How many hours of sleep would the nurse recommend for the 11-year-old client

A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has postmenopausal osteoporosis and a new prescription for intranasal calcitonin-salmon.

  • A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has postmenopausal osteoporosis and a new prescription for intranasal calcitonin-salmon.

Pharmacology Exam ReviewerA nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has postmenopausal osteoporosis and a newprescription forintranasal ...

o A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a 55-year-old client who is experiencing menopause and is prescribed estrogen/progestin therapy (EPT) the nurse ...

A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has a urinary tract infection and new prescriptions for phenazopyridine and ciprofloxacin.

2020. 7. 15.Alendronate is used to treat and prevent osteoporosis (a condition in ... in women who have undergone menopause (''change of life,'' end of ...

JC Gallagher 저술2014741회 인용In the beginning, that is from the 1960's, when a link between menopause and osteoporosis was first identified; estrogen treatment was the ...

This problem has been solved! You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. See AnswerSee Answer ...

2020. 4. 27.The word 'osteoporosis' means 'porous bone.' It is a disease that weakens bones, and if you have it, you are at a greater risk for sudden and ...

DT Gold 저술200634회 인용Postmenopausal osteoporosis is a chronic disease, and adherence to drug therapy ... Patient or caregiver self-report is the most traditional indirect.

To which client should the nurse provide education regarding the pubertal growth spurt?An 8-year-old school-age male clientA 16-year-old adolescent male clientA 12-year-old school-age female clientAn 18-year-old adolescent female client

At which stage of Kohlberg’s theory does an individual want to fulfill the expectations of one’simmediate group?

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How many hours of sleep should the nurse recommend for the 11-year-old client?

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Which component of the human personality, according to Freud, allows an individual to judgereality accurately?

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Which statement is true about Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?Piaget’s theory includes five periods that are related to age.In the late preoperational stage, the children experience animism.In the preoperational stage, children are able to perform mental operations.During the sensorimotor stage, infants develop an action pattern for dealing withtheir environment.

Which client may have concerns related to sexuality when hospitalized with a chronic illness?

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How many days is the neonatal period? Record your answer using whole numbers.

A 17-year-old to sustain an owner fracture in a fight miss behaved with the nurse who is dressing the post surgical wound. According to Paige it's theory of cognitive development, which explanation of this behavior is accurate? Select all that apply.

Adolescence exhibit risk-taking behaviors
Adolescence feel that they are in vulnerable

Which statement best explains the change in sexuality experienced by many people an older adulthood?

Frequency in opportunities for sexual activity decline.

According to Sigmund Freud's theory of development, which term is the basic instinctual impulse drive to achieve pleasure?


According to Freud, there is different components in human personality that develop in stages. These components include the ID, ego, and super ego. The ID is defined as the basic instinctual impulse drive to achieve pleasure. The ego mediate conflicts between the environment and the forces of the ID. The third component, the super ego, performs regulating, restraining, and prohibiting actions. Conscience is synonymous with the superego

Which age group of children has imaginary play mates?


Preschoolers usually have imaginary playmates. These playmates play with the child when he is lonely, or accomplish what the child is still trying to do. Having imaginary playmates is a healthy sign. Infants engage in exploratory play and use their senses for observation and examination. Toddlers engage in parallel play. They do not have imaginary playmates. Adolescence usually have organized play. Play.

The nurse suspect marijuana abuse and a 20-year-old patient. What assessment findings might the nurse know in this patient? Select all that apply.

Panic attacks
Slow reaction time
Impaired balance

According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, in which stage of development as a 5-year-old girl who does not allow the nurse to examine her and demands to see her father?


According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, the child is in the Phallic stage of development. It is during this stage that the Oedipus or Electra complex is triggered. The Oedipus or Electra complex is the strong attachment the young child develops to the parent of the opposite sex. This stage lasts for around three years to six years of age. During the oral stage, lasting from birth till 18 months, the child gets satisfaction from sucking. The anal stage lasts from 18 months to three years. During this stage the focus of pleasure is the anal zone. The genital stage is from puberty to adulthood, and during the stage, the person becomes sexually matured.

A child who fought with a younger sibling for a toy got a severe fever or the very next day. The child informs the attending nurse that the fever was a punishment because of fighting. What does the nurse till the child?

Your fever was not a result of fighting with your sibling.

According to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, at level one, children have a limited cognitive thinking and the reasoning is at eight pre-moral level. It is at this level that children may view illness as a punishment for fighting with their siblings or disobeying their parents. Nurses should be aware of this sort of thinking and reinforce that the child does not become ill because of wrongdoings. Therefore the most appropriate response of the nurse would be to reinforce that the fever is not a result of fighting.

Which theorist would The nurse include in a class on moral development stages in children?


Different Researchers have elaborated developmental theory is based on different principles. Lawrence Kohlberg's theory is based on moral development, where is Freud's theory focuses on psychosexual development. Paget's theory is based on cognitive development, and Erickson based his theory on psychosocial values.

Which of Gould's stages of transformation does the nurse expect a 46-year-old patient to be experiencing?

Reconciliation and mellowing

Gould describes the transformations in adult development that occur any series of stages. Reconciliation in mellowing occurs from ages 43 to 50 years during the stage, the individual grows and becomes more relaxed, tries to correspond with others, and reestablish his cordial relationships. From the ages of 35 to 42 years, the stage of mid life decade transformation occurs. At 50 years and beyond, the stage of stability and acceptance occurs due to realization and life experiences. From the ages of 28 to 34 years, The questioning and re-examination stage of transformation occurs.

Which assessment findings are consistent with diazepam intoxication? Select all that apply.

Impaired coordination
Lowered blood pressure
Slowed pulse and breathing

The intoxication affects of diazepam include impaired coordination such as restless muscle movements of the eyes, tongue, jog, or neck. Blood pressure is decreased and pulse and breathing rate slow due to central nervous system relaxation. Increased temperature, nausea, And loss of appetite are toxic affects of hallucinogens such as lysergic acid diethylamide aunt mescaline.

Patient education for a healthy 23-year-old focuses primarily on which topic?

Health promotion

Which newly acquired skill with the nurse expect to be present in the 15-month-old child? Select all that apply.

Scribbling with crayons
Pulling to stand and walk
Standing briefly with support and cruising along furniture

Children who are 15 months of age can scribble with crayons. They can try to pull themselves to stand and can stand briefly with support and cruise along furniture. Children learn to jump on 2 feet around 2 1/2 years of age. They walk between the ages of one and two years. Children learn peddling a tricycle around three years of age.

The idea that authority figures should be respected simply because of their authority base exemplifies which cognitive concept?

Dualistic thinking

This example is typical of dualistic thinking, in which information, values, and authority are divided into right and wrong. In dualistic thinking, truth is compared against abstract standards, and authority figures are respected simply because of their authority base. Relativist thinking involves recognizing that there are multiple conflicting versions of "truth" that represent legitimate alternatives. Fluid intelligence is defined as basic information processing skills. Crystallized intelligence refers to skills that depend on Accumulated knowledge and experience.

Which cognitive development stage is defined as thought which is more responsive to context and less constrained by the need to find only one answer to a question?

Adaptive cognition

Adopt a cognition is the underlying theme of relativist thinking and is characterized by flexible thinking, which is responsive to context and less constrained by the need to find only one answer to a question. Concrete operational thought is the gradual replacement of intuitive thought with a logical thought and occurs between ages seven and 11. Formal operational thought is refined logical thought, emerging around age 11. Dualistic thought is the division of information, values, and authority into right and wrong, good or bad, or "we" and "they"

Nine-year-old Brian has a difficult time making friends in school and being chosen to play on the team. He also has trouble completing his homework and, as a result, receives a little positive feedback from his parents or teacher. According to Ericksons theory, failure at this stage of development may result in which outcome?

Feelings of inferiority

School age children need to feel real accomplishment and be excepted by peers to develop a sense of industry. A sense of guilt would occur between ages 3 and 6. A poor sense of self would occur between the ages of 12 and 18. Miss trust would occur and a child up to 18 months.

Which cognitive and learning skills Kenny nurse observed any preschool child while playing? Select all that apply.

Magical thinking
Symbolic thinking
Vivid imaginations

The nurse may identify magical thinking in preschool children due to their egocentric thoughts. Children use magical thinking and think that they can make anything happen by simple wishing. Some preschool children may also have imaginary friends. Preschool children you symbolic thinking in which internal images are used to represent object and persons. Preschool children are able to create very complicated scenarios in their minds. Toddlers exhibit curious and explorative behavior due to increased independence. They exhibit reflexive actions in response to an environmental stimulus.

According to Freud's theory, which statement is true about the development of a three-year-old child who find sucking a finger or a thumb pleasurable?

Development is delayed.

According to Sigmund Freud, there are six stages of psychosexual development. A child of three years is in the third stage, or Phallic stage, where the focus of pleasure is in the genital organs. Usually, an infant in the first stage fine sucking pleasurable. Therefore the child has delayed development. It is inappropriate to say that finger or thumb sucking is an indication that the child has an intellectual disability or will have psychosis in the future.

Which statement indicates that A mother has a good understanding of the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

I'll place my baby on her back for sleep

The American Academy of pediatrics, and their "safe to sleep" campaign, has clearly recommended that infants be placed on their back's for sleep to help prevent SIDS. Use of a pacifier has not been shown to affect incidences of SIDS. An infant can and should spend time on their abdomen, but when path to sleep and left unattended they should always be placed on their back. Feeding an infant just prior to putting to sleep may increase incidence of regurgitation and aspiration and has not been shown to decrease incidence of SIDS. Page 237

Which lane position may increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome?

Prone position

The nurse would instruct students that there are how many stages in Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of moral development?


Kohlberg's Theory on moral development is an expansion a Piaget's theory. According to this theory there are six stages of moral development in three levels. The six stages include punishment and obedience orientation, instrumental relativist orientation, good boy- nice girl Orientation, Society-maintaining orientation, social contract orientation, and universal ethical principle orientation. The other answer options are not correct, as there are six stages.
Page 233

According to Jean piaget's theory, what does an infant in the sensorimotor stage do upon realizing that sucking results in a pleasing effect?

Generalize is this action to other things like sucking fingers and blankets.

According to Piaget's theory, in the sensorimotor stage infants begin to explore their environment. For example, once they realize that sucking provides a pleasing affect, they generalize this action to other things like fingers and blankets. Other things they explore including hitting, kicking, and grasping. But they do not stop the sucking action to explore new actions. Second has no effect on appetite. During infancy, on the infant still likes to suck. The infant is receptive to edible food and liquid and solid forms in late infancy. Page 231

According to Ericksons theory of human development, a 13-year-old female patient who was preoccupied with her appearance and images in which stage?

Identity versus role confusion

Erickson identified eight stages of development based on psychosocial stages. According to this theory, and adolescent is usually in the identity versus role confusion stage. And this stage adolescence our preoccupied with her appearance and body image. Trust versus miss trust as seen in infants. Intimacy versus isolation is seen in young adults, whereas the initiative versus guilt stage is seen in children aged 3 to 6 years. Page 230

Which information with the school nurse include one teaching a group of adolescence?

Educate them about birth control measures.

When a three month old view of a toy is blocked, he does not reach for it. When a nine month old view of a toy is blocked, he looks for it. Which concept does this illustrate?

Object permanence

He is now in Piaget's later stage of sensory motor thought and has learned that objects exist even though he cannot see or touch them. Children at this stage develop an understanding of the concept of object permanence. Really young, children do not understand that somethings still exists when it is out of sight. For example, if a parent covers a toy with a blanket, the child does not understand that the toy is still there. By the age of two years, the child understands that the toy still exist even when the toy is out of sight. Children in the sensory motor plays stage explore their environment by using their senses and developing motor skills. Initially, infants interact with the environment primarily through reflexes. Young children develop patterns of behavior called schemes (adaptation, assimilation, accommodation, and equilibrium). Magical thinking is when preschoolers believe that they can cause events by simply wishing them to happen. Page 232

A patient reports to the nurse, "I just can't decide what kind of classes I want to take in college. I have no idea what I want to do with my life after high school." In which stage of Ericksons psychosocial development is the patient?

Identity versus role confusion

Identity versus role confusion is the fifth stage of Ericksons theory of development, it occurs during adolescence. At this stage, a person experiments with different sexual, occupational, and educational rules to develop a sense of identity. Difficulty choosing a career path and college classes indicates role confusion. During the integrity versus despair stage, which occurs in late adulthood, the patient reconciles previous accomplishments and failures and may develop a sense of integrity. During the intimacy versus isolation stage, the patient may develop Intimate relationship and a sense of identity. Failure to maintain an intimate relationship can lead to isolation. The patient experiences the industry versus inferiority between ages 6 and 12 years. The patient may also expand his or her social room in this stage.
Page 230

In level one of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which statement with a child perceive as the reason for contracting an illness?

Illness is a punishment for fighting with parents.

In level one, children have preconventional in limited cognitive thinking, and they will believe that their illness is a punishment for fighting with parents or siblings. And level one, children do not have rational thinking, so they will not know the exact reason for their illness. It is unlikely that children in level one moral development would believe their illnesses are as a result of going to school or a blessing in opportunity to miss school.
Page 233

The nurse determines that the fetus an Eastern European is at increased risk of Tay-Sachs disease and expects the healthcare provider will order which diagnostic test to determine if the patient is a carrier of the disease?

Simple blood test

Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic lip a disorder. The healthcare provider so just a simple blood test to identify whether the patient is a carrier of the disease. The disease is confirmed by taking a blood sample and extracting DNA from it to check for the HEXA mutation. The nurse would not expect a Papanicolaou test, Because that test is performed to diagnose cervical carcinoma. And your analysis is performed to detect any abnormal cells or signs of infection and to know the color, components, and concentration of the urine. The nurse would not expect a renal function test because the patient has a genetic disorder that does not alter the function of the kidneys or the renal system.
Page 235

Approximately how many inches does a preschool child grow each year?

3 inches

Biological growth slows for the preschool child. The average weight gain is about 5 pounds per year and the average increase in height is about 2 1/2 to 3 inches per year
page 240

Who's developmental theory explains the behavior of a child between the ages of three and six years who fantasizes about the parent of the opposite sex?

Sigmund Freud

Freud's psychoanalytical model of personality development is based on the principle that each stage of development is characterized by sexual pleasures and different body parts. According to this theory, a child between the ages of 3 and 6 years fantasizes about the pair of the opposite sex. Gesell's theory of development is based on the principles that each person's development is directed by gene activity. Ericksons theory focuses on psychosocial stages, and Piaget's theory is based on cognitive thinking.
Page 229

The nurse is planning quiet activities to keep a six-year-old patient busy while resting. Which activities would be included in the care plan? Select all that apply.

Board games
Coloring books
Television and movies

According to developmental theorist, a six-year-old child falls within the category of the school age child. His school age child has the ability to use thought processes to perform tasks and is able to see the viewpoint of others. The nurse can play quiet board games with the child. A school age child knows right from wrong and can follow directions. Other quiet aged appropriate activities include coloring books and watching movies on television. A child with an asthma exacerbation should not be walking the halls or playing hide and seek, because these are not activities that promote bedrest.
Page 240

A student tells you that she is worried about her friend who refuses to participate in group activities, no longer cares about how she looks, and is not attending classes. What does your assessment of the symptoms indicate?

She may be at increased risk for suicide.

Depression is a major health concern for adolescence and can be triggered by many factors; the symptoms that are listed indicate increased risk for suicide. She may Has broken up with her boyfriend in school may be difficult right now for her, but these only increase the depression. She needs to be seen immediately and not monitored overtime.
Page 244

I which statement is true of children between six and 12 years of age, according to Freud's psychoanalytical model of personality?

The repressed sexual urges are channeled into productive activities.

According to the Freud psychoanalytical model of personality development; an individual goes through five stages of psychosocial development. Children between 6 to 12 years of age belong to the latency stage. And the stage, the repress sexual urges of the earlier stage or channeled into productive activities. An infant in the oral stage find sucking an oral satisfaction extremely pleasurable. The anal stage, the focus of the pleasure shifts of the anal zone. And the phallic stage, genitals become the focus of the pleasure.
Page 229

A nurse is considering Ericksons stages of psychosocial development while caring for a client. Which behavior is consistent with a problem involving trust versus mistrust?

Women whose parents were chronic alcoholics and who has problems making friends.

Trust is learned in infancy. Being parented by individuals who are not able to consistently meet the clients basic psychologic and safety needs as likely to result in an inability to engage in healthy interpersonal relationships as an adult. The response of the client in an abusive relationship is based not on events that occurred during infancy but rather on events in adulthood. The response of a client with paranoid schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder are symptoms of a psychiatric disorder rather than of an event that occurred during infancy.

A client may have concerns related to sexuality when hospitalized with chronic illness?

An 18-year-old

And 18-year-old client is an adolescent, which is the stage of development where concerns about sexuality may occur in hospitalized with a chronic illness. The other clients are not developmentally characterized as adolescence; therefore, the nurse would not anticipate the others (8, 10, & 12 y/o) to have this concern.

The two-year-old toddler requires close supervision to protect against potential accidents. The nurse teaches a class for parents about the learning style of toddlers. How do you toddlers learn self protection?

Through trial and error strategies

The toddler is developing autonomy, is curious, and learn self protection from experience. Toddlerhood play is parallel play, not interactive play, play. The struggle for autonomy at this age limits learning from siblings, even though the toddler attempts to copy their behavior. The toddler is still learning from experiences, not from others. The toddler is still attempting to distinguish the self as separate from the parents; the struggle for autonomy limits learning from parents. Toddlers learn gross and fine motor skills as they play with their toys, not self protection.

Which drug may cause photophobia has an adverse effect?


If fertility drug that may cause for a phobia. Nifedipine may cause maternal fetal problems. I'll decorate may cause dysphasia. Indomethacin may cause birth defects.

Which drug class may cause kernicterus in neonates?


How many hours of sleep should the nurse recommend for the 11-year-old client?

9 hours

A school-age client who is 11 years of age would require nine hours of sleep each night. 10 hours of sleep is not recommended for the school each client. If I have your old school aged client requires 11 1/2 hours of sleep per night; however, 11 and 12 hours of sleep is not recommended for an 11-year-old school-age client.

A parent ask the nurse for suggestions because a two-year-old child wants to take a bath alone. What is the most appropriate suggestion that the nurse should provide?

Allow the child to wash her self with supervision

In which settings should the nurse prepare to administer developmental assessment for pediatric clients? Select all that apply.

Daycare center

What should a nurse who is caring for a hospitalized older client with dementia consider before planning care?

Routines provide stability for clients with dementia.

An adolescent girl is concerned about her body image after amputation of a leg for bone cancer. After the nurse has obtained the girls consent, what nursing action is most therapeutic?

Encouraging her peers to visit

Which of these stages as followed by the "society- maintaining orientation," according to the Kohlberg's theory?

"Good boy-nice girl orientation"

According to Kohlberg's theory, "good boy-nice girl orientation" (stage 3) is followed by "society-maintaining orientation" (stage 4). "Social contract orientation" is (stage 5). "Instrumental relativist orientation" is (stage 2). "Punishment in obedience orientation" is (stage 1).

The client was treated with methotrexate for cancer during the 6th month of her pregnancy. Which teratogenic effect may be seen in the child?

Mental retardation

The fetus is in its fetal stage of development at six months of gestation. Methotrexate exposure in the fetal stage of development may cause mental retardation in the baby. Stillbirth may occur if the exposure is during the presomite stage. Holoprosencephaly May occur if the Teratogen exposure was in the embryonic stage. Normal development of the child may occur if The exposure occurred during the presomite stage.

And which drug may cause Ebstein anomaly as a teratogenic effect And is also contraindicated in breast-feeding clients?


Which age range does the nurse know is classified as the toddler years?

12 to 36 months

The age range for the toddler years is 12 to 36 months of age.

What is the most common cause of death among adolescents?


Accidents are the most common cause of death and adolescence; approximately 74% of all adolescent deaths are caused by accidents. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in adolescence. Homicide is the second leading cause of death and adolescence. Death by substance abuse affects 30% of adolescence.

A nurse in daycare center is teaching several aids about the play behavior of 2-year-old toddlers. What is the type of play called?


Toddlers play independently but beside other children; they are aware of the other children, often grabbing toys from them, but do not socially interact with them. Group play is characteristic of older children. Dramatic play or acting is characteristic of older children; starting at the preschool age, they assume and act out rules. Cooperative play is also characteristic of older children; starting at the preschool age; they learn to share, wait their turn, and become sensitive to their peers needs.

An adolescent girl with seizure disorder refuses to wear a medical alert bracelet. What should the nurse told the girl that may help her wear the bracelet consistently?

Select a bracelet similar to bracelets worn by her peers.

Which stage of development classifies boys and girls as differing very little in terms of size?

During the school age stage of development, boys and girls different very little in terms of size. During the toddler, preschool, and adolescent stages of development boys are often larger than girls.

A nurse is performing a physical examination of an infant with down syndrome. For what anomaly so the nurse assessed the child?

Abnormal heart sounds

Cardiac Anomalies often accompanied genetic problems such as down syndrome; 30% to 40% of affected incense also have congenital heart defects. Infants with down syndrome do not have increased intracranial pressure; the fontanels should be flat. The extremities will more likely be relaxed. Children with down syndrome exhibit the usual pupillary reaction to light.

During the first well baby visit after discharge from the hospital, the mother informed the nurse that her baby has difficulty sucking and swallowing and tires easily. What should the nurse consider when assessing this infant?

Difficulty when feeding may be an early indication of a heart defect.

Infants with compromised heart function often become fatigued will cycling and swallowing because of decreased cardiac output. Fatigue during feeding is generally an indication of some pathologic process; healthy and sane suck vigorously until sated, And only then do they become tired. Impaired suckling is never insignificant; it may be indicative of many problems, such as central nervous system involvement, immaturity, or a congenital defect. Healthy infants are free from mucus within 24 to 48 hours of birth.

What nursing intervention does a nurse provide during the initiative versus guilt stage?

Teaching parents about child impulse control

The initiative versus guilt stage as seen in children between ages 3 to 6 years. During this stage, the nurse should teach Parents about child impulse control and cooperative behaviors for better growth and development of the child. During that identity verse role confusion stage, the nurse should provide enough information to the adolescent, which allow them to choose the treatment plan. The nurse guides the parents to help their child achieve self-control and willpower during the stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt. The nurse assist L adults and shoes in creative ways to foster their social development during the generativity verse self absorption and stagnation stage.

Which drug may cause formation of abnormally small eyes in the newborn if used during pregnancy?


Which drug is contra indicated during pregnancy but can be safely used by lactating mothers?


Which component of the human personality, according to Freud, allows an individual to judge reality accurately?


A 13-year-old is found to have idiopathic scoliosis. She is upset about the treatment regimen and is worried about being different from her friends. What should the nurse do to help the child maintain a positive self image during treatment?

Help her investigate appropriate clothing to enhance her appearance

Help her investigate appropriate clothing to enhance her appearance


How many hours of sleep would the nurse recommend for an 11 year old client quizlet?

How many hours of sleep should the nurse recommend for the 11-year-old client? A school-age client who is 11 years of age would require nine hours of sleep each night. 10 hours of sleep is not recommended for the school each client.

How many hours of sleep would the nurse recommend for the 11 year old client 8 9 11 12?

Children around ages 6 to 12 years old would need a sleep of 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours or per day.

Which is the primary developmental milestone to be accomplished between 12 and 15 months of age?

Physical and skills milestones Many toddlers start walking on their own between 12 and 15 months but it is normal for others to start walking at 15 to 18 months.

What should the nurse anticipate according to Erikson when assessing a school

2 The nurse should anticipate that the school-aged child will lose the central incisors first.


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