade my audience that something must be done about America's national debt."

Too general; Too vague

The _______________ usually encapsulates the main points of your speech in a single sentence.

Central Idea

The _______________ indicates precisely what the speaker intends to say in the speech.

Central Idea

"Three steps to breaking a bad habit are becoming conscious of the habit, keeping a log of what triggers the bad habit, and finding a way to avoid or substitute for the bad habit" is an example of a ________________

Central Idea

Explain what is wrong with the following poorly written central idea for an informative speech: "Will an asteroid destroy the Earth?"

Can't be a question

Explain what is wrong with the following poorly written central idea for a persuasive speech: "Lawyers who promote frivolous personal injury suits are just a bunch of greedy bums!"

Can't use figurative language

Ineffective Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the principles of aerodynamics and how to build a kite.

Error: ______________________

More Effective Specific Purpose: ____________________

Can't have two Ideas;

To inform my audience about the principles of aerodynamics.

Ineffective Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the Civil War.

Error: _________________

More Effective Specific Purpose: _____________________

Too vague;

To inform my audience about what caused the Civil War.

Ineffective Specific Purpose: The major attractions of the annual Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival.


More Effective Specific Purpose: _______________________

Has to say to Inform or Persuade;

To inform my audience about the major attractions of the annual Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival.

Ineffective Specific Purpose: To explain the major beliefs of the Baha'i religion.


More Effective Specific Purpose: ______________________

Has to say to persuade or inform;

To inform my audience of the major beliefs of the Baha'i religion.

Ineffective Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that something must be done to curb the problem of computer theft on our campus.


More Effective Specific Purpose: ______________________

Too vague;

To persuade my audience to see the problems with computer theft on campus.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea:________________________________

Main Points:
I. The first type of weapon used in modern fencing is the Foil.
II. The second type of weapon used in modern fencing is the Epee.
III. The third type of weapon used in modern fencing is the Sabre.

To Inform;

To inform any audience about the three types of weapons used in modern fencing;

The three types of weapons used in modern fencing are the Foil, the Epee, and the Sabre

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea:________________________________

Main Points:
I. The first factor determining the value of a baseball card is the fame of the player.
II. The second factor determining the value of a baseball card is the age of the card.
III. The third factor determining the value of a baseball card is the rarity of the card.
IV. The fourth factor determining the value of a baseball card is the physical condition of the card.

To inform;

To inform my audience about the four factors in determining the value of baseball cards;

The four factors in determining the value of a baseball card are the fame of the player, age of the card, the rarity of the card, and the physical condition of the card.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea:________________________________

Main Points:
I. Our self-esteem is shaped by our immediate family.
II. Our self-esteem is shaped by our interactions with friends.
III. Our self-esteem is shaped by the media.

To inform;

To inform my audience about the three ways our self-esteem can be shaped;

The three ways our self-esteem can be shaped are by our immediate family, interactions with friends, and the media.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea:________________________________

Main Points:
I. The first step in writing a successful essay is prewriting.
II. The second step in writing a successful essay is drafting.
III. The third step in writing a successful essay is revising.
IV. The fourth step in writing a successful essay is editing.

To inform;

To inform my audience about the four steps in writing a successful essay;

The four steps to writing a successful essay are pre-drafting, drafting, revising, and editing.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea:________________________________

Main Points:
I. The first major part of the brain is the cerebrum.
II. The second major part of the brain is the cerebellum.
III. The third major part of the brain is the brain stem.

To inform;

To inform my audience about the three major parts of the parts of the brain;

The three major parts of the brain are the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and the Brainstem.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea:________________________________

Main Points:
I. the first step in making red wine is harvesting the grapes.
II. The second step in making red wine is preparing the grapes.
III. The third step in making red wine is fermenting the grapes.
IV. The fourth step in making red wine is pressing the grapes.
V. The fifth step in making red wine is aging the wine.

To inform;

To inform my audience about the five steps in making red wine.

The five steps in making red wine are harvesting the grapes, preparing the grapes, fermenting the grapes, pressing the grapes, and aging the wine.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea:________________________________

Main Points:
I. The first step is dealing with grief is denial.
II. The second step is dealing with grief is anger.
III. The third step is dealing with grief is bargaining.
IV. The fourth step in dealing with grief is depression.
V. The fifth step in dealing with grief is acceptance.

To inform;

To inform my audience about the five stages in dealing with grief.

The five stages of dealing with grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea: The three major causes of decaying bridges in the united states are overloading, weather, and neglect.

Main Points: ____________________________

To inform;

To inform my audience about the three major causes of decaying bridges in the united states;

I. The first major cause of decaying bridges is overloading
II. The second major cause of decaying bridges is weather.
III. The third major cause of decaying bridges is neglect.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea: Devil's Island was called "the prison from which there is no return" because escape is virtually impossible and because large numbers of prisoners died there.

Main Points: ____________________________

To inform;

To inform my audience about why Devil's Island is called "the prison from which there is no return";

I. The first reason why Devil's island is called "the prison from which there is no return" is because escape was virtually impossible.
II. The second reason why Devil's island is called "the prison from which there is no return" is because large number of prisoners died there.

General Purpose: __________________________

Specific Purpose: __________________________

Central Idea: The three major styles in the history of ballet are classical ballet, neoclassical ballet, and contemporary ballet.

Main Points: ____________________________

To inform;

To inform the audience about the three major styles in the history of ballet.

I. The first major style in the history of ballet is classical ballet.
II. The second major style in the history of ballet is Neoclassical ballet.
III. The third major style in the history of ballet is contemporary ballet.

Which is the one sentence statement that encapsulates major idea of speech?

Central Idea- “A one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech” (Lucas 89).

Is a one sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates?

Central idea is a one sentence statement that SUMS UP or encapsulates the major IDEAS of a speech, sometimes called the thesis statement.

What is a purpose statement in a speech?

The definition of a general purpose statement for a speech is the broad intention for the speech delivery. It is a very short statement that dictates what the speaker is trying to accomplish. Every speech should have a goal.

What is a single sentence that states what the speaker intends to accomplish with their speech?

A thesis statementA short, declarative sentence that states the purpose, intent, or main idea of a speech. is a short, declarative sentence that states the purpose, intent, or main idea of a speech.

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