Describe how ethical issues that may arise over the use of medication can be addressed


Essay, Pages 3 (527 words)

The Medicines Act 1968, the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (and later amendments), the Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973 (and later amendments), the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), COSHH, the Mental Capacity Act (2005) the Access to health records Act (1990), the Data Protection Act (1998) plus equality legislation. . 2. Outline the legal classification system for medication. The classification of medicines are all related to the medicines act 1968, while working with medication it is good to have an understanding and working knowledge of the common types of medication by training that should be provided by you company that you work for.

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“Describe How Ethical Issues That May Arise Over The Use Of Medication Can Be Addressed”

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1. 3. Explain how and why policies and procedures or agreed ways of working must reflect and incorporate legislative requirements.The polices and procedures are put in place to make sure that legislation is being followed so that all people in the setting, staff and the people who need care are being cared for are safe, all needs are being met, inclusive practise and diversity is being followed out and that the setting is staying within the law.

They must reflect on legislation so that the polices and procedures are correct and are the correct way of doing things.For example if a health and safety procedure was put in place and was not inline with legislation then this could cause the setting to get in trouble with the law and could cause harm to the person who was in need of health and safety requirements could become harmed. 2. 1. Identify common types of medication. Antibiotics, Antipsychotic and anti depressants 2.

2. List conditions for which each type of medication may be prescribed. 2. 3. Describe changes to an individual’s physical or mental well-being that may indicate an adverse reaction to a medication. . 1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of those involved in prescribing, dispensing and supporting use of medication3. 2. Explain where responsibilities lie in relation to use of ‘over the counter’ remedies and supplements. 4. 1. Describe the routes by which medication can be administered. 4. 2. Describe different forms in which medication may be presented. 4. 3. Describe materials and equipment that can assist in administering medication. 6. 1. Explain the importance of the following principles in the use of medication:
• consent self-medication or active participation
• dignity and privacy
• confidentiality. 6. 2. Explain how risk assessment can be used to promote an individual’s independence in managing medication. 6. 3. Describe how ethical issues that may arise over the use of medication can be addressed. Active participation is a way of working that recognises an individual’s right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible; the individual is regarded as an active partner in their own care or support, rather than a passive recipient.Using medication correctly must ensure that the individual receives:
• the correct medication
• in the correct dose
• by the correct route
• at the correct time
• with agreed support
• with respect for dignity and privacy. Practical difficulties may include:
• lost medication
• missed medication
• spilt medication
• an individual’s decision not to take medication
• difficulty in taking medication in its prescribed form
• wrong medication used
• vomiting after taking medication
• adverse reaction
• discrepancies in records or directions for use.

Essay Example on Support Use Of Medication In Social Care Settings

Every day, patients, families and healthcare professionals navigate ethical and legal issues and decisions. These difficult dilemmas may concern patient autonomy, medical treatments, practices, hospital management and other matters that arise in the healthcare industry. Ethical issues in healthcare can require an immediate response, such as making decisions for patients when they are not able to do so, or a prolonged, carefully considered decision, such as the debate over the right to abortion or physician-assisted death.

The actions taken when considering ethical issues in healthcare clearly distinguish between what is right and wrong, and often, many of the actions taken today can have lasting effects on healthcare in the future. The policies and guidelines set and upheld by healthcare leaders and managers outline, define and enforce ethical practice and action in their organizations. As such, the study of ethics is woven into a great deal of coursework in advanced healthcare administration programs like the University of Texas at Tyler’s online Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Healthcare Management.

There are numerous ethical challenges that clinical leaders, health practitioners and patients face in healthcare, many of which are among the most discussed current issues in the field. Some examples of common medical ethical issues include:

1. Patient Privacy and Confidentiality

The protection of private patient information is one of the most important ethical and legal issues in the field of healthcare. Conversations between a physician and a patient are strictly confidential, as is information about an individual’s medical condition. Specific provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, define exactly what information can be released and to whom.

While health information privacy is clearly defined and regulated, ethical considerations like the sharing of personal health information during the COVID-19 pandemic can complicate matters. Personal health information is widely protected, but information regarding elements like vaccination status, exposure and contact tracing can help public health officials save lives, introducing conflicting ethical and legal concerns.

2. Transmission of Diseases

The COVID-19 pandemic also put a renewed emphasis on the right of healthcare providers to protect themselves from communicable diseases, whether by direct or indirect contact with an infected patient. Ethical and legal questions arise when a patient’s health history is not provided to the medical staff.

The pandemic also forced businesses to walk a fine line of health-related ethical and legal considerations in decision-making, balancing the mitigation of viral spread, employee safety, business continuity and employee rights. When dealing with issues like vaccine mandates, whether in the private sector or public health arena, ethical (and legal) dilemmas abound concerning autonomy, beneficence, maleficence and justice (often considered the four main ethical principles in medical professions).

3. Relationships

Inappropriate relationships between medical practitioners and patients at a healthcare facility are considered strictly unethical for numerous reasons. Romantic or sexual relationships between colleagues can easily become problematic as well. Inappropriate relationships between management and staff are rife with potential for abuse, coercion and sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment and misconduct can be extremely harmful to all involved, including the facility. A healthcare organization’s code of ethics and disciplinary policies must be explicit about defining, prohibiting and holding perpetrators accountable for sexual harassment and misconduct.

4. End-of-Life Issues

Terminally ill patients may have specific wishes and medical directives concerning the way they want their lives to end. Families may struggle with the decision to end life support for a loved one. Healthcare practitioners and clinical leaders need to be prepared to handle end-of-life issues as well as problems encountered in dealing with elderly patients who may not be able to make rational decisions on their own.

Plus, new laws and regulations often cause ethically complex change for healthcare organizations. Using the example of end-of-life issues, some states have legalized the personal right to pursue physician-assisted death in certain circumstances. Yet, some medical professionals may not feel ethically comfortable upholding this medical directive and right of patients. Balancing legal rights, patient choices and conflicting ethical positions can be a challenging aspect of modern healthcare management, to say the least.

Ethical Issues in Healthcare in an Online MBA Program

The rapid growth of the medical industry in the United States has created an increasing demand for skilled clinical leaders who understand the complexity and challenges of health systems, practices and ethical issues.

UT Tyler’s online MBA in Healthcare Management includes general management studies along with focused healthcare management concentration courses, all of which help students explore legal and ethical issues in healthcare. An MBA graduate in healthcare management will be ready to improve patient care from a business and ethical perspective at the departmental or organizational level.

Learn more about the UT Tyler online MBA in Healthcare Management program.

How can ethical issues arise over the use of medication?

Several ethical issues may arise as a result of medication errors: harm to patients, whether to disclose the error, erosion of trust, and impact on quality care. Nurses' appropriate ethical responses to medication errors need to be supported.

What is an ethical issue in medicine?

When it comes to healthcare, ethical issues are a field of applied ethics concerned with the moral decision-making medical staff must apply when making decisions. Moral and ethical views in medicine tend to vary based on the country and culture.

How can we overcome ethical issues in healthcare?

7 Tips for Nurses Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas.
Understand the Uniqueness of the Dilemma. ... .
Refer to the Code of Ethics. ... .
Seek Ethics Education. ... .
Speak Up. ... .
Seek Perspective. ... .
Reach Out to Professional Organizations/Associations. ... .
Seek Counseling..

What are the top 5 ethical issues in healthcare?

5 Ethical Issues in Healthcare.
Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders. ... .
Doctor and Patient Confidentiality. ... .
Malpractice and Negligence. ... .
Access to Care. ... .
Physician-Assisted Suicide..


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