In general, the results of reference checks for job applicants will be most valid if employers



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Terms in this set (54)


The controversial practice that treats a range of scores as being similar and thus allows the employer to give preference to underrepresented groups within these "similar" scores is known as _____.
Question options:

A. banding
B. generalizing
C. affirmative action
D. sensitizing


Which of the following is one of the ways by which individuals acting as references for job applicants can minimize the risk of being sued for defamation or misrepresentation?
Question options:

A. By giving as much information as possible
B. By exclusively giving out positive information about a candidate
C. By only giving information about observable, job-related behaviors
D. By giving only broad opinions
E. By excluding employment dates and the employee's final salary


Methods that provide economic value greater than the cost of using them are said to have _____.
Question options:
A. reliability
B. utility
C. validity
D. generalizability
E. dependability


What do achievement tests measure?
Question options:
A.The ability of a person to perform well under pressure
B. A person's existing knowledge and skills
C. The ability of a person to acquire skills
D. The future achievement potential of an individual
E. The attitude of an individual


Which of the following tests assess how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities?
Question options:
A. Personality inventories tests
B. Work sample tests
C. Achievement tests
D. Aptitude tests
E. Physical ability tests


Which act prohibits preferential treatment in favor of minority groups?
Question options:
A. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 199191
B. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
C. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
D. The Civil Rights Act of 1991
E.The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938


Generally, the organization checks references _____.
Question options:
A. only if it believes the information provided by the applicant is incorrect
B. immediately after the applicant submits a résumé
C. after it has determined that the applicant is a finalist for the job
D. because it is a legal requirement under EEO laws
E. of all applicants to a job


At which stage in the selection process are supervisors and team members often involved?
Question options:
A. Administering tests
B. Receiving résumés from various sources
C. Screening applications
D. Reference and background checks
E. Interviewing candidates


What does a correlation coefficient of 0 indicate?
Question options:
A. A perfect positive relationship
B. A perfect negative relationship
C. A partial correlation
D. No correlation
E. An indefinite correlation


Predictive validation is more accurate than concurrent validation because _____.
Question options:
A. the research administers tests to people who currently hold the job
B. test performance is influenced by firsthand experience with the job
C.the group is more likely to include people who perform poorly on the test
D. it is less time-consuming and relatively simple
E.test takers tend to be less motivated to do well on the tests


Martha Stevens is the HR manager of C-Soft Inc., a software company located in New York. She wants to establish the validity of a test designed for computer technicians using a predictive criterion-related validation strategy. According to this validation, Martha must administer the test to _____.
Question options:
A. at least half the present computer technicians in C-Soft
B. people doing similar jobs in other companies
C.people applying for computer technician jobs in C-Soft
D. only current computer technicians in C-Soft who are performing at acceptable levels
E. a random selection of computer technicians currently employed at C-Soft


Which of the following is true about content validity?
Question options:
A.It is usually measured on the basis of expert judgment.
B.It indicates how free a measurement is from random errors.
C.It is most suitable for tests that measure abstract qualities.
D.A test that scores high on content validity tends to score low on generalizability.
E.It is useful for tests that measure intelligence and leadership quality.


What is race norming?
Question options:
A.Treating a range of scores as being similar
B.Establishing different norms for hiring members of different racial groups
C.A legal quota system that protects interests of people with disabilities
D.Basing selection decisions on a common norm for all races, regardless of impact
E.Use of cognitive tests that discriminate against women and people with disabilities


_____ tests are sometimes called "intelligence tests."
Question options:
A. Achievement
B. Psychomotor
C. Adaptability
D. Cognitive ability
E. Endurance


Which of the following holds good under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?
Question options:
A. Employers must verify and maintain records on the legal rights of applicants to work in the United States.
B. Employers must file a completed Form I-9 with the Immigration and Naturalization Service and retain the documents for at least ten years.
C. Employers can pay lower wages to the immigrant workers.
D. Employers must verify the legal age of employees who do not hold American citizenship.
E. Employers are allowed to discriminate against persons on the basis of citizenship status.


A correlation coefficient of -1.0 between two sets of numbers indicates _____.
Question options:
A. a complete lack of any correlation between the two sets
B. that when one set of numbers goes up, so does the other set
C. that when one set of numbers goes up, the other set goes down
D. a partial correlation between the two sets
E. an indefinite relationship between the two sets


An assessment center:
Question options:
A. is a place where job applicants for manufacturing jobs undergo physical ability tests.
B. conducts a single test for all job applicants to test their technical potential.
C. uses multiple selection methods to rate applicants on their management potential.
D. is a selection method generally used for unskilled employees.
E. has the lowest validity because it combines several assessment methods.


A typing test for an administrative assistant's job is an example of a(n) _____ test.
Question options:
A. job performance
B. cognitive ability
C. physical ability
D. personality inventories
E. emotional intelligence


The use of a neutral-appearing selection method that damages a protected group is _____.
Question options:
A. legal if the employer has a turnover of less than $100,000
B. legal if the company using the selection method has 100 or more employees
C. legal if the employer can show that there is a business necessity for using that method
D. illegal and prohibited under all circumstances
E. legal if the company using the selection method operates in the software industry


The _____ of a type of measurement indicates how free that measurement is from random error.
Question options:
A. reliability
B. validity
C. generalizability
D. utility '
E. verifiability


In general, the results of reference checks for job applicants will be most valid if the employer _____.
Question options:
A. contacts many references
B. relies exclusively on the list provided by the applicant
C. avoids direct contact with the reference
D. restricts contact with the references through e-mails
E. receives positive opinions about the employee from the reference


Which of the following is true according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1991?
Question options:
A. The employer can ask preemployment questions to investigate disabilities.
B. The interviewer is prohibited from asking a candidate if he/she can meet the attendance requirements for the job.
C. The interviewer is permitted to ask the candidate the number of sick leaves he/she took at his/her previous job.
D. The employer is permitted to use, for hiring decisions, employment physical exams that could reveal a psychological or physical disability.
E. Employers are required to make "reasonable accommodation" to disabled individuals.


To test the validity of the selection test for advanced widget designers, Correll-Techno Inc. administers the test to the present widget makers in the company. The test results are then compared with the employees' latest performance appraisal scores. In this instance, what type of validation does Correll-Techno implement?
Question options:
A. Predictive validation
B. Concurrent validation
C. Content validation
D. Construct validation
E. Diagnostic validation


Ricky Jones, a 33-year old unemployed software engineer, had applied for a job in SeaTech Inc., a Florida-based software company. He had mentioned his former project manager as his reference in the application form. But he was rejected soon after the HR of SeaTech called his former manager and learnt that Ricky was involved in an issue of sexual misconduct. Sensing this to be the reason for his rejection at SeaTech, Ricky threatened to sue his former manager on charges of _____.
Question options:
A. misappropriation
B. fraud
C. misrepresentation
D. defamation
E. negligence


Which of the following is true about predictive validation?
Question options:
A. It is the least effective method of measuring validity.
B. It uses the test scores of all applicants and looks for a relationship between the scores and future performance.
C. It involves administering a test to people who currently hold a job and comparing their scores to existing measures of job performance.
D. It is the quickest and easiest method compared to other ways of measuring validity.
E. It permits an employees' firsthand experience with the job to influence his performance in the test.


For most companies, the first step in the personnel selection process is _____.
Question options:
A. verifying the applicants' qualifications through reference and background checks
B. negotiating with the employee regarding salary and benefits
C. screening the applications to see who meet the basic requirements for the job
D. administering tests and reviewing work samples to rate the candidates' abilities
E. inviting candidates with the best abilities to the organization for one or more interviews


Evan Smith is the HR manager of a publishing company. He wants to know if a certain test of cognitive ability, used in the advertising industry, can be successfully used in his organization. In other words, he wants to know if this test is a(n) _____ method of personnel selection.
Question options:
A. substitutable
B. evaluative
C. practical
D. generalizable
E. nondirective


_____ validity is a measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores.
Question options:
A. Criterion-related
B. Diagnostic
C. Content
D. Convergent
E. Construct


A reliable test would be one for which scores by people with similar attributes have a correlation close to _____.
Question options:
A. 1.0
B. 0
C. -1.0.
D. -10.0
E. ∞


Which of the following is a permissible question for job applications and interviews?
Question options:
A. How would you feel about working for someone younger than you?
B. Are you a citizen of the United States?
C. What religious holidays do you observe?
D. Where were you born?
E. Will you need any reasonable accommodation for this hiring process


Which of the following details need to be asked in an application form to gather information about suitable candidates?
Question options:
A. Marital status
B. History of disabilities
C. Number of children
D. Educational background
E. Applicant's race


A construction firm is in need of a construction superintendent, whose primary responsibilities involve organizing, supervising, and inspecting the work of several subcontractors. The firm administers a construction-error recognition test, where an applicant enters a shed that has 25 construction errors and where he/she is asked to record as many of these problems as can be detected. What type of validity is being established in this case?
Question options:
A. Concurrent validity
B. Construct validity
C. Content validity
D. Representative validity
E. Predictive


Employers use application forms for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that:
Question options:
A. they are a low-cost way to gather basic data from many applicants.
B. they ensure that the organization has certain standard categories of information.
C. they are not subject to equal employment opportunity standards.
D. they allow the employer to keep up-to-date records of job applicants.
E. they enable organizations to rank applicants.


For tests that measure abstract qualities such as intelligence or leadership skills, validity would best be established by _____ validation.
Question options:
A. criterion-related
B. content
C. concurrent
D. construct
E. predictive


If a person who is the reference gives negative information about the job candidate, there is a chance the candidate will claim _____, meaning the person damaged the applicant's reputation by making statements that cannot be proved truthful.
Question options:
A. defamation
B. misappropriation
C. fraud
D. misrepresentation
E. negligence


Which of the following is true about cognitive ability tests?
Question options:
A. They are especially valid for jobs requiring adaptability.
B. They are relatively expensive compared to the other tests.
C. They measure strength, endurance, psychomotor abilities, and other physical abilities.
D. They are free from legal complications.
E. They are especially valid for simple jobs.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of using résumés as a source of information about job applicants?
Question options:
A. It is a relatively expensive method of gathering information.
B. It does not allow applicants to highlight accomplishments.
C. Review of résumés is least valid when the content of the résumés is evaluated in terms of the elements of a job description.
D. It is biased in favor of the employer.
E. The content of the information is controlled by applicants.


Which of the following is a concern relating to the use of cognitive ability tests?
Question options:
A. Lack of validity of the tests for complex jobs
B. Lack of reliable and commercially available tests
C. Legal issues related to administering the tests
D. Lack of validity of the tests for those jobs that require adaptability
E. Relatively high cost


Tests designed to measure such mental skills as verbal skills, quantitative skills, and reasoning ability are referred to as _____ tests.
Question options:
A. job performance
B. honesty
C. personality inventories
D. cognitive ability
E. physical ability


If a former employer gives a glowing statement about a candidate and the new employer later learns of misconduct on the part of the employee during his/her previous employment, the new employer may sue the former for _____.
Question options:
A. negligence
B. misrepresentation
C. defamation
D. misappropriation
E. libel


The _____ of an employment test is indicated by the extent to which the test scores relate to the actual job performance.

A. reliability
B. validity
C. generalizability
D. utility
E. dependability


Organizations typically use résumés _____.

A. as substitutes for interviews
B. as a basis for deciding which candidates to investigate further
C. to save the cost of administering tests related to the performance on the job
D. because they can control the content of the information, as well as the way it is presented
E. because they are generally an unbiased source of information


Which of the following is true about job performance tests?
A. They provide fair evaluations for applicants.
B. They have the lowest level of validity compared to other tests.
C. These tests are highly generalizable.
D. Customization of these tests for various jobs is inexpensive.
E. They are best suited for identifying the particular skills or traits the individual possesses.


Review of résumés is most valid when the content of the résumés is evaluated in _____.

A. terms of the elements of a job description
B. comparison with other applicants' qualifications
C. terms of the incumbent's competencies
D. terms of the industrial benchmarks
E. comparison with other employees in the organization


A selection method that is valid in other contexts beyond the context in which it was developed is said to be _____.

A. reliable.
B. generalizable.
C. practical.
D. utilitarian.
E. dependable.


Which of the following best describes content validity?

A. It is the extent to which something provides economic value greater than its cost.
B. It is the extent to which a measurement is free from random error.
C. It is the consistency between the test items or problems and the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job.
D. It is the consistency between a high score on a test and high level of a construct such as intelligence or leadership ability, as well as between mastery of this construct and successful performance of the job.
E. It is the measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores.


Predictive validation is more accurate than concurrent validation because _____.

A. the research administers tests to people who currently hold the job
B. test performance is influenced by firsthand experience with the job
C. the group is more likely to include people who perform poorly on the test
D. it is less time-consuming and relatively simple
E. test takers tend to be less motivated to do well on the tests


The _____ of a type of measurement indicates how free that measurement is from random error.
A. reliability
B. validity
C. generalizability
D. utility
E. verifiability


_____ validity is a measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores.

A. Criterion-related
B. Diagnostic
C. Content
D. Convergent
E. Construct


Which of the following holds good under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?

A. Employers must verify and maintain records on the legal rights of applicants to work in the United States.
B. Employers must file a completed Form I-9 with the Immigration and Naturalization Service and retain the documents for at least ten years.
C. Employers can pay lower wages to the immigrant workers.
D. Employers must verify the legal age of employees who do not hold American citizenship.
E. Employers are allowed to discriminate against persons on the basis of citizenship status.


If a person who is the reference gives negative information about the job candidate, there is a chance the candidate will claim _____, meaning the person damaged the applicant's reputation by making statements that cannot be proved truthful.
A. defamation
B. misappropriation
C. fraud
D. misrepresentation
E. negligence


Which of the following is one of the ways by which individuals acting as references for job applicants can minimize the risk of being sued for defamation or misrepresentation?

A. By giving as much information as possible
B. By exclusively giving out positive information about a candidate
C. By only giving information about observable, job-related behaviors
D. By giving only broad opinions
E. By excluding employment dates and the employee's final salary


In general, the results of reference checks for job applicants will be most valid if the employer _____.

A. contacts many references
B. relies exclusively on the list provided by the applicant
C. avoids direct contact with the reference
D. restricts contact with the references through e-mails
E. receives positive opinions about the employee from the reference



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How can individuals acting as references for job applicants minimize the risk of being sued for defamation or misrepresentation?

Which of the following is one of the ways by which individuals acting as references for job applicants can minimize the risk of being sued for defamation or misrepresentation? Giving only information about observable, job related behaviors.

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What is a disadvantage of using résumé as a source of information about job applicants?

The bias and selective memory of the candidate frequently results in a less-than-accurate description of what actually occurred. Obviously because resumes are essentially job histories, they don't tell you anything about the person's character, how they would act in your job, and their potential.

How do you do a reference check?

Reference check steps.
Verify the candidate's name. ... .
Confirm how they know the candidate. ... .
Ask what makes the candidate a good fit. ... .
Have the reference rank the candidate. ... .
Find out the candidate's strengths and weaknesses. ... .
Ask about the candidate's behavior. ... .
Take the process seriously. ... .
Conduct two verbal checks..


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