The Magna Carta was important to the development of democracy because it Quizlet

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Terms in this set (50)

What is the most crucial & basic way to participate in our democracy?

Exercising our right to vote

What are some examples of duties of a citizen living in a democracy?

Serving on a jury
Serving as a witness
Attending School
Paying Taxes
Obeying local, state, and national laws
Selective Service/Draft Registration
Respecting the rights of others

What are some responsibilities of a citizen living in a democracy?

Volunteering in campaigns
Contribute money to campaigns and causes.
Participating in civic life / Run for a political office
Understanding the workings of our government
Become knowledgeable about the issues in order to make informed decisions.

Which characteristic of democracy is described by the following statement?
"In addition to voting, citizens should be willing to serve on juries, speak out on public issues, hold their representatives accountable, pay taxes, volunteer within their community and nation, and even run for political office."

Effective participation of citizens

Who holds decisions making power with their right to vote in a constitutional democracy?

The citizens/people

Which characteristic of democracy is described by the following statement?
"Due process (laws must be fair and the process of implementing those laws must be fair) must be established."

Protection of Rights & Freedoms

Which characteristic of democracy is described by the following statement?
"Citizens of voting age in a democracy must be able to express their opinions through the election process. In other words, it should be "one person, one vote."

Free & Fair Elections

Citizens, of voting age, in a democracy, must be able to do what things in regards to the election process?

express their opinions
"one person, one vote."
Hold elections at all levels of government and at regular intervals.

What does the principle of "One Person, One Vote" mean?

No one's vote should count more than another.

Which characteristic of democracy is described by the following statement?
Citizens must be able to express their opinions and beliefs in a democracy. We are born with rights to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Individual Rights

Which characteristic of democracy is described by the following statement?
Diversity in opinions requires cooperation among differing groups in order to reach compromise which produces a successful and well-functioning government.

Tolerance, Cooperation, & Compromise

What are the three basic ideals within the American democracy?

Liberty, equality, & self-government

List individual natural rights that are preserved by the Bill of Rights to the Constitution of our U.S. democracy?

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom to petition the government, right to a fair trial, liberty, equality, equal opportunity, equal protection under the law.

An essential standard of democracy is what?

Majority Rule with Minority Rights

If freedom of speech is denied in a country, does a democracy exist?


There are no elected representatives because government decisions are made directly by the people, best describes which type of democratic government?

Direct Democracy

Describe a republic and how does a republic work successfully?

The United States is a republic or an indirect democracy that allows the people to elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. A republic works successfully only when its citizens participate in the political process.

The government of the United States is both an __________democracy and a ___________.

Indirect democracy & republic

A ___________ is a democratic system like the one in the United States that has a separation of powers between an equal and independent executive and legislative branch.

Presidential system

What are the characteristics of a constitutional democracy?

Rule of law prevails
Citizens are source of authority
Laws must be in keeping with the written constitution

A ___________ is a democratic system like the one in Great Britain that has a prime minister who is chosen by the legislature or parliament.

Parliamentary System

What are several basic tasks provided by government that society needs in order to function better?

Order: such as police/fire protection
National defense or security: such as armed forces
Public goods, or services: such as education, transportation system, mail service, etc
Political system that promotes the general welfare: such as a justice system and a political system that makes decisions in the public interest

Government operates within a ________, which is a political community occupying a specific territory that claims sovereignty or independence in the exercise of power over the people of its territory.

nation -state

_____________are unlimited and their leader(s) have total power to rule the nation-state as they choose with no accountability to the people. In other words, leaders of an unlimited government are above the law.

Unlimited Government

______________ systems of government, like Iran, are ruled by one leader or a small group.


__________ is the most common form of authoritarian government in which unlimited power is held by one person who rules and controls the people by force.


Describe the different types of Authoritarian governments:

Monarchy - ruled by a single person who is usually a hereditary figure like a king or a queen
Oligarchy - ruled by a small group of people who are usually wealthy or a powerful military (example: ancient Greece, early South Africa)
Theocracy - ruled by religious leaders (example: Iran's ayatollah)
Dictatorship - most common form of authoritarian government in which unlimited power is held by one person who rules and controls the people by force (example: Cuba)

Iran is an example of what type of authoritarian government that is ruled by religious leaders?


A __________regime, like_____________, is a form of government in which the ruler attempts to control all aspects of private and public life.

Totalitarian; North Korea

Which of the following countries most accurately exemplifies a totalitarian government?

North Korea

What do the following documents have in common: Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights?

All were written by the English Government and all limited the government's power

Which of the following statements BEST characterizes the contribution the Petition of Right made to the development of democratic principles?

The Petition of Right gave "commoners" more of a voice in government and demanded that the king stop imposing taxes without Parliament's consent.

List all of the things the taken from the English Bill of Rights and incorporated into our U.S. democratic government.

guaranteed free elections and the right to a fair and speedy trial and prohibited cruel and unusual punishment. In addition, it prohibited the king from suspending or passing laws and from raising taxes without Parliament's consent. Free parliamentary elections, right to petition the king, freedom from excessive bail, right to bear arms.

What BEST characterizes the contribution the Magna Carta made to the development of democratic principles?

The Magna Carta was the first English document to limit the power of the monarchy and establish the idea that a monarch was not above the law.

What are some important contributions of the Virginia Declaration of Rights to our U.S. Government and who drafted it?

It proclaimed individual citizens had basic rights like freedom of press and religion.
It was considered the first modern constitutional protection of individual rights for citizens of North America.
It was drafted by Mason who based his writing on the English Bill of Rights and the ideas of Locke.

What are some important contributions of the Mayflower Compact to our U.S. Government and who drafted it?

It was drawn up on the Mayflower by William Bradford, governor of the Plymouth Colony and was the first governing document written for the colonies.
It promoted the idea that government should be created by the people which was one of the founding principles of the United States.
The Pilgrims established a belief in self-government by agreeing to obey all of their government's laws.

What were three main effects of that the Great Awakening had on society?

Energized people to speak for themselves and rely less on the traditional authority of ministers and book
Promoted the idea of religious liberty and equality
Resulted in revivals that increased growth of new denominations and church attendance

_______________ was a minister during the Great Awakening known for his fiery sermons, such as Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

Jonathan Edwards

Which of the following philosophers asserted that the purpose of government is to protect people from themselves?

Thomas Hobbes

Which of the following philosophers asserted that government should protect life, liberty and property and most directly influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence? (discussed in class; power point; and in reading)

John Locke

Which of the following philosophers most directly influenced the writers of the constitution to include three branches of government?

Charles de Montesquieu

The meeting of this body in Philadelphia was the first time the colonies united to discuss a solution to problems with British treatment of the colonists:

1st Continental Congress

What took place at the 2nd Continental Congress?

They met in May 1775, less than a month after Lexington and Concord, to deal with the military crisis and form a continental army.
Representatives sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George III in an effort to restore peace.
George Washington was made Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, his ideas were most heavily drawn from _________________.

John Locke and the Social Contract theory

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The passage is from the Declaration of Independence.
The passage draws heavily on the philosophy of John Locke.
The passage was written by Thomas Jefferson.

The Battles of Lexington and Concord.......

They were fought after the First Continental Congress but before the Second Continental Congress.
They represent the first fighting of the American Revolution or the "shots heard around the world"

Which of the following Patriots is known for saying, "Give me liberty or give me death," in a famous speech before the first fighting took place in the Revolutionary War?

Patrick Henry

Which selection below lists the events in the order in which they occurred?

Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts, 1st Continental Congress

Which of the following documents was the first written constitution for the United States government?

Articles of confederation

Identify the author of " Common Sense."

Thomas Paine

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Why was the Magna Carta important for the development of democracy?

Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself.

Why was the Magna Carta important for the development of democracy quizlet?

Written in 1215, it is one of the most important documents in the development of democracy. It limited the power of the king of England and established the idea that people have rights.

Why was the Magna Carta so important quizlet?

The Magna Carta is a very important historical document because it limits the power and arbitrariness of the Monarch. It influenced the later development and formation of political power in England. The two most important provisions were that the king must abide by the law.

What led to the Magna Carta and what is its significance to democracy quizlet?

They felt that King John's abusive powers needed to be controlled and limited. The Magna Carta protected people from heavy taxes and unjust imprisonment. This idea of protecting the rights of people lay the foundation for democratic rule in England and America. forced him to sign the Magna Carta.


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