The unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization

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This activity contains 21 questions.

Work specialization is also referred to as _____.

The ____ is characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization.

The ____ violates the unity-of-command concept.

The ____ is also called the network or modular organization.

The boundaryless organization relies heavily on _____.

The _____ is a structure characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, a limited information network, and centralization.

Which of the following is NOT a determinant of an organization's structure?

Changes in corporate strategy precede and lead to _____.

Which of the following generalizations about organizational structures and employee performance and satisfaction is MOST true?

The unbroken line of authority that extends from top of the organization to the lowest echelon is termed the chain of command.

Narrow spans of control encourage overly tight supervision and discourage employee autonomy.

A major weakness of the bureaucracy is lack of attention to rules.

The major disadvantages of the matrix structure lie in the confusion it creates, its propensity to foster power struggles, and the stress it places on individuals.

The major advantage to the virtual organization is its flexibility.

Status and rank are minimized in the boundaryless organization.

The organic structure is characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, a limited information network, and centralization.

Adding 500 employees to an organization that has only 300 members is likely to result in a shift towards a more organic structure.

The more scarce, dynamic, and complex the environment, the more organic a structure should be.

Research supports the notion that employees prefer an organic structure.

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